Police Verification for Passport

A lot of visitors to my passport application article have been asking me about the police verification process. Below are the steps that I took to complete my police verification. Some disclaimers:

  1. The verification was done in May 2013 and the process may change in future.
  2. The verification was conducted in Mumbai. Process for other police stations may be completely different. Even within Mumbai each local police station acts independent of the other.
  3. The verification was for a re-issue of passport. For fresh applications, the verification process may be different.

A police constable visited my house within 2 weeks of the receiving the passport. My application was put for post verification. Luckily, it being a Saturday, I was at home. Later I came to know that Mumbai police allows one to track the application status on their website. Police verification will not be initiated unless your file shows up on Mumbai police website. There is no point in visiting your local police station unless the details are updated on Mumbai police website. The local police station will not be of any help. Calling them is also of no use as generally the information that is provided over phone is to visit the local police station for further inquiry. The police will not entertain any documents from you unless a police constable has visited your house and verified the details.

The first step to police verification is a police constable visiting your residence. It is important that you are present personally to sign the verification documents. In case that is not possible, at least make sure that the residence is not locked and there is some family member available to provide all the details to the police constable. The police will also ask some neighbours to sign the verification form. So make sure the neighbours are available. They may or may not be the same references that you gave in the passport application form. No documents are collected by the police. They ask you to come with all documents along with 2 photocopies and 2 passport size photographs.

While the passport website says that you can submit the same set of documents to police that you submitted for your passport verification, it may not work all the time. The police constable who came to my residence wanted me to carry my Ration card, Electricity and Telephone bills (1 year old and current), Voters ID card and whole bunch of other documents even if these documents were not in my name. What he told me is that police verification (unlike passport application) is not a documentary process. What it means is that police should be satisfied about your identity as well as about your residence proof for past 1 year. The documents that you submit add weight to your cause but may not necessarily mean that police will approve your application. The police may make inquiry with your neighbours, building watchmen and others to ascertain whether you are living at the current residence for past 12+ months. Since it is easy to produce a 12 month bank statement with current address, the police does not give it much importance. Here are the list of documents that I submitted for my verification

  1. Old Passport copy
  2. Electricity and Telephone Bills (1 year old and current). Not in my name.
  3. A letter from my building society stating the period of stay in the building.
  4. Ration Card copy
  5. Aadhar Card copy
  6. Voter ID Card
  7. PAN Card
  8. 2 passport size photographs

Statements of Bank account downloaded from Net banking are not accepted by police. Also e-statements of utility bills are also not acceptable.

After a few weeks of submitting the documents, the status on the Mumbai police website will show an Outward Date, which means that the documents have been sent to central office of Mumbai police. If all documents are in order, the verification is updated with the passport office.


  • Sriram

    Hi Manish,

    I have to reissue my passport (expired more than 2.5 years), I am currently working in Bangalore and I am staying in a rented house. My Hometown is in Tamilnadu where I have all the proof of address (Eg. License, Ration card etc). In Bangalore except for Rental agreement & BSNL bill, I don’t have any address proof. I am confused now, where to apply for reissue (from BLR or hometown). My existing Passport was issued fom my Hometown in Tamilnadu. Please advise. Let me know if we need to take this conversation private. I can share my personal email address.

    Thanks in advance


    • manish

      Hi Sriram,

      While I am no expert I think you will have to apply from Bangalore. If you are residing at your current location for less than one year then police verification will happen at all places that you have stayed for past one year. Lease agreement and BSNL bill should be more than enough. You can change address of your savings account to current Bangalore address and submit that as well. Hope that helps.


      • Prithibi Pratibha Gogoi

        Hi Manish
        My police verification is done but I didn’t get the signatures from the neighbor confirming my present address. Somehow I managed to get one, is it mandatory to get two signatures?
        Moreover I am changing my current location. What step should I take in order to get my passport?

      • Param

        The question I have is, my permanent address is in TN while I’m living in bangalore for more than one year. Will police verification happen at both the places?

      • ameer

        hi iam ameer sir i have applied for passort and enqurie has completed enqurie has completed before 1 month and i have tracked my applicaton status and answer is police verification is not clear and your application under regionl passport office so what shoud i have to do

  • Parveen

    Thanks Manish information shared for useful. I need to go renewal passport beginning of next year. It gives me enough time to prepare.

  • Prasad Karkare

    Hi Manish,
    Thank you so much for your efforts to provide guidelines for such critical issues.
    My parents (aged 72 & 65) have applied for re-issue of passport. The address on previous passport & current address where we have been staying for past 4 years are different.
    The passport have been re-issued “post issue-police verification” pending.
    The police are asking for all useless documents like Birth Certificate when they have given their PAN Card & Aadhar Card.
    Also they have given copies of 2 electricity & 2 MTNL bills (current bill & 1 year old also) apart from ration card & bank passbook as address proof.
    Now still they are demanding birth certificate as date of birth proof & the property sale agreement to verify the address.
    That also they want to be Notarized. Now issue with our property documents is that the original Sale Agreement is with the Bank for their loan, hence to get the xerox Notarized without original we will have to pay extra to the Notary.

    I want to know is there any police website link which will specify the exact set of documents required.

    Awaiting yours.

    Many thanks.
    Prasad Karkare

    • manish

      Dear Prasad,

      Birth Certificate for individuals born before 1988 is not compulsory. You can provide school/college leaving certificate and that should be good enough.

      I think the Local Police constable is expecting some money and hence making you run around. He shouldn’t be insisting on Birth certificate at all.

      • Prasad Karkare

        Dear Manish,
        Many thanks for your response.
        Unfortunately my parents were still compelled to make an affidavit on stamp paper and get all their documents notarized by the psycho police officers.

        In India, you cannot reason with the people in system.
        Thanks again for your insights.

        Best regards,

        Prasad Karkare

      • Janaki


        I am also facing the issue with birth certificate, I got birth certificate with in 2 days after registration happened.(I born at 12th march 1991, registered at 15th march 1991 and on birth certificate issued date was 16th march 1991)

        When police came for the verification, he was telling that, according hindu customs it is not possible to get the name on this birth certificate, without completing 15 days from your born.

        He sent not clear report to RPO. Is this really problem for police verification.

        • Janaki

          I am janaki studying 2nd M.Tech. I have applied for normal passport on 16th sep 2014 appointment done successfully.
          Almost 2 months got completed after my document submission, I got police verification issue for my present address, and police verification cleared at my college. i am unable to find the issue for police verification at my present address. I had present at my home at the time of verification and I submitted all documents which I have submitted at passport office, two photos and signed on the application that police bought. police raised an issue on my birth certificate as I mentioned above. Please suggest me what should I do.
          when I visited police station, he telling the same how you got birth certificate with in 4 days and you have to bring your mother birth certificate and re apply for the passport. I don’t know how I got birth certificate with in 4 days . My father bought the certificate and he is illiterate.
          Please suggest me I am getting tension about this issue.

          • sitesh chaudhary

            Actually they were asking about 500 rup ees, you are living in corrupted india. Give them 500 rs and you can get 4 o 5 passports as much you wish.

  • Ansh

    Hi, great article. I am born after 1989. Is birth certificate OK without name for police verification? I am applying for REISSUE of passport.

    • manish

      Best to get a birth certificate in your name before applying. Police will certainly ask for your birth certificate with your name.

      • ravinda

        as passport’s official site says for tatkal(fresh) u need VC(annexure ‘f’) OR 3 out of 14 document, i can’t arrange VC so is it possible to get tatkal without VC because i came to know from different agents and i went once to the passport office they says you should have VC for tatkal.

        • manish

          Hi Ravindra, if it’s a fresh passport then passport authorities may insist on a VC. Best to apply in normal mode. For reissue the VC is waived. Although passport website says 3 out of 14 documents are acceptable, sometimes the PSK may refuse to allow application without VC.

  • Priyanka


    My passport was issued under Tatkal in Jan 2013. The police constable visited my house and took my neighbors signatures and other docs within 2 weeks of the arrival of the passport. I was asked to visit the police station with additional docs- However I couldn’t visit the police station within 20 days.

    Now I am not sure if my police verification was complete or not. When I visited the local police station they said that my documents/file were already sent to the CID/RPO office with a note that personal identification at the police station was not done. They are not sure if the verification is complete as sometimes based on documents already submitted RPO clears it. they cannot accept my documents now as they don’t have my file.

    I havent received any letter from the passport office with regard to police verification status.

    How do I find out of the process is complete. The passport seva kendra does not allow any query without appointment- There is no option for taking appointment online to check for police verification status.

    Look forward to you inputs.

    Thank you
    Priyanka Sharma

    • manish

      You will have to visit the Regional Passport Office to know the status of your police verification. Did the police take your signature, Photographs as well? If not, then most likely your police verification report may be negative and will have to be initiated again. However the only way to know this is to contact the RPO.

      • Priyanka


        Thank you for your prompt response. Would need your inputs –

        My husbands passport was issued from Delhi. He is a post graduate, however his passport has the ECR stamp. In the past we have travelled to countries where this was not an issue.

        Now he is getting a work visa from UAE.

        1. How does one get the ECNR stamp on the existing passport. Seva Kendra website does not have an option to apply for ECNR.

        2. The police verification is not complete on his existing passport. ( issued 7 years back) though he has extensively travelled on his past. Will this effect the ECNR application.

        Thank you

        • manish

          Dear Priyanka,

          ECR stamp is checked when you travel on a work visa to specific countries in the gulf and some other locations. If you visit these countries on tourist or other visas then ECR stamp is not checked and hence no certificate is required from the Immigration.

          While I am not an expert on this subject, I think your husband will have to apply for a passport reissue since the ECR stamp deletion service on the old passport (earlier practice) has been discontinued. His existing passport will get canceled and he will be issued a new passport with 10 year validity. If no other details on the passport have changed then it will be issued as a post verification or no verification passport.

      • Prithviraj

        Hi Manish,

        Can you confirm I just received a sms from the police station stating your police verification is complete.I had submitted all documents.signed the form as well as photographs.Do I still need to visit the RPO to find out the status or sms is a confirmation.Please note its a reissue of passport.Can we find out the ststaus from the website?

        • manish

          Hi Prithvi,
          Mumbai police allows you to track status of police verification through their website. If you reside within Mumbai municipal limits, you will be able to track your verification. If you received a text message stating police verification is complete then you should receive your passport in few weeks. You can check passport status on passport website.

      • Soumi Datta

        Manish, would you know if the RPO hasn’t contacted me yet, my passport has officially been rejected or I can travel? I have to travel within 4 days, and I am in the same soup as Priyanka. I am not sure if i should visit the RPO office, or wait for a response from them.

        thanks in advance!

        • manish

          If you have your passport, you are clear to travel. If police verification has happened by not yet updated on the RPO portal, that is fine. If the status doesn’t change in few weeks, then you should write to RPO to reinitiate police verification. You can do this after your return as well.

  • shubha

    Hi Manish,
    this post comes in the righttime for me. My passport application has come to police verification., pre and normal mode.. they asked me to get adhaar and voter Id. The ones i have is on a diferent address. I am not sure if i can use them since I have asked for the passport at my permanent address. I have only bank statment as the proof of residence there… and my spouses passprot… will elect billand ration card with my spouses name do?


    • manish

      Hi Shubha,

      Take the Aadhar card and voter ID even if the address is different. If your spouse passport mentions your name and the current address, it will act as an additional proof. Don’t forget to carry your marriage certificate, bank statement. Bills in your spouse name will be beneficial provided you also carry other supporting documents which are mentioned above. There is no sure shot way of knowing if these documents are enough. Each police station acts according to its own whims and fancies. So the only way for you to find out is by submitting these documents. Do post back if the verification goes through successfully.

  • Anjana

    Hello manish, great to see you are always answering queries.
    I too applied from Malad seva kendra for my passport on Feb 1, 2013. It’s six months now and still the online status says police verification is pending. I went to the police station and was told that they have not received my file till date and it might be at the CID office.
    So, what should be my next step?
    I have written many times to the help desk but there is no reply.

    • manish

      Hi Anjana,

      Sorry to hear about your trouble. Did you mention the correct police station in the passport form? If not, then the police verification will get delayed however it should not take 6 months. You have two options: 1. Visit Crime branch office and enquire about your file (check status on Mumbai police website first to see if your file has reached Crime Branch)
      2. File an RTI with Regional Passport Office to track the status of your application.

      • Anjana

        Exact two months that i started working on your reply. The CBI office always have one answer, the server is down. Finally I have filed RTI a week back. How long it takes to get sorted?

        • Anjana

          Hi Manish,
          The RTI also was of no help. At the CBI office I am not able to get the file traced. I then wrote my grievance to find out how do I cancel my application and apply fresh through tatkal. But, I have not received any reply to this either.
          Can you guide me how to cancel my previous application and apply afresh?

  • Sayantani

    Hi Manish at first I would like to tell you that I have applied for passport on 14/5/2013,my appointment was on 17/6/2013 and today is 12/8/2013 but still the police verification is not done.What should I do?

    • manish

      Hi Sayantani,
      I would recommend that you immediately get in touch with your local police station with passport file number to know the status. If all else fail, you can always file an RTI. What does the status on passport website say?

      • Aaron

        Dear Manish,
        I have the same issue as Sayantani. I went online to check the Passport status.
        But “Is File Received By SB-II From Passport Office:” and the other columns are all blank. Please guide me what should i do next?

        • manish

          Hi Aaron,

          Thanks for your comment. If your police verification is completed the wait for a few days for the report to be submitted to head office, the status will get updated after that.

          If the police verification has not yet been done then it will happen any day. In case the police doesn’t call you in next few days it is best to visit the police station and enquire.

  • Chandan

    Hi Sir, i have successfully applied my passport on 16/08/13. I am doing job so i want to know that it is compulsory to be there when police will come.? And i have submitted 1 year bank statement as address proof so police will accept it or not? And last question is i have given two references so Is it necessary to be there when police will come, what is the mail role of references?

    • manish

      Hi Chandan,
      Congratulations on successfully submitting your passport application. It is not compulsory to be present at home when the police visits. However make sure there is some family member who can provide necessary documents to the police when they visit your home. References will be called as well and they have to sign some papers. These references can be different from the one you mentioned in the passport. The police will need all the documents that you submitted to PSK along with your photograph. They may ask you to visit the police station at a later date to complete the formalities. Police will accept your bank statement as one of the proof but will definitely ask for more documents ESP Ration card, voter ID and such other documents. It all depends on the local police station officer what documents will satisfy him.

  • jpsampat

    Hi manish i have submitted my passport on 5th aug 2013 and PV was done on 11th august and today on the police website status is showing PSR, what does that mean ?? and

    Is File Received By SB-II From Passport Office:
    Status From Internal Branches: PSR
    Is File Send Back To Regional Passport Office:

    and rest both the status is showing blank, why is it so ??

    • manish

      Hi jp

      While I am not aware of the exact details but the status change is a positive sign. Things are moving at police end. In few days check passport website for application status whether police report is received or not.

        • Johnny

          Frankly, most of the replies on this issue are off the mark. Question is: WHAT IS PSR? Can somebody enlighten us? We need to know this. Neither the passport site, nor police site, nor all the blogs and forums help us. We need to know what is PSR. If someone knows a cop, please ask him/her and get back to us. Please!

    • rachel

      hey sampat,

      even my status shows Status From Internal Branches: PSR dont know what that means need my passport .. did you get your passport yet????

      • Mukesh

        quite thrilled to see Manish making efforts to reply. Others can also reply in the comment. Esp if someone raised a query and then it got resolved then request he or she to say what happened so that ppl know. Eg what is PSR is still aint replied though 3 ppl asked in 2013. If the queries has got his passport then it will help if they post their experiences for others to benefit.

  • prashanth

    hi manish,
    I am from karnataka. In my case police verification is also done, i hava gsc no. for tracking this process. but it is showing as rejected. according to my local police station, they dont have any objections and they have sent my file to higher offices. how can i know the details of rejection.

    • manish

      Hi Prashanth,
      You can file an RTI with Regional Passport Office as well as the District SP office to know the status of your application and the reasons for PV rejection.

    • Nikhil

      Hi Prashanth,

      I applied for passport recently and I completed my police verification yesterday. I am also seeing it as rejected after entering GSC number in police website.
      Can you share your experience with me. Did you get your passport? What you needed to do for it?

        • Anand

          Hi Nikhil, even i have the same case where in sakala it shows pending but in police website ‘Rejected’. pls let me knw what happenned finally with your case

          • srinivasulu

            Hi Nikhil and Anand, please let me know what was happened for both of us. now i see mine is having the same status.

          • srinivasulu

            today i have got status change to Recommended. i think all the Bangalore rural addresses status initially set to REJECTED and based on the police verification it will be updated later.

  • Nitin

    I need some urgent help here, I have applied for re-new of passport which was delivered to me based on police verification at my current address(I am staying for more than 1 year) but now after 6 months I recieved a letter from Passport office asking me to initiate PV (Pre-verification basis) for my permanent address as well, its been more than 1 month since I have initiated that, now PV at my permanent address is complete as well. but still its not showing in passport office..they say PV will go to passport office in my home town and they will upload it….I need to travel urgently next week…anyway I can travel?

    Letter from Passport office says I cannot travel unless my PV is complete….Not sure why even after staying at current address for more than 2 years now..this PV is needed and even if its required., why I am being asked not to travel…??

    anyway I can travel without this PV is complete…its in process?

    • manish

      Hi Nitin,
      Visit your local Regional Passport Office and meet a passport officer. Explain your situation and take their advice. If the letter states that you should not travel until the verification is complete, then I would advice that you follow the instructions rather than risk getting your passport impounded.

  • Rajnikant

    I have applied for my Spouce’s passport on july-2013.
    Police verification has already been done on 02/08/2013. Still the status of on passportindia.gov.in shows “Pending for physical police verification at your respective Thana
    Can you please tell me how much time is required to get passport after police verification?

    I am in urgent need of passport.


    • manish

      Hi, Please check with the local police station if they have forwarded your file to the district headquarters. You can also file an RTI to know the status of your verification report.

  • Chandan

    Hi sir i have a question that i have submitted my application at PSK and POLICE had came to verify address. He told that your address proof is less than 1 year so you have to visite PSK with 1 year address proof.

    But passport website shows “Police Report has been submitted by SP Office, District South West Delhi and passport printing is in progress.” So what is the meant by this message? Is everything is OK?

    • manish

      Dear Chandan,
      Greetings! It is best to contact the Regional Passport Office once you receive your passport and get a copy of the police verification report. You will get more details in the report. Police verification should be done for all addresses where you have stayed in past 12 months. This does not include any places that you visit temporarily for business or pleasure.

  • DS

    Hello Mr. Manish,
    My old passport which is expired had ECR stamp but new one does not have such stamp. When old passport was issued, police verification was done. Even while renewing police verification was done. I had applied for PCC for Canada in 2010 and at that time Passport officer told me that on previous passport police report is not there and it went for police verification. After completing it I had received PCC report and PCC issued stamp on Passport. Since that report is valid for one year only, Canadian embassy had asked for the report again. So I had again applied for PCC in Mumbai. This time also I got the same reply from Passport officer and they have put my application on hold for police report. At local police station in-person verification is done and I have submitted all the required papers to them. After about week I went to police station again and asked them the status. They told me to check register for outward number. There was outward number against my name. So does it mean that my file must have passed from local police station to CID office? How much time does it takes to reach passport office? Also, can’t passport office issue PCC based on police verification report of 2010?

  • rachel

    Hi Manish,

    I wanted to know how many days does the police take to update the pp status on the mumbaipolice website, so the police office came home for verification on 3/9/2013 and i went to the police station with my documents the very next day and submitted whatever they asked me to, please note the verification went smoothly as i have been residing at my current home from past 5 years with my parents so documents and all were not a problem, but today is 17/9/2013 and all fields on the mumbai police website like
    Outward No. Outward Date NR No.
    Is File Received By SB-II From Passport Office:
    Status From Internal Branches:
    Is File Send Back To Regional Passport Office:
    ALL ARE BLANK IT HAS BEEN LIKE 2 WEEKS NOW AND I HAVE NO CLUE WHY NO UPDATE HAS BEEN MADE. could shed some light on maybe why? shud i visit the police station and inquire ???

    • DS

      Hi Rachel, Mine is similar timeline. Mine was also completed on 4th and 5th Sept. I went to local police station 2-3 times after in-person verification but they now says due to Ganesh festival they have been working on extra duty and they will process only after Ganesh Visarjan. At present I have to believe them can’t do anything. Which is your local police station?

    • ganesh

      Hi rachel,
      Mine is same problem, from last 1 months i am getting same status “police report has been submitted by the police station and sent to sp office,distrtic mumbai for review.”

      Do you have any idea “what is this SP office ?”.

  • DS

    Hi Rachel,
    Mine is similar timeline. Mine was also completed on 4th and 5th Sept. I went to local police station 2-3 times after in-person verification but they now says due to Ganesh festival they have been working on extra duty and they will process only after Ganesh Visarjan. At present I have to believe them can’t do anything. Which is your local police station?

    • manish

      Hi Rachel/DS,

      It is best to wait for a few weeks before you approach the police station again. If all else fails, you can file an RTI to know the status of your police verification.

      • rachel

        Hi Manish/ds,

        So i went to the police stattion and the officer told me that he has still not forwarded my passport file to cbi branch because of some internet issues, i am surprised that my fille has been lying at the local oshiwara police station for a month now with all valid documents of my residance and id proofs for absoulutely no valid reason!!!! and then he was like he will give me some outward number on monday that is the 30th sep… i am confused why this is happening shud i bribe him? or shud i file an rti???

        This iis so frusstrating i need my passport asap as my i20 forms are pending in the uni s that i have applied abroad.


  • Mayur

    I live in mumbai studying in Pune .. I applied for passport while I was in mumbai during my vacations .. But the verification police officer called 6 weeks after , till then I had gone back to Pune for studying . As on phone he asked me ‘where are you!?anybody home?’ I said I m studying in Pune ‘he said my papers will b sent back’ and he cuts the phone . This was because my permanent address I have mentioned of mumbai and I have mentioned no temporary address .. Please. Guide me now further what to do !?

    • manish

      Hi Mayur,

      You can wait for the police report to be submitted which would most likely be adverse since you are not staying at the permanent address. Police verification must be done at only these addresses where you have been staying for past 12 months. Once you receive further communication from passport department, depending on whether they impose a penalty, you can pay the fine and regularise your application and resubmit for verification. Other option could be to visit the regional passport office and explain the situation and make changes in the application. Chances are you may have to pay penalty for concealing informations about your address.

  • suma

    hey manish, my police verification was done on september 12.
    the application status says pending for police verification. i have my gre on october 10th. i am super scared! when will the passport be sent home ?

    • manish

      Hi Suma,

      You can visit the police station and explain them the exam urgency. They may expedite your police report submission. Once the report is submitted, the passport is delivered within 10-15 days.

  • Mr J

    Hi, a question here. If police asks for letters from references, can I get letters from people who live in my apartment complex who are not my immediate neighbours? Because I don’t know my immediate neighbours too well.

  • binu k

    I am living in Mumbai and had applied for passport on the 20th of Aug for the whole family members of 4, me my wife and 2 kids. The police came for verification on the 20th of Sept.
    but he carried the documents of 3 not me. The status on police online service shows that the documents have been sent to the local PS with the inward date of 21 Aug. The person who checked the documents of the remaining 3 members said we have not got your papers. what should I do where should I check

  • adash86

    Hi Manish. Police verification at my permanent address has already over today. During verification i was not at home so my parents introduce me. But there required my signature in that case police in-charge written my present address and said she is leaving in present address in state of permanent. Still now my police verification at my present address pending . So in that case what should i do? will it create any problem? Should i contact to the police station where i m leaving now?


    Hye Manish i have two more question for you that as i have given two references in my present address is it necessity of their present during police verification? If i ll be outside during verification than what will happen?

    • manish

      Hi Anjali,
      You need two references to be present at the time of verification. It could be any neighbour and even different from the one mentioned on your passport application. The police will require signatures from you and your references. Police constable may call you before visiting your house. In any case make sure there is someone at home to get the signatures from your references. Later you can visit the police station and complete the formalities.

  • mirchi

    I applied for a Tatkaal passport on 16-Sep-2013…The policeman has been to my place on 29-Sep-2013 and took photocopies of my documents, met and made two of my neighbors fill their details, sign, etc. on his form. Status at passport website is “Passport application under review at RPO” I don’t understand what’s the status with my passport. Should it not have been delivered to me within a week and before the policeman’s visit to my house?

    • manish

      Hi Varun,
      Greetings! What does your passport application receipt says? Post or pre verification ? If it’s pre verification then passport will only be delivered after successful police verification. The verification certificate is mandatory if you are not able to produce 3 out of 16 identity documents prescribed by the passport authority for fresh issue of passport. As for the complain made online, I doubt anyone reads them let alone act on it. You can file an RTI to know the current status of your passport application and the reason for the delay.

      • mirchi

        Hello Manish 🙂 Being Tatkaal mode, Its post-police-verification for me and of course the passport status in my application receipt was “granted” at the time of my leaving the PSK.

        Actually all PSKs under Delhi RPO now require the Verification Certificate (Annex F). 3 out of 16 documents provision in the trash-bin at the moment. They only have this up on the notice board there, not on the website…even if it is there somewhere on their website, I could not see it…I actually made a trip to the PSK in vain, 10 days before and had to return, find and then plead with a govt officer, etc.

        “I doubt anyone reads them let alone act on it” I think you are super right about this 🙂

        Yes, filing an RTI makes a lot of sense…I am just annoyed that even the Tatkaal isn’t a breeze either, Tatkaal passports are supposed to be dispatched within about 3-4 days normally…

        thank you bhai

  • mirchi

    Also, about 10 days before applying for my passport on 16-Sep-2013, I filed a complaint through their website. My complaint was over their not specifying on passportindia.gov.in that for Tatkaal passports, Verification Certificate from govt officer (Annex F) was mandatory now. Only at the PSK was this notice was on display.

    I wonder if they got annoyed by the complaint and decided to delay my passport issuance.

  • mirchi

    hey there Manish…how exactly should I ask about my passport in my RTI query? I mean i don’t want them replying with “Passport application under review at RPO”

    • manish

      Hi Varun,
      Your fear of a silly reply from RPO is not totally invalid. While I am not an RTI expert I have heard that the information officer will discourage you from filing an RTI and get your application expedited. If that still doesn’t get you your passport, you can go ahead and file an RTI.

  • rachel

    Hi Manish,

    PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS THE MEANING OF “Status From Internal Branches:PSR” this is what it says on the police website … dont know what that means 🙁 …. i am really getting worrried coz of these delays.. 🙁

  • Ambar

    Hi Manish, This is a wonderful blog and its really commendable that you have been replying to all the queries till date. I am now starting the process to apply for my wife’s passport from Mumbai. Unfortunately she dosent have any address proof on her name except a HDFC bank account. What I now want to clarify is that will a net banking statement which is stamped on all pages (round seal of bank) be accepted by the passport authorities during verification? Going through your blog you have mentioned that the statement should be on the Bank’s stationary and stamped. Should it be one on HDFC bank’s letter head or a dot matrix printout? What kind of statement would be readily accepted?
    We have been staying at this place for almost 2 years now but all documents (Registered LL agreement, Gas Connection, Mobile Bills) are in my name. Would these documents which are in my name, along with marriage certificate (not issued in Mumbai) add a bit of weight to the application? Your experienced thoughts welcome. Thanks.

    • manish

      Dear Ambar,
      Greetings! Netbanking statement which are stamped by the bank are fine. However to be on safer side it is best to get the statement from the bank itself, dot matrix printout is fine so long as it’s stamped and signed on all pages.

      I would recommend that you get additional address proofs in your wife’s name before applying for her passport reissue. You can update the address on your passport to the current address and add her name in your passport by producing the marriage certificate. Once her name is included in your passport, then copy of your passport along with marriage certificate will act a valid address proof for her. Also her bank statement (with updated address and name) should add further weight to the application. Utility bills in your name will not be accepted at PSK. They have to be in the name of the applicant.

    • mirchi

      Ambar, i can tell you that e-statements downloaded from your net-banking account are good to go if they have the seal and sign from the bank…My mother applied for her passport using such a bank statement as address proof. That the statement should be on the bank’s letter-head is not mandatory at all. For address proof, the only spouse’s address proof that works is the passport itself. You can’t really add weight to her application with those documents of yours. Although those address-proofs will come in real handy at the time of police verification for you to provide the policeman those documents. They like to insist on such address-proofs, doesn’t matter whose name they are in.

  • Meenu

    HI Manish, I am from lucknow, UP, I had applied for passport renewal under Tatkal scheme and I got my passport…The police enquiry started after some days…I had given reference persons name …both the references had agreed for it..now when the police enquiry started one of the references said they cant give the documents……although they said that they would tell whatever asked…but refused the docs….the other reference gave the documents and signed on the police enquiry papers too….what do I do now ?
    Can I get the one of the references changed after I get the passport and if so….then How?
    I am really worried as I have to travel abroad soon…..
    please post a reply soon? Awaiting your response….

    • manish

      Dear Meenu,

      You can change your references anytime. No documents are required from the references. However this changes from city to city. Each police station has its own set of rules. However change in reference should not be a big hassle. Just inform the police about it and get the new reference to sign the papers and submit documents as required.

  • Vaishali

    Hi Manish,
    you have really taken lots of efforts to help all. Thanks a lot 🙂
    I too have some problems regarding reissue of passport. My passport, my PAN have my name before my marriage. the signature on passport and PAN both are different. I would now like to update my passport and PAN card, with my name after after marriage, add my spouse name, change my signature. I would like to know, 1)should I apply under the category of Reissue 2) Do I need to provide any affidavit for change of signature. currently I have a registered marriage certificate.3) What address proof should I provide for the same? I do not have a Aadhar card. Please help me. Would this be a major change ? what do you think would this be a tough task, me already worried 🙁

    • manish

      Dear Vaishali,
      Greetings! Surname change due to marriage is considered a routine affair and no documents except marriage certificate are required. For change in signature, if you want to adopt the signature on your PAN card as the true signature then no affidavit should be required (do check this with passport authorities once though). I would first recommend that you get your PAN card updated with new name. Do not apply for a new pan card but simply apply for change of details. Your existing PAN copy and marriage certificate should be enough to get your name updated in the PAN. With the updated PAN card (note: PAN number remains same) and marriage certificate, get your name and address updated in your bank account. Some banks will do this just with a copy of marriage certificate as well. If your husband’s passport has the updated address, then it can act as an address proof as well. With these set of documents, you can apply for a reissue of passport for change in name, address and adding spouse name. Hope that helps.

  • Meenu

    hi Manish….the PV got completed without hassles….and the references were changed by police without much issue…thanks a lot

  • Rajiv

    HI Manish;
    I am currently working at Kolkata and my residence is from Bihar, i have applied for Passport on 02/09/2013. My present address police verification is done 3 week back, but in passport status its showing Pending for my Pending for my Present address police verification. I have already called to my police verification officer, he told me he has already submitted my file and your file will be verify at your Permanent address. But online passport status shows pending for present address verification.

    One more question, i got a new job in delhi, and i am going to delhi. So is there any process that i will receive my passport at my permanent address (as i will not available at kolkata)
    Please suggest me.

  • Himanshu

    Hi. Manish . I am currently in Guwahati and my residence is Varanasi. I am unable to reached Varanasi for passport verification. Is there is any alternative solution for the police verification ?? If they didnt Verified at Varanasi .

  • Mili

    Hi Manish
    I completed the passport application process successfully .But now I am leaving for bangalore from my hometown Patna for new job and my police verification is pending. My family will be staying at the address mentioned in the passport but i will not be avialble for police verification. What to do please suggest

    • manish

      Hi Milli,
      If you can delay the move until police verification, that would be the best option. However, if the delay is not possible, then you will have to get your address updated in the application. Police verification will be conducted on all addresses that you have stayed in the past 12 months.

  • upesh

    Hi Manish. I am Upesh from palakkad,kerala . I submitted my passport application in District passport cell, palakkad on 9/10/2013 and even after 18 days police verification is not called out. Should I inform the passport cell or police station

    • manish

      Hi Upesh,
      If the status on passport website says “Pending police verification” or something similar, then you should approach your local police station with the passport application receipt copy.

  • Mita

    Hi Manish, I want to apply for passport of my parents who are staying with me for the past 2 years, as they are not keeping well. They don’t have any residence proof of the current place as the house is in my husband’s name.They have a house within 50kms but falls in a different circle, they have all the necessary residence proofs for that house & also bank account. Please advise which address should be given in the passport application form. If I give their present address, i.e., my address they don’t have any documents to submit & if I give permanent address, then don’t stay there, they occasionally visit the place for banking purpose.They can go & meet the police official & be present at the place if they are intimated about the date of visit. Is there any affidavit that can be made for my parents of the present address that will solve the problem, will it require my husband’s sign. My husband is abroad & I too will be moving out soon, I need to make passport of my parents, so that I can take them abroad for treatment. Please advise. Also, I don’t have any proof of the present address wherein my father’s name is mentioned, my passport & ration card is not of present address, I do have my adhar card & driving license of the present address.

    • manish

      Hi Mita,
      Is it possible for your parents to move back to their home before applying for the passport? In order for them to apply for the passport at the new address, they will need documents. For the permanent address you will need two references who can verify that your parents have been living at the address for past 12 months. Also passport is dispatched at the address mentioned in the application so someone must be present to collect it.

  • Laxman

    Hello manish, sign on marriage affadavit that am submitting for passport is little different from the other signs. But in passport office the documents i submit has no sign, so they will not be able to cross check, but the sign on pan card if asked bears diff sign the ones that are on other documents. What should I do. Which sign should be done in passport. Also, please tell the marriage certificate made as per annexure D for my wife can be used my me as marriage proof.

    • manish

      Hi Laxman,

      It is advisable to have the same signature across all your documents. Different signatures on passport and PAN card will create problems for you wherever you submit these documents (visa, employment etc). If you want to change your signature on your PAN card (and your bank account), first get that changed before using the new signature on the passport application. You can get the annexure D made for yourself. However it is recommended that you get a marriage certificate made since you will need to make affidavits each time you want to renew your passport.

      • neeraj uck

        I had an appointment on 14th oct 2016 and now i am waiting for my police verification and i want to do it fast means before 21st so what should i do for that because i am going out of town for 6 to 7 months so plz tell me what should i do for that.
        Thankyou in advance…

  • AK

    Hi Manish,
    I have applied for my parents passport. They did the police verification as mentioned. Its almost more than 10 days but Mumbai Police website is not showing any outward date. Also PSK status shows “Pending for physical police verification at your respective Thana”. Would like to know normally how much time it will take to update on Mumbai police website after verification done at local police ? Also how to file RTI ?

    Thanks & Regards,

    • manish

      Hi AK,
      You may want to follow up with the local police station once. Usually the police report is submitted in 7-10 days. However because of Diwali and other holidays it may be taking a little longer. For RTI, you can find the details on the passport website.

  • jai

    hi I am jai form delhi….Dear manish my status showing that police report has been submitted passport printing is in progress…….. After that how many days i will wait for my passport.? i was applied 25/9/2013
    , then after i went to police station 31/09/2013 ,policeman came to my home 31/9/2013…
    Now 2/11/2013 my status showing that police report has been submitted ,,,,,,, passport printing is in progress…can i receive my passport before 15Nov 2013?????plz tell me

  • jai

    Sorry date was wrong in last comment…. hi I am jai form delhi….Dear manish my status showing that police report has been submitted passport printing is in progress…….. After that how many days i will wait for my passport.? i was applied 25/10/2013 , then after i went to police station 31/09/2013 ,policeman came to my home 31/10/2013… Now 2/11/2013 my status showing that police report has been submitted ,,,,,,, passport printing is in progress…can i receive my passport before 15Nov 2013?????plz tell me

    • manish

      Hi Jai,
      From printing to dispatch can take anywhere from 1 to 15 days depending on how busy your particular RPO is. Once printed, the passport is usually dispatched within few days.

      • jai

        thanks manish……..Now my status showing ” your passport has been printed and you would receive an sms/e-mail once the passport is dispatched “””
        thanx dear

  • Laxman

    Hi manish, thanks for your reply. I don’t want to change my sign on the PAN card. I will do my actual sign on the Passport like in PAN card and bank documents.My only issue is that the marriage affidavit sign got a bit changed, so will my passport get rejected due to this. Do i need to again get a new marriage affidavit made.
    How much time does it take to get a marriage certificate made & what are the documents required. Do i need to go to the registrar office where i got married. It has been many years since i got married.

  • Priya Dubey

    Hi manish

    I have applied for passport two months back.
    I lived in 2 places for the last one year ie. 2 months at old place and currently living here forlast 10 months.

    Police verification was done for the new place where i have been living for 10 months at mira road police station and also for the old place. Although the PV has been completed at the old place Malad police station but they have not yet submitted the report from Malad…..

    I wanted to know what is the process of PV for two places where old place Police station has not submitted the documents???

    The old police station also sends its report to CID where they take three weeks to verify or the local police directly sends it to the passport office????

    Problem is i need to apply for my visa hence m worried 🙁

  • Raisingh

    Hey manish …. I applied my passport 7 days before and police enquiry cleared yesterday …. So when will show my status for take a passport and how many days it will take more …

  • Mani

    Dear Sir,
    My daughter age is 17 years old recently i have done passport renewal for here.Weather the police required. give me ur valuable suggestion pls.

  • mayank

    Hi, My application status says police report not clear, then I went to the RPO, they said that, Your police report is negative(adverse). But, I have cleared all my verification, the police did all it’s verification, but I think the police dint do the verification for the previous address. Is it so? They have asked me to write an application. What will happen? I am residing on my present address for the last 6 months.

  • Vinayagam

    Dear Manish I applied for the passport (Fresh-normal) last week 13.11.13 and now i received a mail and sms regarding my status like below. My present and permanent addresses are same may i know what is the meaning of my status (I confused on where my paasport was is at district SP office or at my respective taluk police station )

    Status: Pending for physical police verification at your respective Thana under SP Office, District Thanjavur. If not done in three weeks contact SP office

  • Mani

    Dear Manish I applied for the passport (Fresh-normal). The Application received date is 03/08/2013. 2 months back itself police verification was done. But i check the passport official site shows “Police Verification has been initiated and a request has been sent to SP Office, District Salem rural. Your passport will be dispatched after ‘Clear’ Police Verification Report receipt. You would receive an e-mail/sms once the passport is dispatched.”. When can i except they dispatch the passport

  • Smith

    Hi Manish,

    Thanks for all the info you have shared.
    My passport reissue status on the passport website says “Pending for physical police verification at xx”
    I am staying in a rented apartment and am working with most of the time traveling to different branches
    and so don’t have any contacts with the neighbours.

    1. Does the police station call you before visiting? What happens if they miss you when they visit, i.e its a working day?
    2. What should I do if a constable visits on non working day as I might not get any signatures from the neighbours. What do I need to provide my address proof?
    I have already submitted company proof as my address proof for the passport application
    3. For Q 2) should I get a society letter showing my stay? (House agreement copy is also not on my name)

  • Ravishankar

    Hi Manish,
    I applied for reissue of passport and submitted all necessary documents including annex B / Identity Certificate as I am a Central Govt Employee, the verification officer told i wont have police verification, still in status its showing as Post Police Verification and I have received email stating that file is sent to the commissioner office and if no police verification is done within 3 weeks get in touch with the local police station.

    My First Status was:
    Police Verification has been initiated on Post PV basis to Commissioner of Police, District Chennai Sub Urban. Printing of your passport is in progress at the Passport office.

    My Current Status is (after 1 day):
    Your Passport has been printed and You would receive an sms/e-mail once the passport is dispatched.


    Ravi (ravi.exe@gmail.com)

  • ravi s/o Tam badur

    Hi Manish i applied my passport (normal) on 20/09/13 and i got sms on 06/10/13 for police verification, and this verification completed on 22/10/13 and also i got sms regarding police verified conformation on 27/10/13 but still i dnt get ma passport,so plz tel me manish how many dayz it wil take to dispatch….ravi from gulbarga

  • Abirami

    Hello sir ,i did my graduate by staying in college hostel and currently i am in my native. .they have entered my college address as previous address and two references from my college. . Will ther be verification in old and new address and whether i should be in person to sign in both places? pls reply

  • prasad


    hello sir
    i received a message police verification in initiated. contact SP office after receving a this message how many days to expect to visit the home

  • Shailaja Jadhav

    Hi Manish,I have applied for fresh passport normal on 13/09/2013,the status shows police verification report not clear and the file is under review at RPO,what does it mean and whom shall I ask,thanx in advance

  • Lalit Desai

    Hi manish! I applied for a 60 page passport! My police verification has been done a month back but the status still says “pending for police verification! What should be the exact problem according to you!

  • Smith

    Hi Manish,

    I have completed my police verification 2 weeks bac and now the status shows ‘Police report has been submitted by xxx and sent to Commissioner of Police xxx city for review’. Do you have any idea how much time it take to get the passport. ..what are the steps after police verification … eg: does it go to commissioner then again local police then passport office then for printing and then post… ?
    I have to travel urgently and need my passport, how can i track other than the passport website

  • Abhishek

    Hi Manish,

    You’ve always been great help in guiding us through Passport application procedure. Need some help again. I completed my application formality at Ghaziabad PSK last week and today two policemen came at my residence for verification. They cross checked all the relevant documents and took my signature along with different documentary proofs with them. However, they did not ask for any of the references/ neighbour’s signature. Though they confirmed the tick against PVR completed. I asked whether I have to visit police station for any other formality. They said “All is done from our end”. Do you think that not taking references signature may cause any trouble or delay in service ?? Please advise.


    • Mr J

      I’m not Manish, but let me answer: PV depends on the city. Here in Bangalore they typically don’t visit home, and therefore in many cases of PV, no references from neighbours are taken. Sometimes they ask a reference on a sheet of paper- no idea what they do with that sheet later though.

      If the cops say all is that, that means all is done. Keep tracking the status though.

  • leena

    Hi manish,

    I have applied for normal passport from nagpur psk…
    My current status is …
    “Your police verification is not clear, and it is under review at regional passport office”
    I m so worried…as I have to travel uk on immediate basis 🙁
    Please tell me what is exact meaning of above status…
    Do I need to visit nagpur psk for more details?

    • manish

      Dear Leena,

      Sorry to hear about your trouble. Did you complete the police verification personally? Best to check with police why they sent the adverse report. They will send such a report only if documents are missing or the person doesn’t stay at the address. Also check with regional passport office whether the report is really adverse or it’s a system issue. In case it’s not a system issue ask for the reason for adverse report and get it sorted. They will resend the file for reverification. There is no point visiting the PSK as it’s just a document collection center.

    • Dhrubajyoti Majumder

      I am from West Bengal and I am staying in Mumbai from last 5 years. I have applied for normal passport from Navi Mumbai psk…

      My current status is …
      “Your police verification is not clear, and it is under review at regional passport office”
      I have visited local Police Station where my physical verification was done and they assured me they had sent a clear verification report to SP office.

      I m so worried…as I am working MNC and passport is mandatory here. Can you please give me your advise?

  • sangeeta

    hi manish i have applied for the passport of my daughter 6 year old its saying”Pending for physical police verification at your respective Thana under SP Office, District Mumbai. ” as status i have been to worli passport center they say its send to police station in our area. i visited police station they say its no there?

    what to do ?

    • manish

      Hi Sangeeta

      The status means that the file has been sent to the local police station. You may want to visit the police station and give the passport file number to the officer concerned. They can retrieve the file from the head office during next visit. Generally all police stations in Mumbai get the passport files from the head quarters. It is quite possible that they missed giving your file to the local police station. If all else fail, you can visit the police HQ and check the status of your application and request them to forward the file to local police station. You can also file an RTI with the police and RPO to check the status of police verification.

  • kapil

    Hi Manish,

    I recieved my passport under tatkal 2 months back, but no police verification call till now from local police station. I personally went to my area police station and met the passport agent but he told me that he has not recieved any letter from PSK for my passport verification, so he cannot check my documents. What should i do now? Will my passport be cancelled if verification is not done within 6 months?

    • manish

      Hi Kapil.

      No the passport will not be canceled. Submit all the documents along with a cover letter via registered post with AD to your local police station. Keep the acknowledgement confirmation as a proof that you informed the police and submitted all documents. You can also write to your regional passport office. The passport is valid until you receive any communication in writing from RPO about surrendering the passport. Most likely your old passport had a clear police report and they didn’t bother to do it again.

  • ashwin

    hi manish , my name is ashwin agarwal , i have applied for the passport in the month of september 2013, i stay in a rented house , i have completed my verification on present adress& as well as permanent address as both verification was in same police station ….. i have complited my verification succesfully , but still the reason shows in passport tracking service ..passport application is at review at regional passport office,,,, so i visisted my passport regional office there they said that u just check with cid branch for u file… so the same day i visisted my cid office branch… there they said that u we have nt received the file from ur local poloce station …. but i have visisted my local police station 3 time …. there the officer says we have sended ur file .. its nt our fault i asked him about the outward no of the file but he is nt ready toi give me …..so now what should i do

  • Sachin Deo

    hi Manish.
    Myself Sachin from Pune.
    My passport status indicating “Police verification is not clear. Passort is at regional office for review.” I am badly needed the passport to fly to austrailia. What should i do.

  • neha mathur

    Hi manish..
    i applied my 2.5 yrs old daughter’s passport on13.12.12. Her police verification was done 2 weeks back but still on site it is showing. “Police verification pending “. Im planning to go to dubai in 1st week of feb..m worried..

  • Nilima

    Hi Manish,

    Myself Nilima. I have applied for normal passport. Though I completed the police verification personally on December 17, 2013 still my current status is … “Your police verification is not clear, and it is under review at regional passport office”. I am so worried. Please suggest shall I go to the PSK for more details or to the Police Station?

  • Sabid Raine

    Hello Sir,
    I apply for passport on 08/jan/2014,

    How much time to take police verification after submitted form,

    Please help me,,,

  • nupur

    I’m from bihar . I hadapplied for passport under normal scheme in patna. Bt I had two address in past one year . One was my present address and other was the address of my college in mumbai where I have graduated fronm . My verification at the present address is over bt mumbai verification is still pending . My file no. Is also not shown in the online status enquory site of mumbai police. What should I do ?does mumbai police show the online t
    status of police verification of different state rpo also

  • Rahul Singh

    Hi Manish i applied for a passport on 5 Nov 2013 and did not get police verification yet today i tracked the status it is showing that “Pending for physical police verification at your respective Thana “.What does mean and how can i get passport .Please Reply .


    hello manish, i have completed passport document verification at Lower parel PSK, but the acknowledge receipt shows ECR status as YES. because in my birth certificate my mother name is Ruby (Nick name) and on my Degree certificate my mother name is noorfatma so due to differ in mother name they not accepted the certificate and now the status is like police verification process has been initiated. please tell me how to Remove ECR before passport dispatches. Something can be done or not?

  • Rajni

    Hi, Manish. I applied for fresh passport in hyderabad under normal scheme on 22nd January 2014 and i live my current address since August 2012 means one and a half year.
    On 27th January 2014 a police personal came for police verification completed all formalities and said that police verification will also be done in home town permanent address. is it necessary??
    Any idea after how many days the application status will be updated from the day of police verification.

  • Prashant

    Hi Manish, I have applied for the passport previously in 2007 and file is now closed.In that file my police verification is adverse.Now I have applied for the fresh passport.So my question is, will RPO cross check my police verification of present passport file with previous passport file? … Its urgent

  • krishna bajaj

    hi, My name is Krishna . I have applied for passport online and after all the Verification done in Bhopal. At the time of Police verification I was not there at home and police officer returned my application file
    Please advise me what to do

  • k john

    Currently I reside in another city(bangalore), I belong to kerala and my passport has old kerala address, at my new residence I have been residing over a year.I have address proof such as gas connection, bank passbook etc in my new address.now my passport is going to expire in another one year and I want to renew in tatkal scheme.is it possible as there is a change of address ? Is police verification done in new address as well as old one since I’m residing in my new address for more than a year ? Please advice.

  • kalpna

    Hi Guys, I just had an appointment at passport seva kendra for reissuing of my passport. I took all the documents required. They did not accept my registered rent agreement(for last 2 years) and asked me to bring a Noc letter from owner. They have asked me to bring a passbook from some nationalised bank (which i dont have)and a form called Annexure E if i want to use my maiden name in the passport. Why is it so difficult to make a passport for people not owning a house is this country.

  • Chirag


    I have filed passport before 3 months and police verification also done before 2 month. But in site its showing “Police Verification Report is not clear and application is under review at Regional Passport Office.” So i visited RPO before 15 days after …and in nxt day i got SMS that “Your police report has been submitted to RPO” .. when i visited RPO they submitted my passport acknowledgement receipt and said u will get passport in 10-15 days …Now its two week yet not got any update Even no any status changes at site …

    Can u help me to handle this situation.

  • ashutosh varde

    hello manish, my name is ashutosh and i am from pune. I am a student and i applied for passport from pune.My police verification report is adverse it seems and no one is able to acknowledge me the reason behind this but one of the reson told my police people is that my stay here in pune is less than 18 months and thus it has been send adverse.Is there any kind of rule that a persons has to stay for minimum 18 months to a particular place and then only he or she can apply for passport.Brother please revert back to me.Thanking u .

    • manish

      Hi Ashutosh,
      Sorry to hear about your situation. There is no such rule of 18 months. File an RTI with RPO and police to get the details if the police report.

      • ashutosh varde

        Thank u so much manish….i went to RPO and met the passport officer ….my passport is on its way for dispatch.
        thanks a ton.


    Hi manish I Apply Fresh Passport in bangalore as I am staying less then 1 year here so I given past 5 year address as my institute in Tamilnadu . Now In bangalore I am working with a company so I have aadhar card and bank passbook with my company address printed on both . so i given my company address on passport but I am not staying in company 24 hours only on duty timing i am staying there rest i am staying accommodation provided by them near by the company so If police people come for verification to Company and I am not there then will they call me and will it be enough to appear to company when they call me. How about police verification will it we done both address current and previous as well .

  • Althaf

    Dear Manish.
    I have applied for renewal of my passport on 17/01/2014 and police verification Was done on 22/01/2014. On 27/01/2014 I received a message on my mobile “ Police has submitted clear report for your current address.” and the status of the passport online changed to “Police Verification Report for your passport application is under review at Regional Passport Office. You would receive an sms/e-mail once the passport is dispatched.”
    Science last 10 days the online status is same. On 6/02/2014 I communicated with Commissioner office to know what exactly the status weather they have uploaded or not. They told on 27/01/2014 only they uploaded all the document and the status of the report is clear, and also they told even RPO also scanned all my documents in RPO office on 29/01/2014.

    Please advice do I need to wait for completion of 45 days as per passport process time, or do I need to communicate with Passport seva Kendra (PSK)

  • Mukul

    Hi Manish,
    I have applied for a fresh passport in month of April 2013 and i stay on a rented flat till now i have not received my passport.I also visited RPO Mumbai and met the granting officer she said to give details for permanent address which was not filled up earlier. so i filled it up with giving the address in PP Form,Since the status is the same As i am also keeping a track on my status everyday and now on the website i get a column saying your passport is under review at regional passport office and also a SCN notice is been initiated (Show cause Notice) to my record on 17-01-2014 and as of now i have also not received the SCN letter from RPO. Kindly please tell me what should i do in such situation.Should i visit the RPO again and find it what’s going on,waiting for your reply as soon as possible.


  • althafk786Althaf

    Dear Manish.
    I have applied for renewal of my passport on 17/01/2014 and police verification Was done on 22/01/2014. On 27/01/2014 I received a message on my mobile “ Police has submitted clear report for your current address.” and the status of the passport online changed to “Police Verification Report for your passport application is under review at Regional Passport Office. You would receive an sms/e-mail once the passport is dispatched.”
    Science last 10 days the online status is same. On 6/02/2014 I communicated with Commissioner Office to know what exactly the status weather they have uploaded or not. They told on 27/01/2014 only they uploaded all the document and the status of the report is clear, and also they told even RPO also scanned all my documents in RPO office on 29/01/2014
    Please advice do I need to wait for completion of 45 days as per passport process time, or do I need to communicate with Passport seva Kendra (PSK)

    Thank you.

  • Maqsood

    Hi Manish, As I got Passport through Takkal in chennai within three days which my home town and police verification has came after 2 weeks unfortunately i was not there because i working at mumbai and two days before i recieved post from Rpo that negative police verification thus passport holder not present in residence and worked at mumbai. As now iam planning to srilanka next week .Can i able travel ? and what should i do now please advise

    • manish

      Hi Maqsood. Since you were staying in Mumbai you should have mentioned the Mumbai address. It is best to get in touch with the RPO and understand the paper work required. You will mostly likely be charged a penalty of 5000/- for hiding material information in your application and asked to provide Mumbai address. If they don’t ask for passport surrender then you can visit srilanka.

      • susheel kumar


        Hi manish I Apply Fresh Passport in bangalore as I am staying less then 1 year here so I given past 5 year address as my institute in Tamilnadu . Now In bangalore I am working with a company so I have aadhar card and bank passbook with my company address printed on both . so i given my company address on passport but I am not staying in company 24 hours only on duty timing i am staying there rest i am staying accommodation provided by them near by the company so If police people come for verification to Company and I am not there then will they call me and will it be enough to appear to company when they call me.


    Hi manish I applied a Fresh Passport from Bangalore . I am staying less then one Year here and I given my company address in application , so is there any issue when police visit my company and in case i am not there . I am staying near to company provided accommodation but in application I given my company address. Is that OK if i present when police call me to come to company.


    Hi manish I applied a Fresh Passport from Bangalore . I am staying less then one Year here and I given my company address in application , so is there any issue when police visit my company and in case i am not there . I am staying near to company provided accommodation but in aplication I given my company address. Is that OK if i present when police call me to come to company.


    Hi manish I Apply Fresh Passport in bangalore as I am staying less then 1 year here so I given past 5 year address as my institute in Tamilnadu . Now In bangalore I am working with a company so I have aadhar card and bank passbook with my company address printed on both . so i given my company address on passport but I am not staying in company 24 hours only on duty timing i am staying there rest i am staying accommodation provided by them near by the company so If police people come for verification to Company and I am not there then will they call me and will it be enough to appear to company when they call me. How about police verification will it we done both address current and previous as well

  • Bilal

    The reference given in passport application form were not available during the verification done by police..out of 2 … only one reference is available..
    i m stuck… is there any way.. or a process by which i can change the reference… or i have to take the appointmnt …and wait for everything again…
    plz help me out

    • manish

      Hi Bilal. You can change the reference during verification. So long as the police is convinced about the identity of your reference, they don’t bother if it’s a different reference in the passport application.

  • Karthi


    I applied for renewal of passport in tatkal and got the passport as well.After that police came to home for verification but we missed.we got letter from RPO saying to submit details in office.Please let me know the process to solve this issue and how long will it take…. Will they retake the passport? when they return? will it be new one or same passport will be return…? how long they take to return the passport?

    • manish

      Hi Karthi,
      Sorry to hear about your situation. It’s best to get in touch with RPO and understand the procedure. If they have asked for passport surrender then you should comply immediately. If the letter does not ask for surrender of passport then you can continue to hold the passport while replying to RPO. Most likely the same passport will be handed back to you once the paper work is completed. However it’s best to check with RPO directly.


        Hi manish I applied a Fresh Passport from Bangalore . I am staying less then one Year here and I given my company address in application , so is there any issue when police visit my company and in case i am not there . I am staying near to company provided accommodation but in aplication I given my company address. Is that OK if i present when police call me to come to company

        • manish

          Hi Susheel, if you are currently staying at the address mentioned in your application and have documentary proof + references to back it up! then you should be fine.


        what is this manish reply me something man .

        Hi manish I applied a Fresh Passport from Bangalore . I am staying less then one Year here and I given my company address in application , so is there any issue when police visit my company and in case i am not there . I am staying near to company provided accommodation but in aplication I given my company address. Is that OK if i present when police call me to come to company


    Hi manish I applied a Fresh Passport from Bangalore . I am staying less then one Year here and I given my company address in application , so is there any issue when police visit my company and in case i am not there . I am staying near to company provided accommodation but in aplication I given my company address. Is that OK if i present when police call me to come to company

  • Dr. Ganesh

    Hi Manish

    When I applied for my passport on Jan 6 I had not yet completed one year of residency at present address. But now during submission of my documents I would have completed exactly 1 year of residency at current address. Can I change the application form at the PSK at the time of submission of documents and provide proof of only the present residence. Awaiting your reply


    • Mr J

      In this case, you must prove your residency at current address since last 1 year. It may be unlikely as it is hard to obtain address proof immediately from shifting.

  • Bilal

    Hi Manish ,
    Verification is done by LIU and police people…
    its now two weeks when the verification and reference letter has been signed… but still on the passport seva website the status is still appearing as “waiting for police verification”

    is it normal or am i suppose to do something for that ??

      • JAYESH

        Hi Manish , Verification is done by LIU and police people… its now more than two weeks when the verification and reference letter has been signed… but still on the passport seva website the status is still appearing as “waiting for police verification” is it normal or am i suppose to do something for that ??

  • nihar

    Hi Manish I applied for Reissue of Passport from Kolkata in Tatkal scheme with address change.Surprise to know that even if it is TATKAL scheme they had send my category to pre- police verification because there is difference between photo image before 10 year and now .Police officer still says I am waiting for your application after 12 days of apply.With in how many days i should get my passport

    • manish

      Hi Nihar, the granting officer may have converted your application into a normal category due to change in appearance. Tatkal applications are always post verification.

  • Zakir

    Hi Manish,
    I had applied for new passport for my mom and Dad.Local police told to visit cid office.
    Please provide me cid/cbi office address for passport

  • Bilal

    Hi Manish,
    Status on the passport seva website is not yet updated. However its been more than 3 weeks since the verification by Police and LIU is been done.
    what should i do ? is it normal or am i suppose to contact somewhere ?
    Please help me out !

  • Nitin

    hi Manish, i given two refferences for on passport application but now i came to know that they dont have any residence proof… what should i do now?

    note – they have pan card and other photo ID from their home town… and m from Mumbai

  • Raj M

    Hi Manish,
    Greetings! I am applying for renewal of my passport. My first passport has indian address which is my permanent address, My second has a address from Toronto where I was a student. I am applying do renewal because my current passport with toronto address is going to expire. I have been in India since June 2013 and I reside at the same Indian address in my first passport and it’s my permanent address.

    Shall I wait till June 2014 to complete for my one year stay in India ?
    Do I need a police clearance certificate from toronto?
    I won’t be able to provide a address proof in toronto as I left from that address before a long time.
    How things will work, I initially asked them to put my permanent indian address in my second passport but the toronto indian high commission did not do it and said it won’t be a problem. Now after reading all these reviews I am kind of worried. Any Advice will be appreciated. Thank you.

  • satyashree

    Hi manish ,thank you first
    i am satyashree from mumbai i want to apply passport but the i am transgender .can u please help me out the how to apply the passport application in online and i want to know the all process and main thing is in online application in sex coloum only to field male and female but the i am a other how to apply and if i can apply the direct go to passport office and take apponitment and how to make the payment .
    i have all document with me
    list is
    1) leaving Certificate
    2) Name change
    3) voting card
    4) aadhar card
    5) pan card
    6) Bank statement
    and if any possibable to apply tatkal
    can u please help me out

  • Dhamuz

    Hi Manish, My Mother has a Passport in which in Police Verification Mode:Post Verification is written and in My Brothers passport in Police Verification Mode:Pre Verification is written. So what does this Post And Pre-Verification means???
    Plz Send this messege in my E-Mail Fast.

  • Mukul

    Hi manish
    I applied for passport on 06-04-3013 & previous address report from cid is clear and now I have filled a PP form as I shifted to new address and currently my residence period at new address is of 9 months.Also I checked at rpo the granting officer says they have not got the current address report.so I would like to know will there be any problem in pv if I have reside at new address for less than a year.pls reply soon


    • manish

      Hi Mukul.
      Greetings! If I understand your question correctly, you were issued a passport in April 2013 and then you changed your residence and want to get a new passport with updated address. It is not recommended to apply for a new passport so soon just to change the address. Passport is not an address proof but a travel document. Even after you change your residence, the passport is still valid for travel. If you still wish to get a new passport, I would recommend that you wait for another 3 months so as to complete 1 year at current address before applying for the passport.

      • Mukul

        Hi Manish
        Thanks for the quik reply.i would like to inform you I have applied for fresh passport on 06-04-2013 and I got shifted to new address after the verification.hence my report gone adverse.after that I filled a pp form for new address verification and now I have been residing at the new address for 9 months.so I would like to know what will be the scenario.

  • Pratik Mishra

    Hi manish,

    I am staying in pune since 1 and half year. i am working in a private company.
    i am living here in a rented house with agreement for 11 months. I have been living in this apartment since 4 months. before that i was living in another apartment for 7 months in pune itself.
    -House agreement of both the places i lived AND electric bills of current place i am living .
    – Birth certificate(Without Name) from a maternity hospital AND Certificate of Age and Domicile from executive Magistrate as a birth proof.

    am I good with the necessary documents i need to get a clean clear verification without hassle at PSK ?

    PLEASE HELP my appointment date is 15th of this month.


    • manish

      Hi Pratik,
      Greetings! Since you have been staying at current address for 7 months only, police verification will be conducted at both the addresses in Pune. House Rent agreement (registered) is not listed as an acceptable address proof by Passport authorities. However you may use this agreement to get your address updated in your bank account (nationalised banks only) and take 1 year bank statement with updated address as an address proof. If you have a postpaid mobile connection, landline connection, gas or other utility bills in your name for the present address you can take then along as well. You will need such proof for your old address as well. Since you have not mentioned whether this is a fresh passport or a reissue and whether you have applied under tatkal, so can’t comment if you will need additional documents. However PAN card (ID proof), bank statement/utility bills/Aadhar card/Ration card (Address Proof), Graduation Certificate (ECNR), and Birth certificate (DOB) should be enough for granting of passport. You can use the document adviser tool on passport website for complete list of documents.

  • Imran

    Hi Mainsh,


    Appreciate all your efforts by guiding the the individuals and your quick responses.

    I just had a small query, my status tracker is updated as “Police Report has been submitted by SP Office, District Mumbai and passport printing is in progress” on 9th April 2014 and has received two message 1st – Police has submitted clear report for your Current Address, 2nd – Passport Printing initiated for your file No. – You will receive SMS once your passport is printed. How many day will it take for printing and Dispatch.

    Looking forward to receive updates

    Many Thanks,

    • manish

      Hi Imran,
      It can take 7-14 days for the passport to get printed and dispatched. The status on the website will update once the passport is printed and when it’s dispatched.

      • Imran

        Hi Manish,

        Passport has printed message received how much time does it take for dispatch.

        Also if I want to check the printed passport online how can I do that.

        • manish

          Hi Imran, there is no fixed timeline published by passport authorities. It usually takes few days for passport to be dispatched once it’s printed. You can check it one you receive it. Not online.

  • Piyush

    Hi Manish,

    I got my passport renewed. The police verification mode was post verification. Constable cam eto my home and provided me the list of documents I should carry to police station. I visited police station 3-4 times and finally got all the documents. Officer asked me to submit just one copy of my new passport and asked me to leave. I was so happy that he did not asked any bribe. I said thanks and went home.
    After a week I got a message that police sent adverse verification for my current address. I visited the officer and he said ur address verification was optional and I did not do it because ur passport is already with you (he lied.)

    I digged up the records and found that he mentioned that Applicant was not available.

    What should I do ? What will be the conscquences if I do nothing?

    • manish

      Hi Piyush,
      You can escalate the matter to senior officials at the police station or police commissioner’s office. Make sure to give a complain in writing and take an acknowledgment. State all the facts in the letter. This will help you in future. Most likely the police will not take any action against the officer. To put more pressure on police you can file an RTI application. If they submitted adverse report, you will receive a notice from passport office for surrender of your passport and they may even impose a penalty. It is best to visit the Regional Passport Office and check the status of your police verification and if it indeed is sent as adverse, then ask for re-verification. RPO will ask you to fill up a form and ask for few documents (ID, Address Proof, Photos etc) and then re-initiate your police verification. After a few days you can visit the CID office and collect your verification papers and take them to your local police station for completion of the police verification. Of course visiting CID office is optional as they are supposed to send the papers to local police station directly but doing this yourself will expedite the process.

  • Bishu Kumar Dey

    HI MANISH, thanks for good forum , can i apply reissue passport and pcc at same time , let me tell you my passport will be expire next 3rd march , 2015 so i have pan card , voter card , adhar card , bank statement and foreigner spouse neme endorsement in the passport ,relationship certificate from Indian embassy and marriage certificate from temple …..what are the documents needed for this procedure .how long take time for this tatkal
    ..i,m egarly waiting for ur reply

    • manish

      Hi Bishu, thanks for your comments. I am unaware of PCC application procedure. Hence can’t advice on the same. For tatkal passport, you can check the document advisor tool on passport website for accurate list of document required for your specific case.

  • Gurinder Kaur

    Hello Manish,

    I am married (2 yrs back) and my husband is in Saudi Arabia and I am still living with my mother (parents) in India. Few days back, I have applied for a re-issuing of my passport (because I have added my spouse name) and address is same of my mother (parents). My mother give my Affidavit for the same that I am living with her because my husband is abroad.

    I got my passport but the problem is that a police man required my husband’s address proof of India (of my parents address because I am living with my mother) please advice.

    • manish

      Hi Gurinder,
      The affidavit is the proof enough that you are staying with your mother. Your husband’s address proof is not required. You can submit your 1 year bank statement as additional proof.

      • Gurinder Kaur

        Hello Manish,
        Thanks for guidance. I have given all the proof which you have said above but still police gives adverse report to Passport office. Now want can I do, please advice.

  • troy

    Hi Manish,

    I have a couple of questions for you,

    1.Who provides the positive/clear PVR,the thana constable or the commissioner’s office and what is the role of the commissioner’s office in the process?

    2.My status on the passportindia.gov.in site says : Police report has been submitted by Police Station, Pune City and sent to Commissioner of Police, District Pune City for review.I visited the commissioner’s office and they said that they are waiting for the physical report/courier[tapal] to be sent from the thana.

    3.I asked the policeman on the counter at the commissioner’s office whether my PVR was positive/clear,he said yes though not very convincingly,does he have any reason to lie?.

    I’m worried cause its been 1 month since the police verification and my parents who had applied along with have already received their passports and I have not and ill be needing it soon to appear for the gre.

    Any help/advice you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

    • manish

      Hi Troy,
      1. Both local police and the Special Branch at commissioner’s office provides the clearance.
      2. Check with local police and inform them about urgency and ask for advice on how to proceed.
      3. I can’t say if he has a reason to lie. But take the response at face value and pursue it with local police once.
      Each case is different and hence you should not compare them. But I would recommend visiting local police station and informing them about the updates and checking the status of the courier.

    • Rahul l

      I troy I am facing the same issue. comm to review application. i really dont have a clue when this status would change, could you knowledge transfer to me about ur experience.

  • Bikash Shaw

    Hi Manish,

    I am Bikash Shaw from Kolkata staying in pune for the last 3 years. I have few queries as given below:-

    1: My permanent address is Kolkata where i do not stay now. Will verification will be done there in kolkata, what if they says to verification officer that he no more stays here in kolkata.

    2: Cuttentlt staying in pune for the last 3 years, changed 2 flats with different address, At current address i am staying for the last 8 months, will there any problem for verification

    3: I worked in MNC company and stays alone in rented flat, what will happen if police comes for verification and doesn’t find me at home, will there be any issue, but my owner stays beside my flat.

    4: For pune address proof I have have 1 year Bank Of Maharashtra statement, rent agreement, owners light bill. Is any other document required for pune address proof.

    • manish

      Hi Bikash,
      Police verification is conducted at all addresses where you have stayed in last 12 months. I would recommend that you wait for 4-5 months before getting your passport reissue (if possible). Otherwise police verification will be conducted at both your addresses of Pune. Kolkata address will not be included in police verification since you haven’t stayed in kolkata in last 12 months. Police may call you on your cell phone if they don’t find you at your rent flat. It is also recommended that you visit the local police station once a week after submitting your passport application at PSK and get the mobile number of police officer who will visit your flat. Bank statement from approved banks is accepted as an address proof. Bank of Maharashtra is listed in the approved bank list. Rent agreement along with owners light bills should be fine. If you have any utility bills in your name, that will be good for police verification.

  • Venkat Prasad

    Hi Manish,

    I am from Mumbai, Malad. I had applied for a reissue for passport in tatkaal process since it was expiring next year and also i had to update my Wife’s name. However the earlier passport that i had was issued in Hyderabad and am in mumbai from past few years.

    My Passport was granted with police verification mode in Tatkaal scheme and i have received a new passport too in 4 working days 21/04/2014. A police constable reached to my residence a week later and got some documents signed and 2 neighbour reference signatures as well. He advised me to visit the police station within 2 days with all documents, which i did. it has been 2 days so far.

    Now am not sure how many days it will take to get this whole process to get over. I have checked the police wesite which has only inward date entry but all others are empty till now.

    I have to submit my passport my Canadian visa processing next week. Is it true that i can proceed with visa formalities like this or should i have to wait for the PV to get over. I have applied my passport through tatkaal for the same reason. while my passport is granted this PV is killing me with no time surity.

    I have read your blog and realized u have gone through the similar process. How long did it take for ur pv completion??

    please advise

    • manish

      Hi Venkat,
      There is no fixed timeline. It can take between 4-8 weeks for the PV report to be submitted to RPO. However you can use your passport in the meantime.

      • Mukul

        Hi Manish

        l recently checked my status online, its stating police report has been submitted passport printing is in process.can you tell me how much time more to get the passport.

      • Venkat Prasad

        Hi Manish,

        thanks for the reply, but i believe canadian visa process time is about 2 weeks from the applied date. If the PV takes more than that or doesn’t happen in mean time, wouldn’t it be an issue for the visa stamping process.

        • manish

          Hi Venkat,
          PV is independent of the visa processing. Each has no bearing on the other. Your passport is good for travel. You can fly out of the country today!

  • deepu

    hi manish
    i have applied under tatkal scheme bt when i submitted my file at PSK it says Application status is on Hold now i checked the status it shows pending physical police verification ..Ineed pasport urgently what can i do please let me know

  • priyanka

    Hi Manish,
    I want to know the date of verification done by police for passport related ..is there any way to find out exact date ..please let me know.

  • GG

    Hey Manish

    I had applied for passport Physical verification by Police is done. But I had entered my presnt temporary address in the permanent address column to. So it got rejected during CID verification. I got an outward number frm the police station and they told me to visit Worli passport office. Do I need to book an appointment before going>??

    • amandeep singh

      Hi manish
      I was reissued a passport recently on post pv basis…..in police verification it was found that a case is pending against me of which I was unaware……coz 4 years ago I got into a mess and somehow I got rid of it through some police approach but I do not have any compromise proof (as compromise was not done). I was just conveyed that u pay for it now and forget about your case.
      But now passport verification officer either wants a proof of compromise (which I don’t have) or he will take an action.

      What kind of action it can be?
      Will my passport get cancelled/revoked/impounded?
      What will happen to my current visas?
      If it is not cancelled, can I travel??

      • manish

        Hi Amandeep,
        Sorry to hear about your situation. It is best to get in touch with a lawyer who specializes in such matters and take professional advice.

  • sanam

    Hi Manish,
    I applied for my passport from Ghaziabad as a student. I actually am from west bengal. Although, police verification at my current residential address has been done and the documents have been sent to Regional Passport Office, no police verification till this date has been done at my permanent address. My online passport status shows “Police Verification Report is not clear and application is under review at Regional Passport Office.”
    I made an inquiry at Ghaziabad and they told me that police verification report from your home town is yet not submitted. Then, I enquire at my permanent address police station and they say we have not received any document for your verification from Ghaziabad passport office. Who should I believe and what should I do now??
    Plz help!

  • md faisal kamal

    dear manish

    i have got my passport on 20/10/13. again i need a pcc for kuwait,so i apply online for the pcc on 18/05/14.and got appointment on 28/05/14.but on 20/05/14 in my passport seva account a show cause notice displayed which shows “PVR REVIEW”.but i went to passport office on 28/05/4 for the pcc,and i got pcc..and on 30/05/14 i got a show cause notice letter to my home address where it say adverse police verification against you.if so then why they issued me police clearance certificate on 28/05/14

  • Viney Yadav


    My police verification was done two weeks ago and i have shown the Adhar Card, LIC copy or the bank statement and the mobile bill etc to the police people. but they required the Lease/rent agreement for the verification that i was not made that time. But as per passport guidlines any one is required for the prove of address. Now the application is on under review. I visited the RPO thane, Mumbai, they said i need to submit the affidevit fo back dated prove and current rent agreement. I want to know is it right and also is there any penalty lying for the police verification was not clear? what should i do? Kindly guide me asap?


    Viney Yadav

    • manish

      Hi Viney,
      Sorry to hear about your situation. It is best to get the rent agreement made in current date and an affidavit stating your details and the date from which you are staying at your current address. Rent receipts can also be produced. While Aadhar card, bank statement etc are enough to get the passport application processed, but police still insists on ration cards, rent agreements etc. If you are staying on rent, police may insist on seeing the rent agreement.

  • Param

    Hi All, The question I have is, my permanent address is in TN while I’m living in bangalore for more than one year. Will police verification happen at both the places?

    • manish

      Hi Param,
      Greetings! You should apply for the passport from the place where you are currently resident (in your case: Bangalore). Mention the permanent address of TN in the application form though.

      • Param

        Thanks Manish. But do they go for verification again at both the places? They had verified the permanent address during 2005. Now will they verify it again for reissue? If yes, its a big headache. I know how much I suffered to move papers across districts and how much bribe i spent on it at both the places.

  • Mayank

    Hi ,I have submitted my application successfully for “RENEWAL” of my passport.Application submitted date is :: 20 May 2014.
    Also police verification is completed.
    Please find the status of application as below on 04 June 2014::
    Police Verification has been initiated on Post PV basis to SP Office, District Bhopal and action for passport printing is initiated, to be followed by lamination, signing, quality check and dispatch.
    Could you please let me know how much time it going to take for renewal.
    Or any sugession or way by which I can get it faster.

  • abhishek pomani

    Hi, i have submitted my application form with present address as hostel in pune and permanent address as of miraj maharashtra. I have completed my 10 th from miraj. 12 from fergusson college pune.and i am doing bcon now….i have bank statement for more than one year with address of hostel in pune….i would like to know what documents i can submit…..also can 10th marksheet can be used against 10 passing certificate

    • manish

      Hi Abhishek
      For list of acceptable documents, I would recommend that you use the document advisor tool on the passport website itself. It gives a very comprehensive list of documents and annexures that are required for your specific case.

  • azmina panjabi

    hi Manish,

    My passport status shows ( Police Report has been submitted by Commissioner of Police, District Pune City and action for passport printing is initiated, to be followed by lamination, signing, quality check and dispatch.) since a week now ………. pls can u let me knw if passport will be printed n how many days approx will it take for it to come home.

  • Abhishek

    Hi manish,
    My name is Abhishek, Just i applied for passport and my previous (Delhi) address police verification is done , but i do not receive any confirmation sms or call from PSK or police office..please help me ,, what i do??

  • Raguram

    hi manish,
    last week i’ve done my appointment in PSK. as i’ve recently completed my postgraduation in a city other than my home town, they asked my address in city i resided for the past two years. i gave them the address in the city i studied so that police verification will be done there also. now the problem is that the address i gave got a mistake by missing two letters in the street name. so the police man in that station called me and asked to correct the mistake by revisiting psk again immediately for verification to be done. so my doubt is whether it is possible to change that address by revisiting psk again and if so what would they ask me for correcting that mistake as i have no proof in documentation for my stay there,

    • manish

      Hi Raguram, best to visit the PSK or RPO and check if they will allow correction or ask you to fill another application. Whatever address you mention, you should have adequate documents to back up the claim.

  • n.balasubramanian

    My grand son’s passport renewal police verification failed. What happened was:
    Police asked us to visit the Karur (T.N.) town police station. We went there.
    Police Officer: “Show me the ration card.”
    Myself: ” We do not have any ration card since we lived outside India for long.”
    Police officer: “No ration card!Then no passport.”
    Myself:”Sir, we informed about this in the passport office in Tiruchi. But still they accepted the application. If they are not aware please write it and I will go back to them.”
    Police officer: “You have Adhar card. Let me see. Oh there you are, the house number not matching. So no passport for your grand son. I will complete the report right now.”
    Myself:”Sir, that is the new door number, although adhar card people used it, still post man does not know.It is our own house. We live here continuously, after we returned from abroad. His mother’s (ie my daughter’s) was renewed and received OK at this address. My passport and my wife’s passport also have the same door number.”
    But for all this, he turned a deaf ear. He took signature of my son and completed his remark. After 15 days Passport office asked us check with SP office karur. The staff at SP office spoke to us very nicely. He even chatted with my grand son about his plans to visit Malaysia for Karathe. He searched and found the report. he said it was received on that day only and he will do the update and we will receive the passport in a week’s time. But we asked him to check the report. Then he found it was not good. Address verification failed. We requested him to arrange to verify again and you can find all the facts OK on our side. But he said the local authority has reported and he can not do anything except to forward it. No further investigation.
    We are stuck. Should we go the passport office with all our passports and recent letters received through post office and house tax receipts? will the passport office help? Will the redo the verification. We can even take a photograph on the wall showing both the door numbers.

  • Govindan Babuji

    My grand son’s passport renewal police verification failed.
    What happened was:
    Police asked us to visit the Karur (T.N.) town police station. We went there.
    Police Officer: “Show me the ration card.”
    Myself: ” We do not have any ration card since we lived outside India for long.”
    Police officer: “No ration card!Then no passport.”
    Myself:”Sir, we informed about not having the ration card in the passport office in Tiruchi. But still they accepted the application. If they are not aware please write it and I will go back to them.”
    Police officer: “You have Adhar card. Let me see. Oh there you are, the house number not matching. So no passport for your grand son. I will complete the report right now.”
    Myself:”Sir, that is the new door number, although adhar card people used it, still post man does not know.It is our own house. We live here continuously, after we returned from abroad. His mother’s (ie my daughter’s) was renewed and received OK at this address. My passport and my wife’s passport also have the same door number.”
    But for all this, he turned a deaf ear. He took signature of my son and completed his remark. After 15 days Passport office asked us check with SP office karur. The staff at SP office spoke to us very nicely. He even chatted with my grand son about his plans to visit Malaysia for Karathe. He searched and found the report. he said it was received on that day only and he will do the update and we will receive the passport in a week’s time. But we asked him to check the report. Then he found it was not good. Address verification failed. We requested him to arrange to verify again and you can find all the facts OK on our side. But he said the local authority has reported and he can not do anything except to forward it. No further investigation.
    We are stuck. Should we go the passport office with all our passports and recent letters received through post office and house tax receipts? will the passport office help? Will the redo the verification. We can even take a photograph on the wall showing both the door numbers.

    Manish, will there be a reinvestigation?
    I have obtained a certificate from panchayat office saying that the house having both new and old door numbers belong to us and my daughter and grandson live here along with us. I have taken one affidavit as well. I have photographs of the front wall bearing both door numbers. Again I have kept ready some of the recent letters from school and bank with the old number delivered to us Will these help us? They (SP office & PP office) say they will call us once again.

    • manish

      Sorry to hear about your situation. You should visit the RPO and reinitiate the verification process. Also get an affidavit made about your grandson’s stay at the particular house mentioned in the application.

      • Govindan Babuji

        Thank you manish. SP office clerk and RPO office reception told me to wait for the call from RPO. Will visit RPO with affidavit, panchayat certificate and photographs showing both door numbers belong to the same house where my grandson lives with us. I will inform you when this problem clears..


    Hi Manish

    I have applied reissue passport of my aunty. She is living in govt. quarters. Unfortunately her quarters number change with in the same campus at the time of police verification. But now issue is that Police reported that she is not staying in reported address, so how to resolve this issue please suggest us.

    Thanking you

    • manish

      Visit RPO and explain the case and get the application updated. Then RPO will reinitiate the verification process.

  • abhishek

    Hi manish,

    Few month back i apply my passport & i was unable to attain police verification & now in passport office website say adverse report submitted by police. as i am staying in Bangalore.please help me how to close the old file(bhubanesar) & how to apply new passport from bangalore

  • Subodh

    Hi Manish,

    I have applied for my wife passport and at the same time my son and daughter. I applied the passport i march 2013. Since my wife’s name was not there in my passport, my son and daughter application went for police verification too. I completed the police verification in the last week of March, after very long time the ( i thought due to elections in India) the process is getting delayed, finally my daughter and wife’s passport is showing printed, and will be dispatched, but my son’s passport is still showing pending for physical police verification.

    for my son the mumbai police passport status page was not showing any outward number and dates, so i thought the file is still pending with local police or lying in SP office unattended but now the mumbai police passport status page show record doesn’t match with out record please contact 1090.

    Can you please guide my what do now in such situation how to move ahead for my sons passport, since i am out of country will be coming for this issue for 7 days, and i want to sort the issue and get back so that i can get my family abroad.

    Thanking You in advance

    • manish

      Hi Subodh,
      Sorry to hear about your troubles. It is best to visit the local police station and SP office personally and enquire. They may not be very helpful on the phone. You can try calling 1090 and check the issue but most likely they will call you to the SP office for further details. Take all originals and copies of the document along with you. May be your wife can visit the SP office and check all paper work that may be required before you leave for India. 7 days may be a very tight deadline to sort out matters with Mumbai police.

      • Subodh

        Thanks for you Reply Manish,

        I called 1090 they says that police report is not received by the SP Office from Local Police station and asked me to contact the local Police Station.

        My wife visited the local police station, but the local police station do not reply properly, they says they are lot of files pending we cannot give the status. Peoples 8-9 months passports are pending for you its only 3 months go and bring the file from SP office, where as I have already submitted all the document to the local police station when the verification was done.

        Pl suggest

        Thanks Subodh

  • Roshan

    Hi Manish, Please help the police has called me to Station tomorrow and he wants me to bring hell lot of documents 2sets same as you mentioned. I have all the documents except the society letter. I asked it from them and they gave me a blank letter with the society letter head and told me to write and they’ll just stamp and sign on it, noe the problem is that i have never written any this kind of letter so please tell me what to write in the letter. Also if possible you can give me the format or exact letter i’ll add my personal details to it and give. Please. Your help will be highly appreciated.

    • manish

      Hi Roshan
      There is no standard format. You can search online for a society letter format. It can be addressed to either the Police officer incharge or generic “Whomsoever it may concern” and state that you (or your parents) are member of the society, your flat number and since when you have been living at the said flat.


    Hi Manish
    I have an another quarry that as my ant address have changed….

    She applied in one RPO in Delhi. so should she go to that RPO where she took appointment or she should visit to the head RPO in Delhi? With whom she will meet in RPO for solution of this problem? Plz get back soon

    • manish

      Hi Anjali,

      Not sure if I understood you correctly. Your aunt’s address changed in between the passport reissue process? If so, you should visit the RPO and they will guide you about the process. There is only one RPO for every region. Don’t confuse them with PSKs.

  • lokesh

    Hi Manish,
    I ve applied for a passport two days ago… Today I received a call from police for pre verification. Now I am in Guwahati for training.. And could not be in Andhra(home) for three months…i am very worried about how to deal with this! Kindly help me.

  • Merin

    I have to renew my passport which is to be expired in Nov 2014 , I have filled the online form and I have got appointment on 4th of July.Problem is my passport had been issued in Dubai, the address on passport is of Kerala my hometown
    and its been three year from (2011) i am studying in Mumbai and Present address given is where i stay as paying guest in mumbai . I dont have anything that I can show other than my college id as of in mumbai . Will that be a issue ?

    • manish

      Hi Merin,
      Passport being issued in Dubai with Kerala address should not be a problem. However if you are staying in Mumbai for past three years you will need to documentary evidence of your stay in Mumbai. A certificate from your college stating your course details and address should help. Best to check with PSK helpline if any additional documents can be submitted since you are a student.

  • Mrs.Sabharwal

    Hi Manish

    My present passport is expiring in jan’15 but since I shall be travelling abroad in aug/sept’14 I need to reissue my passport. Also I got married a year back and need to add my spouse name to my passport but don’t want to add my husband’s surname to my name in my passport (want to go ahead with my maiden name including my surname only).Plz advise what documents shall I be carrying. The date for appointment under normal scheme is 17th july and I may travel in August so shall I apply for tatkaal or normal procedure.


    • manish

      For complete list of documents it is recommended to use the document advisor tool on passport website. To add spouse name you will need a marriage certificate or relevant annexure if marriage certificate cannot be produced. You can choose to keep your maiden name or change your surname. Make sure to fill up the application accordingly. You should apply under tatkal.

  • Aarti

    hI manish

    My permanent address is thane and past 10 months m staying in pune.There was lot of trouble in the document process as earlier i hd given both permanent and current as mumbai address later in the process dey cm to knw and corrected my current address to pune.
    I got a mail stating my file has been submitted to thane police station but its been 2 months i havnt got a call from police and when i checked my file on mumbai police passport site (d link given in ur article says no found) so little confused wat to do.pls help.shuld i visit personally.

    • manish

      Hi Aarti,
      You should check with Thane police directly. The link is for Mumbai police and it will not work for Thane police.

  • chirag gor

    hi manish
    i m living in bangalore ,, i will apply for passport from my native in mid october
    So my question is after how many days police verification will happen as i have to go back to my work in bangalore according to that i should take leave.

    and my second query for the tatkal passport is it required to take sign from any A grade officer like District collector or anyone else ??

    • manish

      Hi Chirag,
      There is no fixed timeline for police verification. But generally it is initiated soon after the tatkal application is received. In case of tatkal, you can expect a call from police in 1-3 weeks time. For normal application timeline may vary further. However since you are staying in Bangalore it is recommended to apply from Bangalore as police will question on this aspect and may submit an adverse report. Verification certificate is require for tatkal fresh application. For reissue the verification certificate is generally not required.

  • anandbangad

    Hi Manish
    I am a local resident of aurangabad, but staying in Tamil Nadu for the last two years. My college was off for 2 months, so I applied for the passport in Mumbai. I got a call for police verification in aurangabad but reviewing my documents they told me you have to do the police verfication in Tamil Nadu and they sent my application back to Mumbai. From Mumbai the application reachad TamilNadu(Vellore). I got a call for police verification in Vellore(TN)
    and the constable says that he will send the application back if I dont come for the verification in 7 days. I am on vacation and it will not be possible for me to go there.
    What do I do in this case, If he sends the application back to Mumbai, is there any way I can extend this date or write an application for resending it after some time.
    Do i have to go Mumbai to hand them this application in person?

    Please help.

  • nikhar vijayvargiya


    Currently i am in bangalore and i applied for passport with current address proof(Rashan card,Voter id). i mentioned in form that i am staying in bangalore from sept 2013 and before that i was in my native(Dausa,Rajasthan). Local police verfication done for me 2 days back. i got a call from my native police station and he is asking me to appear in local station. i told him, i am working in bangalore, i cant come to my native. i mentioned in the form my native home address and 2 neighbours address who can verify that till sept 2013 i was in my native. but that poilceman is not accepting this and asking me to present else he will send fai report in passport office.

    My question is that is it compulsory to present in your native also while you have applied passport from other state with all documents??

  • Digvijay

    Hi Manish! You are doing great job by helping others and answering their queries. Please help me with my 2 queries also.
    1.) I applied for normal passport and police verification is pending. I am living at my current address for last 14 months. I have rent agreement which specifies that I am living at this address for last 14 months. I have other documents like gas connection proof and ration card but I took it around November,2013 and it does not proves that I am living here from May, 2013. So I want to ask whether rent agreement will be sufficient or not in proving my stay at this address for 1 year?
    2.) As I mention I am living at my current address for last 1 year so its not my permanent address. So, I want to ask whether police verification will be done at my permanent address also. If yes do I require to present physically at my permanent address for police verification?

    • manish

      Hi Digvijay

      1: Rent agreement along with landlord’s utility bill should be enough to convince the police. Ration card will be added plus. So you should be ok as far police verification is concerned. A letter from the building society about your length of stay can also be submitted.

      2: Police verification is only conducted on addresses where you have staying in last 12 months.

  • siji

    Hi Manish
    I applied for passport and my appointment was on 2nd July. . I got a status of post police verification. . Which means I should be getting my passport in hand in 3 working days. . But the status is not yet changed. . What can be done. ?

    • manish

      Hi Siji
      If you applied under normal scheme, then it can take few days to few months to receive your passport even if it is issued under post verification. This is because tatkal passport applicants are given preference when it comes to booklet printing. Each RPO has a limited capacity when it comes to number of booklets they can print and process each day.

  • Jit Mehta

    Hi Manish,
    Quick question,
    My wife applied for passport in Jan ’14 after our marriage recently in Dec ’13. She received her passport in late Feb. Since I live in Australia I’ve processed her visit Visa as well as spouse Visa. She got her visa and tickets are booked for 18 July. She got sms last evening about show cause notice with code PVR review. She still hasn’t got the letter yet. I’m in dilemma what implications could be now, will she have any issues while traveling?

    We both are in stress now as it’s unclear what to do now. She would be going to RPO Mumbai tomorrow.

    Can you please advise should we do now and if it’s ok to travel even after such SCN thing?

    Appreciate your help.

    Thanks a lot,


    • manish

      Hi Jit
      Most probably her police verification report could be adverse. Best to get in touch with the RPO as well Police and find out the details. It is not recommended to travel using this passport until you meet the RPO and re-initiate the verification again.

  • Rohan

    Is there any risk for the Refrences/Neighbours who sign the verification form during police verification, if that person do any offensive / unlawful activity in future …

    • manish

      Only risk the references could have is if the person turns out to be a fake. i.e. the references knew the person is fake yet signed on the verification. Otherwise they are in no way linked to the crimes of the passport holder unless they are party to the crime.

  • Avnish Kumar

    Hi Manish,

    I request your suggestion in my case..

    I am a permanent resident of Patna (Bihar) but have been living in Mumbai for over a year (I’ve mentioned that in passport application). After submitting application on 4th July ’14 in Patna, the current on-line status is “Passport application is under review at Regional Passport Office”. All the documents submitted refer my permanent address i.e. Patna.

    I shall be grateful if you could please tell me where the physical verification would happen.

    Thanking you,

    • manish

      Hi Avnish,

      Police verification is conducted at all addresses where you have stayed for past 12 months. This should be declared in the passport application form. Since you have living in Mumbai for over an year, your police verification will be conducted at Mumbai.

  • sandeep

    hello manish,how r u
    sir,what happen if family is out of state including the applicant during the police verification and none of the neighbours do the signatures for the confirmation and the house found locked.we are away becouse some one got expired in our reltion and the neighbours are aafraid to do the signatures,we are coming after few days back home.
    what to do in that case???????

  • Ashish Sirohi


    I got status changed on 4th July as “Police verification initiated” but on 9th July it changed to “Police Verification report is not clear and application under review at RPO”. But No police man called me or visited my place for police verification in those 5day(4thJuly-9thJuly). How can anyone submit adverse report for my address with verification? Then on 16th the status was same but has an additional line as SCN – PVR Review issued, waiting for dispatch from PO. What does it mean? And what should I do? I need passport urgently.

    • Ashish Sirohi

      “How can anyone submit adverse report for my address without verification?” Not with verification…it is without verification

      • manish

        Hi Ashish. Sorry to hear about your situation. One thing you should always keep in mind, this is India and when dealing with babus/police, expect the unexpected. I would recommend that you visit the police station and enquire.

  • KH

    I have re-issued the passport in tatkal with the same address with exhaustion of page, till they have initiated post police verification. Now police is asking for birth place verification document. I was born in village in 1979 and birth certificate was not issued. My parents are no more in the world and police is asking for some document before my born………….

    • manish

      Birth certificate is not required for people born before 1989. You can submit an affidavit to the police about your date and place of birth along with your school/college certificate which mentions your date of birth.

  • shivraj singh mehar

    Sir is it necessary to write my current address in my passport form I have not written my current address in my passport form but my permanent address was written and I also visited to loi office for verification by they are saying that I should also write my current address . now my passport is not received till date my all procedure was complete my signature and verification is done in loi office still I don’t receive my passport. when I search my passport file it is showing that verification report is submitted to sp office now I will receive my passport or not pls guide what to do for this .

      • shivraj singh


        if they don’t release my passport then what is the procedure is there any fine for not writing the current address in the form if they ask for current address then what should I do .

        • manish

          Hi Shivraj, I couldn’t understand your question. You should mention your current address in the form even if it is same as permanent address.


    I am studying MCA 2nd year from NIT Calicut and I have passed my BCA from School of Computer Science and IT DAVV(SCSIT DAVV) Indore.While my police verification,the person asked me about my education I told him MCA from NIT Calicut,then he asked what you have done before? I replied BCA from SCSIT DAVV Indore.Then in my education he filled address of my previous college(SCSIT DAVV),and now my passport application has been sent to police station near my previous college.Will there be any problem in verification,because I am passed out from that college and currently studying in a different college.

  • suresh abbina

    Hi Manish ,i am suresh from telangana,this is my present status showing in the passport website..
    Application Received on Date 09/06/2014
    Status: Police Verification Report is not clear and application is under review at Regional Passport Office.
    Show Cause Notice
    Letter Reference Number SCN Type SCN Issue Date ** SCN Status Status Updated On***
    SCN/XXXXXXXX/14 PVR Review 2014-XX-XX Applicant reply received 2014-XX-XX

    Applicant Reply Received On (if any)****

    i want to know the meaning of this status and how to go for further process

  • Afrin

    I have applied for tatkal passport..how much time does it take for police verification after I have received my passport..Manish please help..

    • manish

      You will have to check why verification failed and correct the issue. You can’t have two pending passport applications.

  • Rahul l

    Hello Manish, my current status says Police report has been submitted by Chaturshrungi Police Station, Pune City and sent to Commissioner of Police, District Pune City for review.. How long it will take for the next status to come as , report submit and passport printing in process. This status was shown on 30 july 2014. today is 5 august

    • manish

      Hi Rahul,
      There is no fixed timeline as the same changes from one police station to another. Best to call up police office and enquire.

  • Rahul l

    Dear Manish, I serious don’t understand the time frame, as last time it happened faster when my family member had applied. Will they really answer on calls. Do I have to call up the same place where my verification happened or the commissioner of police office. I also need to chat with you on one more issue. I had a copy of my birth certificate, where PSK did not accepted it , they took my tenth mark sheet but for place of birth they said xeror will not work but yes they did not said anything and make me sign one simple form which says I hereby declare that i was born in mumbai and they took a sign. All i wanted to ask you this. Thanks Rahul



    I have filed my passport application online. and I have also completed document verification successfully. But in police inquire they raise query that, reference which I have provided is not valid, he should live within your society only.

    In that case what I have to do?

    If any affidavit require then please give me format of the same

  • s lal

    I have been staying at my present address for more than 2 years. However in last one year I was out of station on few occasions to other Delhi for total period of six months. I am back in my present address in the city, and applying for passport. Do I need to mention the temporary addresses I stayed during the last one year, inspite of being at the present address. I have all the proof to prove my presence at the present address, in last two years. And do not have any document to prove my stay at temporary addresses. Kindly guide me on the issue.

    • manish

      Temporary stays don’t count. For eg you may be on a business tour for 1-2 months out of country. It doesn’t mean you have relocated outside the country. Best to give your present address as the one where you have been staying for past 1 year.

      • s lal

        Thanks Manish,
        With your knowledge of on the subject you are doing a great job. No one could answer to my problem and I was finding difficult to fill the form in the address, because showing temporary addresses would mean more than two locations, and online form does not allow that to happen.


        In the Address field, it online form allows only 42 characters, hence I removed, unwanted words from my address, and retained only the essential words. This results in difference with respect to two words, when compared with Adhar or any other address proof. Hence the match in address field is not 100%. Will it cause any problems.

  • Rahul l

    alright but manish how mnay days it takes approx for comm to review 10 days / 15 days / 30 or 2 months. just an approx knowledge transfer as I am helpless here. I need the passport urgently now as I need for medical reason. thanks rahul

  • dinesh kumar mehta

    Hi ,sir
    i have apply the passport 2 mnth before.i am doint a job in other state so at the police verification time candidate sign in this paper is compulsury or not plz help me

  • sammer

    what should i do if my neighbour is not signing on my verification paper whos name i had written in my passport verification file

    • manish

      You should have asked the neighbour before putting their name. You can always change the reference during police verification.

  • sammer

    but the given block in paper from passport office contains the name of that person and t is printed in the paper, so now what should i do

  • Jeet


    i applied for reissue of my passport on 4th aug. 2014 in normal type of application, but now i want my passport ASAP. police verification was to be done on post verification basis but it is already done.. is there any way that i can get my passport ASAP. i am ready to pay for tatkal but PSK ppl are saying they cnt do it..

    please reply!


    • manish

      Hi Jeet,
      You can visit RPO and get your application converted to tatkal. But before that make sure the police has submitted the report to RPO. You will have to pay the tatkal fees at RPO directly.

  • s lal

    In the Address field, in online form, in allows only 42 characters, hence I removed, unwanted words from my address, and retained only the essential words. This results in difference with respect to two words, when compared with Aadhar or any other address proof. Hence the match in address field is not 100%. Will it cause any problems.

      • s lal

        Yeah manish u r correct, they didn’t object to dropping of few unwanted words from the address. Got the passport under tatkal without paying any extra bucks to any agent or any employee. I am also planning not to pay for Post PV. Hope it will succeed.

  • rajyeshpatelajesh

    i have two problems

    1] police asking for bribe to complete verification
    2] i have submitted my residence proof more than 16 month still they insist proof priore that period
    3/no one has visited my house for verification instead he called me to come to their office

  • mohsin sirguroh

    hi Manish,
    I had appled for passport but i had not disclosed my permanent address, just the current add where i am leaving from past 5 years, this is on rental basis, Apolice officer visited my place and told that u r app would be rejected for this reason he had called me tomorrow to local chowky pls help can i update my permenant add now, if yes how


  • ed

    hi manish,

    as you said the police constable visited you on a saturday, can you recollect on which day did you go with your documents to the police station? what is the normal time frame to visit the police station after constable visits home? the constable came to my home on 13/8/2014 and asked me to visit the next day but due to high fever couldnt visit till now (16/8/2014). i dont have his mobile number. can i go there on monday??


    • manish

      Hi Ed,
      Greetings! You should visit the police station in a week or 2 at most otherwise they may send your file back with adverse report and you may have to visit RPO to reinitiate the police verification process.

  • zubair

    Hi Manish,
    I had applied for a reissue of passport under Tatkal scheme.
    I had received my passport within 3-4 working days.

    After a few days the police verification was carried out. I submitted all my documents by visiting the police station.

    Few days back I got the following sms: ‘Dear applicant, your Passport verification is done and report is submitted as Clear, Kindly approach RPO Mumbai’.

    I do not understand the status of the sms, if I have received the sms ( also there is an outward date on the Mumbai police website) & I have received the new passport. Why should I visit the RPO?

    Please guide me.


    • manish

      Hi Zubair,
      Greetings! You can ignore the sms. If you are worried you can check with RPO. Unless you receive any letter from RPO at your address, you should be fine and your passport is good for travel.

  • Ankur Vishwakarma

    Hi Manish,

    I had applied for Passport at PSK-MALAD on 21/07/2014 and still the Police officials have not visited my Home for Pre-Police Verification.

    While the Passport Application Status shows that “Police report has been submitted by Dahisar Police Station, Mumbai and sent to SP Office, District Mumbai for review.”

    Please tell me what to do?

  • Sanjay Tripathi

    Hi Manish,

    I reissued my passport with post police verification and i received my new passport in one weak but when police verification was done i was not available at home. today i received show cause notice from passport office with adverse police verification report. Please suggest me for further action that how can i clear this adverse police verification report. and also i want to know that can i travel to abroad with this passport without this adverse police verification report clear. because i need to travel end of this month to out of India.

    • manish

      Hi Sanjay,

      Greetings! You should have visited the police station earlier (within a week or 2 of receiving the passport and checked with them). Now you should visit the RPO and inform them about the problem. Complete necessary formalities and re-initiate the police verification process. The re-verification can take 3-8 weeks depending on how you follow up with police at every level. Only RPO can tell whether you can travel on this passport or not because a show-cause notice has already been issued.

  • Vikram singh

    Hello sir i vikram I apply my new booklet and I just add my wife name and one month a go but when I track my file they show sumbit uare police repot but I done all ready with police repot I chek in cbi the say is pending he is he done soon I worry about so plz tell me something

    • Ravi

      Hi Manish

      I have applied for reissue of passport on pre-pv basis . After filing I inquired in community any th area’s police station,and realized that I have mentioned wrong police station. What should I do in this case?

      • manish

        Follow up with the RPO and local police station. They will guide you about how to get your file redirected to the correct police station. You may have to personally visit the local police station for the same.

      • Satish

        Hi Ravi, Could you please let me know what exactly had happened in your case and how you managed to get the things done? I have done the same mistake. There are 2 Police Stations in my area and I entered the wrong one while filling the application. I got a call 2 days backs from the Police Station which I had mentioned in my application. But after seeing my area they said this is not under their Police station and they will send the report with this information back to SP office. Please let me know how this case will be treated further.


  • ankur singh

    Hi manish, I had applied for passport under tatkal scheme. Got the passport in two days. However pv was nt fetting done so I kept visiting the local thana. Finally the police officer completed my pv thr itself, tuk all my documents nd my photographs, signatures. Told me that its completed now. But the status on mumbai police website is still not showing outward date. I m supposed to travel nxt week to singapore. Can travel out…

    • manish

      Hi Ankur,
      It may take a few weeks for the outward date to show up. Shouldn’t be a problem traveling. If time permits visit local police station once more to confirm if documents were indeed sent.

  • denzil braganza

    Hi manish,
    I finished my police verification just two days back. So when will it be submitted to cid office coz im in a urgency of a passport

    • manish

      Hi Denzil.
      There is no fixed timeline. It can take days to months. Best to follow up with police on a weekly basis if the passport is required urgently.

  • Kumar


    I have been living in Kolkatta for 1.5 years. Prior to that I was in Chennai.

    I am applying for Lost passport.

    – Annexure L has been Made
    – Have a notarized Rental document of 1.5 years
    – Bank statement(Public sector bank) is of 7 months show that I was in Kol. I used to travel to Chennai and Bangalore so my bank transactions show Chennai and Bangalore prior to that.
    – Pan Card is there
    – Working in a large reputed pvt company, have the letter for the same
    – Marriage certificate is there
    – Annexure – D is there
    – Have added my name to Wife Bank Account 1 months back. Her Account is 10 year old.

    In my earlier passport, I have provided a permanent address of Ranchi as my parents were living there that time. Now my parents have retired and are living with us.

    – Can I give my Current/Present Address as Permanent address. Will be any issues. As many people parents move with their sons after retirement.

    – For lost passport what is the process, where all the verification will be done.


  • Namrata

    Hi Manish

    I got married 2 months back and I applied for passport recently with Post Marriage name and address.

    In passport application both the address along with neighbor details ‘pre and post marriage’ have been mentioned as the residence is less than one year.

    Pre Marriage address: Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
    Post Marriage address: Ghatkopar, Mumbai

    I have submitted required documents at Ghatkopar police station for police verification process after the police visit at home.

    How will the police verification be conducted for my old address at Kharghar, Navi Mumbai?
    – Parallel to new address verification, or after completion of new address verification, or they will do it internally (where I dont have to visit Kharghar police station, or any other way)?

    Please help me understand process of police verification where old and new address are involved due to residence less than 1 year?

    Thank You

    • manish

      Hi Namrata,
      The police verification at both the addresses will happen the same way. Just check with Kharghar police about the verification status.

  • NottySaint

    In my Case Mumbai Police status has Outward Date: 26/08/2014 however when I call 1090 to check the status. The lady says File received from Local Police station on 25th August 2014. Still awaiting to be sent to Worli Passport Office. I would like to know, how long does it take for the details to be updated on Passport office system so that I can collect my PCC from PSK [I applied for PCC on 18th August 2014 at Malad PSK, I already have a Passport] .

    • manish

      There is no fixed timeline. Hopefully in few days. If it is urgent, best to visit the CID office and get your application expedited. Calling them is generally of little help.

  • mnshah

    Hi manish
    I have applied fresh passport on 31/7/2014 and I have done police verification thereafter I track my status there is “police report has been submitted by gotegaon police station Mumbai and sent SP office district mumbai for review. Its completed 21days but there is still same status.and I got a message from PSK” your report not yet finalized by SP office contact police station” I went police station and asked to the cops he replied me I have already sent your file SP office and now I don’t have any queries from there. After visiting police station I check my status on police verification site there is my status this way:> Applicant Name:mohd nafees shah
    DOB 20/05/1990
    Application date 7/31/14
    Police stn:goregaon
    Outward no: —-
    outward date:26/814
    Nr No: ——
    Is file recived by SB-II from passport office: —
    Status from internal branches: PSR
    is file send back to regional passport office: —
    I don’t understand what is this all, is any document required or else , what is PSR. What should I do please give me a good way

    • manish

      Your file was sent to CID office on August 26. If the passport is urgent then it is best to visit the CID office and get the process expedited. Otherwise it can take few weeks for report to be sent to passport office. Once received at passport office, the passport delivery can take 3-6 weeks.

  • manish bhardwaj

    Hello Manish,
    My police verification had been done before i week.
    Before 2 day Liu verification also has been done.
    I wish to know that In how many days i will get my passport.
    will they post passport at my home or i have to receive it somewhere.

  • Devendra

    Dear manish,

    My wife have apply re-issue passort ,she have paasort 3 month olds. now 2 month after we did marriged. than after she change name ,surname as well as change address.
    now we summit the all document new name, suname and address. now this time local police verification, he told she is not liveing last 1 year here. so go back old address local police staion. but she summit old passort copy that are already verified that police staion, than she got the passort….

    Now I don’t understand now what can do next…. please help me….

    • manish

      Hi Devendra,
      Police verification will happen at all addresses where your wife has lived in past 12 months irrespective of whether such verification was done before or not.

  • bharadwaj

    hi sir actually my passport is verification is not clear sir the police is reported a adverse for my current adreess so for that what steps i have to do this problem.is their any solution for this problem…can u plz suggest me solution for this immediately to my mail sir

    • manish

      Hi Bharadwaj,
      Sorry to hear about your situation. Visit the local police station and check why adverse report was submitted. If it was a mistake then reinitiate the police verification by visiting the RPO.

      • bharadwaj

        he reported for my current adress .so for that i think it’s better to change my ADHAAR ADRESS PROOF.is this idea better for that?????and in the first i applied as i am persuing btech so for that i kept a bonafied in that.now i am completed my btech is better to put a course completion certificate.?????gave any other sugestion for this problem sir clearly

  • sumit

    hi manish,

    thanks for all the information.
    I want to apply for reissue just to endorse my wife’s name. (passport expiry date almost 2 years from now)
    my permanent address is from Nagpur while im in Mumbai since last 6 years. Im staying on rent so I don’t want my Mumbai/ rented address on passport and want to continue with permanent address.
    can I do this..?

    • manish

      Hi Sumit,
      Greetings! You will have to mention your Mumbai address. Only way to renew your passport with Nagpur address is to move back to Nagpur.

  • Neel

    My status is showin police report send by malad police station to district office mumbai 4 review nd its been 10 days d status is being updated still no change in it…..what should i do in such case??

  • Musaddiq

    I have submitted my documents at oshiwara police station and they also came at my place even they called me at two place first the beat chowky guy came and then he gave appointment at oshiwara police station . Now the question is the status show on the passport seva website as stated below :—-

    “”Police report has been submitted by Oshiwara Police Station, Mumbai and sent to SP Office, District Mumbai for review.””

    Now what should i do ?..is my police verification not completed yet ….what is the next step ..Please reply …it would be great help ….as i hate going to police station and do inquiry cause then they would ask for some thing and i hate it .

    • rituparna goswami

      Dear Manish,today i got an msg from special branch of police that POLICE VERIFICATION REPORT FOR YOUR PASSPORT IS COMPLETED AT SB HQ.PLEASE TAKE UP THE MATTER WITH YOUR DISTRICT SP AND RPO GUWAHATI RESPECTIVELY.My police verification is done and district sp office also sent their report to sb.i m not able to understand why the msg ask me to take up the matter first to district sp office and after that regional rpo by the special branch of police.pl advise. ritu from guwahati

    • mahendra sahu

      Hi manish, I had applyied for fresh passport from hyderabad and I had completed 6 month here so I had mentioned previos address which are ahmedad , means two address mentioned in passport and also physical police verification done in hyderabad present address but problem is physical police verification should be done in ahmedabad as per I received call from ahmedabad police but in ahmedabad I was living in rented house so very difficult to go ahmedabad for physical verification so its mendatory to go there .just give me suggestion wat to do its very difficult to go there

  • Malati

    Hi Manish
    I received recently letter from MEF passport office that adverse police verification report corresponding to your application for passport Reissue for file XXXXXXXXXXXXX date 05/10/2012 it has been reported that applicant has not attended for verification at local police station hence this case is not recommended
    However I already received password in oct 202 only and no policy verification happen that time. Since my passport is third time issue with same address I am holding passport from year 1990.
    I already traveled outside with same passport and also in Oct Moth I will travel for office work.
    Please let me know in current situation what I am supposed to do to clear PVR.
    I already went to policy station they inform me they do not having my file with them so they do not know they told me to contact MEF they will guide me.

    Thanks and regards

    • manish

      Hi Malati,
      Sorry to hear about your situation. The entire police verification process is not transparent. At this stage it is best to contact the officer who sent you the letter. You can visit the RPO and show the letter and explain that police verification was never conducted and ask for it to be initiated. Do let us know what happens.

  • priya

    I have applied for fresh passport under normal scheme. I hav 2 addresses for last year. Police verificatn is done on my present and permanent address. PV for my previous address is pending. Do I need to be present at my previous address at the time of PV??

    • manish

      Hi Priya
      Yes your presence will be required during police verification at old addresses. Follow up with the local police station to expedite the process.

  • nagendra

    i applied for renewal of my passport .And permanent address enquiryis done.But now its more than one month still yet no enqiury is done on temporary address..i applied on bonafide certificate..wheni track status its showing this…Passport application is under review at Regional Passport Office.

    • manish

      You should check with local police station once. If they are not able to trace your file, you should visit the RPO and check the status of your application.

  • Prasad Karkare

    Hi Manish,

    Thank you so much for your efforts to regularly provide guidelines for such critical issues.

    I stay at Bhandup & the police ask for a bunch of documents (2 copies each) & that too attested by an SEO / gazetted officer.

    We came to know that the police at Bhandup want money from everyone & they trouble people so much that people will themselves offer money.

    One thing we came to know that they will keep calling you at different times asking for same documents again & again stating that we have not submitted those.

    To counter this, I prepared a covering letter (which I will put in my next post here) & asked the officer to sign on the acknowledgement copy. He was absolutely reluctant to sign the same, but at the end he had to.

    I feel that everyone can follow the same to avoid such nuisance from these so called public servents.


    Prasad Karkare

  • Prasad Karkare

    Date :

    XXXXXXXXXXXXX – Name of Authority
    XXXXXXXXXXXXX – Designation / Rank
    Bhandup Police Station

    Subject : Submission of Documents for Passport Application File No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX;
    Date of Passport Application : 3rd September 2014

    Respected Sir,

    Please find enclosed herewith following document copies (2 sets each) for the Police Verification relating to the subject Passport Application of the undersigned :

    1. Aadhaar Card
    2. Ration Card
    3. Voter ID Card
    4. PAN Card
    5. Leaving Certificate
    6. Marriage Registration Certificate
    7. Affidavit for Change of Name
    8. Advertisement for Change of Name – Afternoon
    9. Advertisement for Change of Name – आपलं महानगर
    10. B.Com Passing Certificate
    11. B.Com Mark-sheet
    12. Sale Agreement Copy of Residence
    13. MSEB Bill – 2013 & 2014
    14. MTNL Telephone Bill – 2013 & 2014
    15. Bank of India Passbook
    16. Passport Size Photos – 3 Photos

    Please acknowledge safe receipt of all the above documents.

    Thanking you in anticipation.

    Yours faithfully,

    Received By :


  • Neha Jain

    Hi Manish,

    Procedure of police verification for my passport was done on 17/08/2014 and on 11/09/2014 I received a message stating that Police verification has been done and report sent as “Clear” but after 5 days I received one more message as Police verification has been done and report has been sent as “Adverse”. So I went to police station of my area and asked them about this, then they told me that status of your current address is clear but for previous address it is Adverse because noone is currently staying there. I want to know will my passport application be reject now?

    Please suggest what should I do?

    Thanks in advance for your anticipation.


  • Ankur Vishwakarma

    Hi Manish,
    I got a SMS which says that my Passport Verification is done and report is submitted as adverse.
    Pls tell me what to do????

  • Malati

    Hi Manish,

    This is to reference to my inquire related to police adverse repot for not attaining the police station for file related to oct 2010 I went to RPO they again initiated my file and send to police station, I inform that police inquire never come to me and I am already having valid passport with me however they never agree that this was happen in past. The strange observation in ROP I am not only one gone with same letter for adverse repot form police station but huge people like me they received the passport for re issue with same address but police never call them and adverse remark is submitted in file. There may be case that passport is reaching fast but file reach to police station late so without call people they giving adverse remark for re issuing case.

    From RPO office same day I received email stating that my file is transfer to police station and I should contact them & also office informed me within week file reach there.

    So my question what document I should keep ready so they will not delay further.

    Thanks and Regards

    • manish

      Dear Malati,
      Sorry to hear about your situation. This article mentions the list of documents that may help you clear the police verification. It is only an indicative list. Best to check with local police station what all documents they will need.

  • rathnamohan

    I have submitted my passport application form at passport seva kendra thane on 19/8/2014 he status is pending for physical police verification at your respective thana under SP Office, District East Godavari.In sight no further information is given for what is the procedure to clear the physical police verification.

    • manish

      Best to get in touch with your local police station and check the status of your police verification. If the file has not reached the local police station, then the police will guide you further on this.

  • binayak de

    Hi Manish,
    My documents have been verified successfully at PSK. Now my Passport application is pending for police verification. During filling online applicaton I gave the wrong police station. So now it is initiated in the wrong police station. So Manish Whether i have to do anything or the Police will transfer the application in the correct police station by themselves. Please suggest.

    Best Regards

    • manish

      Hi Binayak,
      Sorry to hear about the problem. If you are lucky, the police department will figure out the correct police station. However I wouldn’t recommend leaving this to luck. Best to visit your local police station and tell them the issue. They will probably ask you to visit SP office and get your police verification papers moved to the correct police station.

  • shreedhar

    My wife’s passport expired in July 2014. Before that she went to US in December 2013 and came in May 2014. She was their for five months. She applied for renewal but during filling the form she didn’t mention about her US stay in passport form.

    During police verification we mentioned about that stay still they give adverse report. But same day in morning she got message which is like ‘your passport is issued and will be dispatched ….” something.

    We asked police what can we do ? They said that your police verification will happen in US where you stayed.

    I want help regarding following
    1. What will happen if she gets passport (will she get it ?)
    2. Do we need to show that stay ? if yes now what we can do about it ?
    3. In general what course we need to take to resolve this matter.

    • manish

      Dear Shreedhar,
      Your wife can get in touch with RPO and explain the situation. They will most likely impose a 5K penalty under Passport Act for concealment of information. Later they will initiate police verification for her US address. For now wait until you hear back from RPO. If she gets her passport, she can still contact RPO and make sure all reports are clear. Unless impounded, her passport is good for travel.


    I had applied for fresh passport my status is showing in Police report has been submitted by Police Station, Mumbai and sent to SP Office, District Mumbai for review.what does it meant it ? bcz it is showing last 20 days

    • manish

      Dear Jagdip,
      It means that your file has been sent from the local police station to the SP office (Crime branch). At SP office they will conduct background checks and if it comes clean, will forward the report to Passport department. It may take a few weeks for this to happen. You can follow up with SP office and get the process expedited if you are in urgent need of the passport. For the same, you should visit the SP office in your city and tell them the passport file number.

  • Vinayak

    Hi manish,

    This is with reference to an adverse police verification notice received from the RPO asking for an explanation on why action should not be taken for suppression of material information. the facts of the case are as follows.

    I had applied for renewal of passport in April 2013 under the Tatkal Scheme and subsequently got the same within 10 days of application mentioning the post-verification requirement.

    While I travelled abroad in the same month for less than a week, I have not used the passport since then for any travel.

    Due to oversight, I failed to attend the police station for verification till date.(this is after a Police constable visited home for verification but spoke to my father in my absence and asked him to send me to the police station).

    Please advise on how do I go about drafting the explanation seemed by the RPO.


    • manish

      Hi Vinayak
      You should reply to the letter requesting that police verification be re-initiated. If you are lucky, you will get away with just a penalty of Rs 5,000/-. Otherwise you may be asked to surrender your passport until the police verification is completed. Once the police verification is initiated, do make sure to complete it within 7 days otherwise the police department may again send an adverse report.

  • Sandeep patil


    I have applied for passport in AUG 2013. i have visited police station for verification but due to some address mismatch verification is pending from police station,and now moved to another city for job,Police people told me to do all the process again only,tell me how i can change my address ?

    The passport seva kendra does not allow any query without appointment- There is no option for taking appointment online to check for police verification status.

    one more query can i cancel my passport application and apply new from my hometown.??

    • manish

      Hi Sandeep,
      You should visit the Regional Passport Office in your city and explain the situation to a passport officer. They will guide you with the necessary process.

  • ridah

    Dear manish,

    My friend has sucessfully cleared the psk appointment…now he has his police verification left..his parents live in middle and tht is his permanent address ..his brothers and his dad are all indian citizens. He has been in india since his ten years but has been living on rent since they dont have a permanent address here…my question is tht will not having a permanent address in india pose a problem with the police verification?will declaring tht his parents stay in the middle east be a problem? And once the police verification is done and the passport arrives , is there any other formalitty which may arise? My friend will leave the current house and move to the middle east ..

    • manish

      Hi Ridah,
      The police verification happens at all places where the applicant has stayed in past 12 months. Whether the place is owned or rented does not matter. Applicant’s parents living in middle east should not have any impact on his/her police verification so long as he/she is presenting the correct facts and supporting documents. Once the applicant receives his passport and completes the police verification, there are no other formalities to be completed and he can move to middle east permanently.

  • Prerna


    I got my police verification done and after speaking to the police station authority I got confirmation that the verification report is Good and was sent on 27th Sept 2014 to commissioner’s office.

    Today is 4th Oct and still the website update says “Police Verification has been initiated and a request has been sent to Yeshwanthapura Police Station, Bangalore. Your passport will be dispatched after ‘Clear’ Police Verification Report receipt. You would receive an e-mail/sms once the passport is dispatched.”

    Does it mean that Commissioner office has rejected my application? What are the chances.

    The docs I have submitted are:

    1. HR Letter head – Address proof (Amazon)
    2. SBI Pass Book (1 month old Account)
    3. Affidavit for address proof
    4. Letter of good conduct from neighbors.
    5. Rental Agreement 1 year old (unfortunately not registered by the land lord)

    I have moved to Bangalore an year back, I don’t have much of documents. Can someone please suggest, if there could be any issue.


    • manish

      Hi Prerna,
      Greetings! It may take few weeks for police report to be submitted to the passport office. If the passport is urgent, then it is best to follow up with police station and request them to submit the report urgently.

  • Nehal

    Dear Manish,
    I applied for re issue of passport under normal catagor. I got my passport within a week. Since it was post PV, police verification took place one week later. All went well with the PV. But due to 3 days long Desahra holiday, report couldn’t be forwarded. Now the problem is that i have to travel abroad urgently on 11/10/2014 using new passport issued on post PV mode which has been done but not been submitted by the police. Can I travel? Any immigration problem? Really urgent to travel.

  • Vaibhav

    Hi Manish

    Thanks a LOT for this forum…

    I have applied for a fresh passport , the application got processed at the PSK on 7 October, 2014.
    My queries are regarding the Police Verification. One thing that I have come to know after wandering a lot throgh the internet that it will be done after I receive the passport.

    Does the Police constable inform us before coming to home? ( I expect NOT !)
    The thing is that I am a student at IIT Delhi living 20 km away from my home, I live in the hostel during weekdays and go to my home at weekends ( Saturday and Sunday ). However, the address that I have mentioned in the passport application is of my home only, since anyways the college would discontinue after a few years.

    And what if he doesn’t find me there…

    Thanks again.

    • manish

      Hi Vaibhav,

      If you have been granted passport under post-verification, then your police verification will happen after you receive the passport. Check the receipt you received from the PSK. It will tell you the status.

      Since you are staying at hostel primarily and come home only on weekends, your primary place of residence is your hostel and not your home. So ideally you should apply with hostel address and finish the verification at hostel. However, since you have already applied with home address, you could get away with it if you and your family convinces the police that you stay at home. So do not even utter the Hostel word in front of the police. Tell the police that you commute daily. Make sure your parents and other family members, neighbors etc give out the same story. Unless the policeman is smart enough to know that as an IIT student you are required to live in the hostel compulsorily, you should be safe. If you get caught, then expect delays in processing of your application, notice and penalty from Passport department and fresh application after closure of the current file, all this can easily take 3-4 months.

      As for whether police will call you before coming, it depends. Some police constables will call, other won’t. Some won’t even come to your house and expect you to come to the police station. So there are lot of possibilities. Best to check with local police station whether your file has reached the station and get the phone number of the police constable who will conduct the verification. You can then follow up with him over phone and make sure you are present at home when he comes for verification.

      • Vaibhav

        Hi Manish,

        I don’t know how I forgot to mention in my post that my application is under ‘Tatkaal’ scheme…
        Highly contented from your reply anyways.

        May God bless you.

  • Manish

    Hi Manish,

    I have applied new passport in Hyderabad.I live in hyderabad in PG so I have given address of my relative as current address.Now CID has tracked from my mobile number that I am not staying at current address also Reference neighbours also were absent during police verification visit.Police told that you bring reference then we wil see what we can do but references are not ready.looks like verification will be negative.What will be penalty in this case and what problem I will face next time I apply passport with all details corret.Please suggest.

    • manish

      Hi Manish,

      You should write to the Regional Passport office and inform them about the mistake in your application. Apologies for the same and mention the correct address. If you are lucky, you will get away with a penalty of Rs 5000/-. Then your passport file will be closed and a letter will be issued to your about the closure. Once you receive this letter, you can re-apply for a fresh passport again by paying the application fees.

  • Partha Sarathi

    Hello Manish,

    At first thanks for your prompt replay.(for all above queries)

    I had applied passport at Raipur Passport Office. My current and permanent address is Korba, Chattisgarh. But in between 3 months i have stayed in Bangalore, so during passport application Bangalore address is also there. Now i got SMS through passport seva SMS service as “Police has submitted Adverse report for your current Address”. I checked in Bangalore police station, “It was under verification and they told they will clear it with good feedback. And also in Korba: I have personally visited the police station and shown all the documents they have asked, put the signature too but they didn’t took photos.

    Online my status is “Police Verification Report is not clear and application is under review at Regional Passport Office.” but i got the SMS “Police has submitted Adverse report for your current Address”.
    1. So what can be done right now??
    2. Do i need to personally go to RPO raipur for request passport re police verification or parents can do ??
    2. If my parents will request passport re police verification, What are the documents required ??
    3. will the documents need to be attested ??

    • manish

      Hi Partha,

      Police report is Adverse until the verification is completed at old place as well. Don’t worry, just give it sometime. As soon as Banglore report reaches RPO, the status will change to “clear”. You may want to check with Korba police if they submitted clear report.

  • shivraj singh

    hello sir

    I have received a show cause notice from passport office now how can I reply this and get a new passport.


  • Samir


    An adverse police verification report has been received from the concerned police authority
    In that case what should I do?

  • Kapil

    Hi Manish,

    I have applied for renew my current passport and passport is not expire yet. I have submitted my application but I am not physically available there for police verification. My parents are available there all time. What will happen in this case ?


    • manish

      Hi Kapil,
      If you are not present physically for the verification then police will submit an adverse report and you are likely to receive a show cause notice from the Passport office. Best to make sure that you complete the verification in person.


    If i am not in my residence,anyone from my reference on behalf of me can go to the police station with all those documents?Is there any mandatory on candidate’s signature?
    Please confirm me,i’m in a huge problem now.

    • manish

      Hi Manoj,

      Since its your verification, you have to visit the police station personally. No one else can complete the verification on your behalf.

  • kzut

    Hi manish just wanted to ask. My police verification is done and the status says they have sent their report back to RPO, so does that means police verification is successful?

  • Vinay Kumar D

    Hi Manish,

    Good Evening, Myself Vinay Kumar D. I have given my permanent address and same address given as a present address too in the application when I have applied. The PVR Has been done successfully with neighbour’s signature at my present address in visakhapatnam where I live. Just before I got a mail with this information (As per the PVR received you are not residing at the address given in your application. Please furnish your correct present address details with clarification. Please send three PP (Personal Particular) forms along with your correct present address details). Could you please assist me what is PP and What is the solution for this. And one more important point is, recently one month back I got job in mumbai.

    • manish

      Hi Vinay,

      You should provide the correct present address to the passport authorities for them to carry out the police verification. If indeed you gave them the correct address and were personally present for police verification then you can get the verification re initiated. If you have moved to Mumbai then verification will also be conducted at Mumbai. Best to contact the regional passport office and get clarification.

  • Satyabrat

    Hi Manish !!!!!!!!!!

    I am Satyabrat from Mumbai I had applied for fresh Passport online I had submitted all the Document @ Lower Parel PSK as on 12th November 2014 and next day 13th I got text msg from Police department and got the police verification done now I have traced my application from the Mumbai Police Website it’s showing the below

    Outward No. Outward Date 11/27/2014 NR No.

    Is File Received By SB-II From Passport Office:

    Status From Internal Branches: PSR

    Is File Send Back To Regional Passport Office:

    from the above till yesterday the Status from teh internal branches was blank today it’s showing PSR What does it mean ?

    and also is my application has been done and PSK is issuing the passport or any other verification is pending …?

  • Saranya

    Hi Manish,

    Myself Saranya working in Bangalore. But my native is Tamilnadu. Now i want to apply the passport. Which address should i mention as present address ? In bangalore i am staying in a PG where i dont have any address proof. I have my salary account in My company address only. I am confused ? Kindly help me in this.

    What if i specify the current address as my native address ?
    If i am mentioning my PG address as Current address, what kind of proof i have to submit ?

    • manish

      Hi Saranya

      Greetings! Since you are living in Bangalore, you should mention your Bangalore address as current address. You can mention Tamil Nadu address as the permanent address. You will need to enter into an agreement with the PG for 1+ year duration and can produce this document as address proof.

      If you specify your native address as current address then it may land you in trouble if the Passport officers come to know that you are living in Bangalore. Usually these things are picked up easily during Police verification. If police sends a negative report, you will be liable for prosecution and penalty under the Passport Act.

  • Bhawana

    Dear Manish,
    I recently applied for passport renewal at my local PSK where I was told that police verification would be done at my residence in 3 weeks. When that did not happen, my husband enquired with the local police station who asked me to go there with all necessary documents. Since they did not provide a list of what documents to carry, I wanted to check with you whether the following would suffice:
    2 photos
    old passport copy
    Aadhar card
    Gas connection
    Lease copy (in my husband’s name but we do have a marriage certificate)
    PAN card
    electricity bills (not in either my husband or my name; it comes in the name of the builder)
    Bank statement and passbook
    birth certificate
    educational degrees

    I have 10 month old twins (taking both kids at once is really cumbersome) so want to make sure that I get the verification done in the first visit itself.
    Your reply would be highly appreciated.

    • manish

      Dear Bhawana,

      It is best to check with local police station what documents are required and whether they need self attestation of copies or by some certifying authority. Different police stations have different rules. Recently a friend of mine went through police verification at Mumbai and he was asked the following documents (all self attested copies)

      2 Photos
      Birth certificate/School leaving certificate
      Old Passport copy (all pages including blank ones)
      Aadhar card
      Ration Card
      Voter ID card
      PAN card
      Bank statement/passbook (PSU banks only)
      Marriage certificate
      Electricity Bill (it was in his father name but they still insisted)
      A letter from building society or society maintenance bills (one year old and current month)

      In your case, you can also submit lease agreement copy and your husband’s passport copy (if your name is endorsed in his passport and the address is the current one).

      However best to check with the police station before visiting in order to avoid multiple visits.

  • Shekhar

    Dear Manish,
    I am an undergraduate student pursuing my education outside of my home state.I reside in my university’s hostel(since 1.5 years).My query is “Can I apply for passport from my hostel address (Delhi)? Or I should apply
    from my home address(Uttar Pradesh)”. Can I show my Hostel ID card, University’s ID card and State Bank of India’s passbook for address proof? and Can I give name of my fellow students for refrences(most of them have passport )?
    Thanking you for such an awesome info!


  • Pradip

    Hi Manish,

    I want to get police clearance certificate from passport office. I have 2 address in last one year.
    But PCC form take only one address, my question is.

    Do we need to submit 1 year proof for PCC, If yes and if I change my home recently, How can I proceed as form take only 1 address.
    My passport address is different from the present address.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Jawed Akhtar

    Hi Manish,

    My first passport was issued from Patna in 1996 2nd passport was issued from Indian embassy Doha in 2006 and last passport has been issued from Indian consulate Dubai in 2011 coming to the point I want to get police clearance certificate from my regional Passport office Patna for Kuwait so normally how many days minimum required to get PCC since my passport has been issued from Indian consulate Dubai, I have yet to apply and I have limited timing to join in Kuwait.

    Your kind reply is awaited
    Best regards

  • zaved akhtar

    Hi manish
    my file no is-
    I HV looked my delhi police verification report but status is only “show. cause notice. Key”
    What this mean???pls reply
    What I do??




  • Pravin

    Hi Sir,

    I have applied for passort in 2013 but i did not got any verification call for police verification then finally i contact with local police station and told me to reinitiate the process. How to re intiate this process.

    Thanks in advance.

    • manish

      Hi Pravin

      You can write a letter to the Regional Passport Officer (check the passport website for details of the officer for your city). Address the letter directly to the officer. Give your details, application and passport numbers and explain that no verification has been initiated. Send the letter via SpeedPost and keep a copy of the letter with you for your records along with the speed post receipt. You should hear back from the local police station in matter of days.

      You can also write a letter to the commissioner of police in your city explaining the same facts and speed post the letter. Once they receive written communication, police is duty bound to take action and initiate the verification.

  • Balasubramanian N

    January 15, 2015 at 9:01 am
    Your comment is awaiting moderation
    I had problems with renewal of my grandson’s passport.
    One problem was the door number in the aadhar card was the new one which is different from the address in the old passport and application. I had all the proof. Police wanted a letter from VAO. Accordingly i obtained one. But they send the adverse report instead of waiting, although I had photographs showing both numbers. I arranged second police verification.

    Now it is name differently spelled in the application. DOB has a different English spelling. I told them in the first passport it was same as that in DOB. His father had changed it in the second passport (do not know the reason). All the passports are linked and hence it is the same person. I obtained a DOB in Tamil. Not accepted.the result: ADVERSE report.

    Now I think we have to meet the R passport office take an appointment then convince them with the facts and ask permission to correct the spelling as per DOB and first Passport or a new application with the spelling corrected back as in DOB and request re-issue of PP.

    Hope this will help. I submit this as a guidance for others to avoid unnecessary adverse reports. I will write again if successful. Presently his mother having problem with leave from her office (PP regional office is far).


  • raj

    Hi Manish,
    I have applied for re-issue of passport and received by passport within 4 weeks. Recently I got an SMS that ‘Current address police report is pending’. If I have already received my passport, is it really required to go to the police station.

    In general, want to understand what is ‘police verification on post-passport issuance basis’. If somebody has already received his/her passport what problem will we have if ‘police verification on post-passport issuance basis’ is not done

  • ranjith

    Hi All
    In Police verification Signature is miss matched with the passport form and police verification form ,
    what ll be the next step i ll get the passport or how ,????????????i ll face any problems????????????

  • Gourav

    Hi Manish,

    I have applied for re-issuance of my passport. My police verification done 2 weeks back but today I got a sms that “Police Report not yet finalized by Commissioner of Police, District Pune City.” Kindly help as to how should I go about it.

    Appreciate your earliest response.

  • shweta

    Hi Manish,

    My passport is due for renewal in Sep this year. M currently residing in Mumbai ( for the past 13 months). The address which is mentioned on my passport is my permanent address of Jalandhar, Punjab. Is it possible to apply for a re-issue of passport from Mumbai by having my permanent address on my passport? I do not want address change in my passport. My parents are residing in the permanent address. Awaiting your response.

    • manish

      Hi Shweta
      Unfortunately you cannot get the passport from Jalandhar because you are based out of Mumbai. It doesn’t matter where your parents are based out of. Only matter where you are based out of. Your only option will be to relocate to Jalandhar and then apply for the passport if you want that address to be mentioned in your passport.

  • Anuch

    Hello Manish,
    I have applied for passport before 40 days. Long back police verification is also done. Still the status is :
    Police Verification has been initiated and a request has been sent to Regional Passport Office Nagpur. Your passport will be dispatched after ‘Clear’ Police Verification Report receipt. You would receive an e-mail/sms once the passport is dispatched.
    Could you please let me know for how much time I need to wait to have my passport

  • Senior Citizen

    Last week I went for reissue of my Passport at PSK Malad. (24/3/2015)
    On 25/3 I got SMS from Mumbai Police to attend Local Police Station (PS) for verification within 3 days.
    I went to Local PS but they told me one Constable will visit your residence and only after that I should come to PS.
    Constable came on 27/3 and gave me list of documents to be submitted to PS within next 4 days.
    On 28/3 I gave copy (only one set) of documents and 2 Photos and within 5 minutes everything was done and PS informed me that all clear report will be sent to SB II branch of Mumbai Police.
    I checked the website of Mumbai Police for Passport Status but still not updated.

    I wish to bring to the notice of your readers that now verification is more streamlined.
    PSK now immediately sends message to SBII and Local PS for verification and Local PS has to complete all verification within 7 days and send report to SBII who will then do final check of any criminal background and issue final OK to Passport Office.

  • vissu

    Hi Manish,

    i applied passport for my Father on 03/11/2015 the police verification is over at current address and Old address(03/15) but the status is still “Police Verification Report is not clear and application is under review at Regional Passport Office.” from 10 Days.Please suggest

  • Mithun

    Hi manish
    I am from bangalore n my police verification was done n also I received the passport 1 month back but today I got a below message from sakala

    Your GSC No. for Passport Verification is PO14****0800225.Contact Airport PS for verification Courtesy:Police Computer Wing

    What exactly this means shd I again go for verification please help in less than 15 days I ll be visiting Malaysia so getting tensed what if my passport gets rejected

    • Rahul

      Hi Mithun,

      I have also got the same sms today about GSC No, after getting the passport. Could you tell me what happened in your case, please? I’m just worry about PV was done properly or this is normal to get this sms?

      Thanks and regards,

  • Narayanan

    My problem seems to be peculiar. I received my renewed passport already. But, the post police verification was given as negative.The reason given was my temporary address and permanemt address are same, on a rented accomodation. If this is not cleared by me with the local police, what is the effect? will I not be able to undertake any foreign travel at all? I am asking these questions only because, I know the policeman is expecting something.

    • manish

      Hi Narayanan,
      If your police verification report is negative, you will receive a show cause notice from the Passport office asking why your passport should not be impounded and penalty of Rs 5000/- not be imposed on you for giving false information in your passport application. If you do not reply to the notice and do not surrender your passport, it will get flagged and whenever you attempt to undertake foreign travel, the immigration officer will withhold your passport and not allow you to leave the country. Best to sort this out at the Passport office and police station before notices are issued.

  • Mujeeb Baih

    Hello Manish,
    i am undergoing a issue for a passport.I have applied for passport for which my current address is clear where i am leaving from Aug 214 till date, but before that i was staying in hostel and the owner is adamt for not giving me any affadavit or NOC.
    I have to apply for VISA in coming days…Can you forward any help or any source where i can get the help for this issue.
    Let me know , its really urgent.

  • racheal

    Hello, I am 17 years old and I have given my passport for renewal I got a message saying police verification initiated contact the sp office if not done in three weeks. What does this mean? Will there be a police verification? Its become two weeks now and I did not receive any other message

    • manish

      Hi Racheal,
      As per the message, you will have to undergo a police verification. It must have been mentioned clearly on the receipt that you get from the passport office (PSK) on submission of your application. If its says Pre/Post verification then you will have to undergo police verification. It is best to get in touch with the local police station to know the status. If you are located in Mumbai, you can visit the Mumbai police website to track your verification status. However I would highly recommend that you visit the police station because you will not receive complete or correct information online or over phone.

  • Surya

    I applied for reissue of passport normal in way after expiry of old passport in the month of May2015. My passport is approved with post police verification. I have received the pass port in 2 days and appeared in the near police station for police verification. I have provided adhaar card and my rental agreement as documents. But police asked about travel in last 2 years after coming to this address. I was in Turkey for 6 months in 2014. He has recorded it and asked to give the xerox of pages of departure and entry of the pages. he mentioned during the discussion you were not there in India for 6 months last year. I said yes, but my residence not changed and whole family was here. He said it is ok. I asked any thing to be done from myside he said its ok. Now I received an SMS that police has submitted adverse police verification for the present address. No action mentioned in SMS what should I do now.
    Do I need to contact passport office or police station. What is the problem?
    Please guide me how to go ahead.

    • manish

      Hi Surya

      You need to get in touch with the Regional Passport Officer and get a copy of the police report submitted. Once you understand it, you can ask for a re-initiation of the police verification if all the facts in your application are correct. Or you can modify your passport application to disclose the Turkey address as well if you believe you relocated to Turkey for 6 months. In case you change your application, the passport office has the discretion of imposing a penalty of Rs 5000/- on you for hiding facts in your passport application.

  • Amrit

    Hello Manish,
    Due to marital discord my friend is separated from her husband and living at her parents place since last 7 months,they have not applied for divorce. She wants to apply for a passport. My question is whether the passport verification will take place at her previous address also, verification on previous address will not happen properly as her in laws will not be co-operative to the police

    • manish

      Hello Amrit,
      Greetings! Sorry to hear about your friend’s situation. Since she is not yet divorced, she will have to mention the spouse name in the passport and provide proof of marriage. Also she has been living at her parent’s place only for last 7 months so police verification will happen at her in-laws place as well (or whichever place she was for the remaining 5 months). If she believes that this could be a problem then it is best to wait out 5 months and then apply for the passport.

  • nida

    Hi manish,
    Im planning for abroad studies….so im gng for police verification….
    Do I need to take the abroad university admission letter along with my documents?

    • manish

      Hi Nida,
      Not really. It’s not required. If they come to know that you are going abroad, chances are your application may get stalled for want of …you know what :). Never disclose details that are unnecessary to your application.


    Hello Manish,
    I had my police verification along with all the mentioned documents by DIB and even the police constable came to my home, but at that period i was not present in my home but my parents were there. And after verification the constable said to look for my status as the passport would arrive within 15 days. For the last 1 month i have been looking for the status and it shows pending police verification. What should i do? Please help

  • chiranjeevi

    Hi Manish,

    I was having the Passport and renewed with same address in Tatkal and no verification happened, Applied PCC on same address and they dint give supportive report, and they submitted to RPO, how to apply for re-verification to present address in RPO. what is the procedure and how much it will cost and how long it will take to PCC , which is required to travel abroad,

  • Satish

    Hi Manish,

    I just had my Passport appointment this Monday and since Tuesday morning I see the status as ” pending Physical Police verification at your respective Police Station”. But while filling the application I had entered wrong Police Station Name. there are two Police Stations near my residence and I gave the second one where as I should have given the first one. Please let me know what should I do now.

    Thanks in advance

  • Muthu

    Hi Manish,
    i had applied for passport in thane. The constable visited my home and told me come to police station along with the documents with in 7 days. However due to some urgent work , could not able to finished it. Is there a way to cancel the passport application and reapply from my home town (in Tamil Nadu) because due to job change i will be going to my home town in another two months..

  • Tejas CR

    Hi MAnish

    I had my police verification along with all the mentioned documents by DIB and even the police constable came to my home, but at that period i was not present in my home but my parents were there. And after verification the constable said to look for my status as the passport would arrive within 15 days. For the last 3 month i have been looking for the status and it shows Police verification failed. What should i do? Please help

    • manish

      Hi Tejas

      Sorry to hear about your trouble. Best to get in touch with the police station and ask for the details of the report. If they don’t respond, you can write to the DCP/Commissioner’s office or file an RTI. Usually a letter to DCP should be enough for them to share the details of the report submitted. In case of any discrepancies in the police report, you can write to the RPO and inform them about the same and ask for a police re-verification.

  • Nandini

    I have applied for fresh passport in my local police station I have submitted the below documents adhaar card,birth certificate, One year bank statement with manager seal and sign,rental agreement.
    I am staying in this house from 2002 on wards from 2002 to 2013 we stayed for lease , but after 2014 for same house we changed the agreement to rent and by mistake my house owner has given wrong door number for 2013 agreement letter but the address remains same only the door number has changed. Adhaar card, bank statement all has same address as my 2002 to 2013 lease agreement.Now police is asking me why there is a mismatch between adhaar address and current lease agreement I explained him that its a mistake from my owner and I also produced him old lease but he says verifications will be rejected kindly help me what should I do to get the clearence.I stay in Bangalore I am basically from Bangalore

  • pranav

    Hi manish
    i have by mistake mentioned a wrong police thana in my passport form although the one i mentioned also lies in my residence vicinity but my home is under coverage of another police station. i received a msg from passport seva kendra that police verification submitted an adverse report regarding your current address. Please guide my to rectify the mistake.

  • Neelkamal Deka

    Hi Manish,

    My permanent address is Guwahati and I have applied for TATKAL passport from Ahmedabad as I have been working in TCS Ahmedabad for 3 years. I am able to get signed in Annex F from my permanent address by a Deputy Commisioner. Will it be accepted by Ahmedabad PSK.

    Looking forward to hear from you!


    Dear Manish Sir,

    I applied for the passport (Fresh-normal) last On 29.06.15 In Bangalore PSK Sai Arcade still i did not get any call from Local Police Station My File No:-BN2068633509115 in website its showing Passport Application Passport application is under review at Regional Passport Office.

    Please let me know how i can when will police verification Happen In



      Dear Manish Sir,

      I applied for the passport (Fresh-normal) last On 29.06.15 In Bangalore PSK Sai Arcade still i did not get any call from Local Police Station My File No:-BN2068633509115 in website its showing Passport Application Passport application is under review at Regional Passport Office.

      Please let me know how i can when will police verification Happen In


  • manish1810

    Hi ,Manish, applied for reissue of passport expiring on 15/03/2016, at kolkata PSK, got address proof and Spouse name to be added. I was doing it under tatkal scheme, all went well until I reached c section. At c section I was told that there is a box notification against your name (possible court case etc) and you have to meet APO, I met APO and he told me that you have to see RPO as there is some security concern about some pending court case against you! I do not have any pending court case rather never had any. They told me to visit RPO after two days. So planning to visit RPO Thursday. I very disappointed as I need passport urgently. I don’t have any idea from where they found any court case pending against me. I don’t know what this could be?

    • manish

      Hi Manish

      Sorry to hear about your trouble. You should visit the RPO and find out more details of the court cases. You can also check the High Court and session court websites and search for court cases on your name. If there are court cases pending against you then RPO may issue a short validity passport (1 year) after you obtain a permission from the concerned court.

  • Kakani hari krishna

    Hii sir if my passport is rejected under police verification what would be the next steps I have to take to get my passport?

  • Jigar

    Hi manish ,

    I have applied for fresh passport in Bangalore on 27/08/15 and police verification is also done for same , i got message 2 days back as ur GSC NO for passport verification is PO××××××××××××× . In police website its showing as Rejected as where in Sakala website its showing as Pending . What do i have to do furter

  • Jaydeep

    Hello All,

    I am applying for my Wife’s New Passport. We got married 6 months back.
    For current Bangalore address proof i have all the documents. But before marriage she was staying with relatives in Bangalore only.
    So what proof is require for PV during relatives stay ?

  • Abbas

    Hellow Manish,
    I have applied for renewal with change of address. But I mentioned the year of staying on present address from 2001 instead of 2011. This i came to know only after came out of passport office. Now iam waiting for the police verification. Now what can i do. Can police ask for proof of staying from 2001 or last one year only.Please kindly clarify me

  • Sarfaraaz

    hi this is sarfaraaz

    i have applied for a fresh passport i am done with my police verification now it is more than 2 months the status is same the once the virification is done u will get email/sms regarding your passport.So what should i do now

  • Kirti

    hi manish i got a mail from the passport office that You are requested to get in touch with the respective Police Office(s) if verification is not done in three weeks. Thank You!! so am i supposed to visit nearest police station im so confused

  • vaibhav


    I am not applying for passport from my home town so for police verification, where are the police verification will be happen..

    For friends reference, can i give the friend name and one of my relative who is staying in bangalore..

    Is it necessary to fill those friend’s address who is staying in bangalore from 1 year ..

  • Anupam Mishra

    Hi Manish,
    Can you please let me know whether its necessary to be present at your past permanent address for police verification? As my permanent address is in Faizabad, U.P., but since I’m student so now I’m staying in Bengaluru. I applied for Passport. Now police verification had to be done at both places. I got a call from my permanent address’s police station. They are asking me to come there. I don’t understand, if I’m staying here in Bengaluru at present, how can I be there at my past permanent address. Whatever the references I have given, they should get the things verified by them, and for my personal presence I’ll present myself at my present address’s police station for verification. Why they are making it so complex?

  • Alok

    Any idea on what is the “STOP IMPOSED FLAG” and what happend after paying the penalty when police verification report is adverse ! However my status says ‘Passport delivered” . I paid the penalty for address verification related issue and the APO said that she removed the stop imposed flag and now i can travel. God knows what these procedures are !!! Can you please clarify ?

    while calling up the help desk , the representative is saying ‘ pls call after a week’ to know the status. My only intention is to know wher my passoport is valid or not ! whether i can apply for visa or not !!! whether i will be able to travel or not !!!

  • sai

    Hi Manish,
    I have been residing in my village from my birth jun 1991 After completion of my education (completed b.tech) I am attending some interview walk ins from my village to other city(up and down process) for the past 2 years. at that time i am doing some transactions(bank) in that city but i am not staying(residing) in that city ,my police verification is failed due to this problem,recently i got a letter from passport office in that letter they are asking for proper explanation for this problem.what should i do? pls help me…

  • Yogesh

    Hi Manish,

    I have applied for a fresh passport ( Thane ) and its pending a police verification. The local police station requires 2 witness from the same society that I live to come along with me to the police station for verification. Is this mandatory ? I don”t understand the reason for this. What if no one in my neighbourhood has the time to take a day off from their work and come with me to the police station? Is there any other options?


  • Prakash Lewis

    Hello Manish,

    I had applied for Passport and had mentioned only my permanent address in my application however I currently reside at a different place and I do not have any address proof apart from just Agreement rent papers for my present stay.

    Police verification was initiated at my permanent address I was present and had signed on documents however later after few hours the police came to know I wasnt residing there. The present status on passport website is ” Police report has been submitted by Malad Police Station, Mumbai and sent to SP Office, District Mumbai for review.”. I havent been called at the police station for submitting of the documents.

    Would you suggest some remedy for the same for proof for my present address I just have agreement papers, Can I transfer my old bank account which had my permanent address on it to my present address would it serve the purpose for 1 Year stay at present place.requesting for a quick reply as in need.

    Prakash Lewis

  • Aradhana Singh

    Hi manish,
    I applied for passport on 1st jan 2016 and got police verification done on 3rd jan but LIU office delayed and file got submitted on 20 jan now status is showing action for printing initiated but i did not received any message for clearance of police verification. And can yiu please confirm by when am i expected to receive passport.

  • Namrata Surjooram

    Hello Sir

    I have applied to renew my passport on 22/02/2016 which reflects my husband’s details in it. At passport office and on the day of submission I was told that I will get my passport in one week. Online status is saying that pending for physical police verification. But there is no call from my respective area police station. My husband is south african citizen so he doesn’t have any property in India. In that case my address will be same in new passport ( Means My father’s residential address). I was expecting my passport bit early. But because of online status I am in dilemma. Can you suggest me what I should do to get my passport as soon as possible?

    Thanks in advance

  • Manish Singh

    Hi Manish

    My Status on passport website says: Police report has been submitted by respective Thana and is under review at Commissioner Of Police, District Navi Mumbai.

    But i have not been called to police station for physical verification only a constable came home to ask few things when was not at home.

    So pls tell me what do u think about this….pls rply….

  • Jas

    Hi Sir,

    I had applied for re-issue of my passport. I am living at my present address since last 10 months. Before this, I was living at my permanent address (in other state). I had mentioned both my present address and previous/permanent address in my passport application. My application statues is now at police verification. I got phone calls from both police stations for PV. Is it mandatory to be present physically at permanent/ previous address for police verification? Also, police verification at my present address has been done successfully.

    Kindly answer my query.

  • Ankit

    Hey Manish,

    I’ve applied for my passport on 11/2/16 and my police verification and CID verification (as I am from J&K) is already complete and i was there during CID verification and signed the documents. Today on 10/3/16 I got a sms as “Current Address Police Report is pending. Contact RPO of police Verification is complete else contact police”.

    Now, currently I am outside my city for a couple of weeks. What would you suggest me to do as I’ve already been through all the verification process.

    Would appreciate if you’ll reply.


  • Akhil

    I want to change my reference i have already got call for local police station for verification but unfortunately once of my reference is not available
    and one more by mistaken during form submission i made spelling mistake in my parent name
    So please guide me what to do in both cases
    Do i have to reapply for the passport again or is there any process available for this

  • lohithrao

    Looks like the verification process has changed?. as per the new process 2 neighbors have to provide address proof/photograph of thier’s and sign the document when the cop comes for verification and also a photograph will be taken along with the cop(verification officer), 2 neighbors and the one who has applied for the passport. this looks like a new process?

  • Ruchika

    Hi Manish,

    I have to apply for reverification of police cos, when they visited my home I was out of station for some personal reasons but my family was present there at time I don’t know why they didn’t accepted verification.please advice on the same ,what is the process to apply again ?

    Awaiting for your reply

    Thanks& Regards,

  • S

    I recently got married before 4 months. After marriage, I applied for reissuing passport to add my spouse name and his address. Two police verifications has been done. Clear report came for Previous address verification but Adverse report came for Current address. I check with police station, he said you are living at your current address less than 1 year. I need to apply for PCC also. What should I do. Please reply soon.

  • shweta singh

    Hi Manish,

    That’s a great info you have put up.
    I wanted to ask a question.
    I have apllied for my passport in Mumbai. Police verification was done on May 31, 2016. Till June 5, 2016 status on Mumbai Police website showed us the file inward date and the name of police station, but since June 6, 2016 website says there is no info available for the file number entered. Any idea why the status changed to this overnight?!


  • Rajendra

    Hi Manish
    My case is reissue of passport.I have received new passport and note is post verification,I have submitted relevant documents to local police station and after routine procedure they have submitted my file to their HO.Accordingly I have received SMS from Comm.Police that that your police verification is done and your file is sent to passport office.But so far from Passport office no any massage.So my request is how to check the status of passport .

    • manish

      Hi Rajendra,

      You can write a letter to the RPO and check the status of police verification. You can send this letter via speedpost. You can also file an RTI about the same. Usually they reply to all letters received so RTI may not be required.

  • karthick raja

    This is to inform you that following Police Verification Request(s) have been initiated on Pre-Verification basis for your Passport Application .
    what is the meaning of this sentence?should i go to police station.

  • Monika

    Hii manish

    I had applied for a fresh passport 16/6/2016 ..and my police verification is done ..and now my status shows police has submitted your report to thana and is under review at sp office ..can you please tell me what’s mean..and how my days take my passport printing..and sp office is reviewing online or physical..

  • shyam galagali

    My Son has applied for passport with documents prescribed on Mahapolice website wherein ration card or any other documents like bank passbook, school leaving certificate. the RPO authorities accepted the application with the said documentation and SMS was received for Police verification. We have no ration card and hence submitted a letter from society where we stay for last 16 years with two neighbours with their ration card copies. However, Police authorities are insistent upon ration card when I have tendered affidavit stating that we have no ration card on the given address neither it exist anywhere in our name. We have been visiting Police Station only to get some nasty remarks……. which cannot be reduced in writing since they all are oral. it appears though rules are amended from time to time for the general public the old habits die hard inasmuch as when alternate documents are prescribed and the same are submitted why such humiliation continues to haunt the free citizen of our great country.

    • manish


      I would recommend that you communicate with the police in writing only. If the officer in-charge is not helpful, you can write a letter to Senior Inspector or DCP office and explain the situation that you do not hold a ration card at current or any other address. Attach copy of the affidavit as well.

  • Pramod

    Hi manish,

    i had my passport appointment yesterday and the status is ‘GRANTED’ ….Now i have been in my college hostel for over 2 years now staying away from my parents whose address is given as permanent address in the passport application.

    Now for the police verification 1) would it be done at both these locations? and 2) would i need the original documents with me or would photocopies do?

    Kindly advice.



    I have applied for fresh passport from Bangalore. After sometime police verification done in local police station. But still status show to me Pending for physical verification under thana SP office. When I check status for police verification it show status- rejected under police verification what would be the next steps I have to take to get my passport?

  • Devesh Punjabi

    Hi Manish,

    I had applied for my mom dads passport, my process was stuck at the address verification, i had not added the new rental apartment address in the application and had just mentioned my owned house address which is just 5 mins from my current address..now the Inspector told me to get the current address added in my application..can this be done and how or i have to apply for a new passport for them ??

  • rakesh

    sir i got my passport under tatkaal. now police have given adverse statement about my present adress. as i live in hostel for studies. i gave both permanent and present adress as my home adress. what should i do now??? plz inform me

  • Madhu Rana

    i have an issue please suggest what i have to do because when police member came to my house for verification but that time i was not present their. Now they send me letter for explanation why you are not present that time. i am doing job in new delhi but passport has applied from Dehdradun. But when i applied for passport that time i was not doing job but i was not present that place. Please help me if you guys faced these type of problem,

  • Chirag shah

    Hi Manish
    I applied for passport on September 9th and the status till few day was showing pending for police verification. When I did not received any call or info I myself went there. The police told my that he had called and SMS me to visit. However I received no such call or SMS. He now wants my to go to RPO and get the paper back for verification. My question is how to check whether he has visited my home as I am sure he speaking lie that he has called me for verification. Also now he wants me to file again for PP or re verification…. I have logged a greviance at passport site. Is there a way to complete the verification or will have to wait for letter again from police station for verification. What are options available?

    • manish

      Hi Chirag,
      Most of the police verification process is now online. However there is no way to track whether the police officer called or SMS you. I would recommend that you write a letter to the RPO to reinitiate the police verification process and send this letter via speedpost. RPO will reinitiate the process within a week or two. Also send a letter to local police station (Senior Inspector) explaining the previous situation and that you have reinitiated the process. Send this letter via speedpost and mark a copy to DCP or Commissioner’s office. No need to talk to anyone on phone or personal visit for followups. Once police receives your written letter, they are duty bound to act on it and submit a report to higher authorities. They will also reinitiate the verification process and make sure it is completed. Once this is done, they will also record your statement (Public relation Officer) and close the matter.

  • Rajesh Rathod

    Hi Manish
    i am apply the passport on last month but police verification is not done. i am go to police station 2 time they have a rule to come with your current location Society 2 witness and they address proof and id proof. police station time is morning 10am-1pm only. They are not check the my document. My society is not registered just one and half year go i am stay and my society member are not have any address proof or id proof. now tell me how my police verification done. Constable is not even visit my home.

  • Abhi

    Hi Manish,

    I have got adverse report sent to RPO because police didnt accept my passbook and bank statement . What can i do now. i dont have any other proof for my current address.

    • manish

      Apply for a fresh police verification and get alternate documents eg: Letter from society, rent or sale deed agreement of the property. Sometimes police does not accept bank statement alone. Usually they will insist on Ration card copy.

  • Shiva

    Good Day Manish,

    I have applied for re-issuance of my passport. My police verification done 10days back but today I got a sms that “Police Report not yet finalized by Commissioner of Police, Districtnavimumbai. contact police for details” Kindly help as to how should I go about it.

    Appreciate your earliest response.

  • Liuyamba Yimchunger

    I have applied for fresh passport. Police verification has been done successfully 2 weeks ago. Almost more than a month happened from the date of submissions. However, i have not receive passport. When I checked with Regional Passport Office, they are saying awaiting for MHA report. I don’t know again how long it will take. Can anybody suggest me, how long MHA takes time to process? And what are the procedure of MHA for fresh passport applicant. I shall be very thankful.

  • Monica

    Guys my first police verification is done but the constable said that there will be one more verification for my previous address proof. Is that a problem? Before my current address I stayed in Pg how should I prove them.

  • Nam

    Hi, I have applied for Tatkal Passport. But now for Police Verification they need one year old electricity bill which i do not have. Is there any way out?

  • Sudhakar


    My name is sudhakar my native place Visakhapatnam past one year I am working in Orissa I got one abroad opportunity in Kuwait can I get pcc in Orissa.

  • Abhinav Keshav

    I have mistakenly entered incorrect address for both the references. Although names of both the neighbors and phone number for 1 is correctly mentioned. What should I do now.

  • Darsh

    Hi Manish – I am in Mumbai, but passport was issued in Delhi. Should I go to PSK delhi for PCC or apply to PSK Mumbai?

  • Jawed ali

    My passport police verification has been done but I have dont recieve any messege that your police verification done or not.and my tracking status is showing that your police verification has been initiated pv request sent to the SP office..?

  • Rajkumar Vasala

    still showing Police report has been submitted by WORLIPolice Station, Mumbai and sent to SP Office, District Mumbai for review. from 7days

    Police report has been submitted by WORLI Police Station, Mumbai and sent to SP Office, District Mumbai for review.
    is this the way indian process work slow in india , please help me to sort out .

  • rahul

    I am residing at noida for last 2 yrs in a rented flat. I got my passport in 2006 with my permanent address of west Bengal. I work for a PSU and was transferred from Kolkata to Delhi. I have purchased a flat in delhi in 2013. I was living in that flat from July 2014 to april 2015 before moving to a bigger rented flat in noida.During my stay at my purchased flat, I got my voter ID during Delhi elections and also regularly pay the electricity bills. presently My flat in Delhi is locked. My question is, can I give my Delhi flat address as my permanent address since I have electricity bills and voter ID as proof, even if My flat is locked; or I should give my WB address as permanent, as my parents live there?
    An early reply would be highly appreciated.

  • Ruhi

    I got my passport but with post police verification on 4th July. On 15th July I got message from Police to visit in 3 days with all documents. I submitted my Aadhar, Bank Statement, Society Letter and Owner NOC for rented flat for my address proof. Same day they verified all my documents and a Senior Officer also signed on the File. Still police called me again on 29th July and said it may go adverse as rent agreement is not registered but notarised, but still they will send it. On 1st August I got a message that police report not yet finalized by Commissioner of Police. What should I do? Should I wait or again go to Police Station to check or write to any Senior Officer? Please suggest.

  • Digamber Chauhan s/o shri dhan sing chauhan

    Hi sir. I digamber chauhan my police verification is not done because thats time i am not persant in my presant adrss so please tell me now what i do of re verification..

  • Jannat shaad

    Hello sir,

    I have applied for passport and I am waiting for police verification. I’m staying at my granny’s house since 1992 and I have stated the same in my application form. I have all my documents for the same address, but the police inspector is asking for proof of duration of stay at that place since 1992. I was born in 1990 and my birth certificate has a different address on it. My grandmother has no documents that is dated 1992 or anything before that and the property deed and other documents are with my uncle who stays in abroad. I don’t have any other document that states my grandmother’s name on it. What should I do?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Rujuta Shirke

    Dear Sir
    Is it mandatory to visit the same day to the police station for police verification after receiving the message as ” your Police verification is initiated”.on the same day. Please do kindly help.

  • rahul

    Manish Jee
    I applied passport and police verification is also done by me but by mistake I said police that pastly 2 month ago I lived in Goa than police write in his verification that he was lived in Goa than Goa police verification is also demanded by passport office .tell me yes or no. Or give me a suggestion

  • Syed Parwaz Zaidi

    hi sir,

    Its me syed i applied for the passport…my police verification report says on the website that “Police Verification Report for passport application is under review at the Regional Passport Office. Passport will be dispatched after Police Verification Report is found clear. The applicant would receive an sms/e-mail once the passport is dispatched.”

    What do this stands for sir..?

  • Avtar

    Hi Manish
    I already apply for passport. Police verification is also done but they mention that I am staying on that address from last 5months.
    Concern is that I have a room in bhandup that is in Mumbai and I have all proof that I stay in bhandup from last 23 years .
    Still I did not receive a passport.
    Pls help me what to do further.

  • Zayan

    Good day Manish,

    I submitted passport renewal almost more than 65 days back i.e.: July 26th. My brother submitted all documents for police verification on September 15th 2021 which is now 15 days. And I have written to Consular still they say that police verification did not happen or pending. This is the longest ever time taken for passport renewal in last 25 years.

    Kindly advice what next I need to do or just wait.

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