How to get passport appointment online?

Since 2012, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has changed the process of passport application and reissue. The application for issuance of fresh passport or reissue of expired/expiring passport has been made online. This has been done to streamline the whole process. Also Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has been roped in to manage the online application system as well as to manage the data entry process. MEA and TCS have launched many passport kiosks also known as Passport Seva Kendras (PSK) where an Indian citizen can visit to submit his or her passport application. This is certainly a good news for Indian Passport applicants as it removes all middlemen and agents in the process. However, in order to visit the PSK, one has to book an appointment online (unless your are filling up a tatkal application in which case you can simply walk into the nearest PSK without appointment). The number of slots at any given PSK are limited and hence they get filled up really quickly as soon as they are open. Here are some of the tips that will help you get your appointment faster.

  1. Make sure you have already created your account on the website
  2. Either fill the application online or download the PDF form to be filled offline. Once the offline form is filled, you need to generate the upload file and upload the same from your account at passportindia website.
  3. Verify all the details entered in the form and submit the form. Once submission is complete, you will now be able to create an appointment.
  4. Click on “View Saves/Submitted Applications” link and the system will list down all the applications that you have created. At most you can create only 3 applications per account.
  5. Select the appropriate application and below the application list, click “Manage Appointment” link. The link will only be enabled for forms that have been submitted. Partially filled forms will not have this link enabled.
  6. On the next screen, the system will ask you to choose PSK nearest to your location and click on “Create Appointment”.
  7. The system will ask you to fill in a CAPTCHA code to verify its a human being and not any automated bot trying to create appointments. The CAPTCHA code is alphanumeric and alphabets are also in capital.
  8. Once you enter the CAPTCHA, click on “Show Available Slots”. Most likely you will see the following message displayed “Currently no appointment slots are available for the selected Passport Seva Kendra (PSK). Please try scheduling an appointment from DD/MM/YYYY, 3:00 PM onwards. Total number of appointments booked today : XXX“. The appointment timings for various passport offices are also published on the passport website.
  9. Note down the date and time carefully. Also sync your computer/watch/mobile (whichever one you refer to) to the website’s clock. Website’s clock is displayed at top left corner of every page.
  10. Visit the website on specified date at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time.
  11. Follow steps 4 to 7 and reach the “Show Available Slots” page. Make sure to keep the CAPTCHA code filled in the form. Do not click on the link to see the slots yet. Wait until the time is exactly 3:00 PM (or whatever time was mentioned in the error message). Hit the “Show Available Slots” within seconds of clock hitting 3PM.
  12. You will now see many slots open for one or more days. Do not think twice and simply choose a slot immediately. It is advisable to choose afternoon slots as many people don’t prefer it or 3PM to 4PM slots.
  13. The system will ask you to enter another CAPTCHA and if the choosen slot is still available, you will receive an appointment confirmation number.

The system may become extremely slow during this period since there is heavy visitor traffic on the website. Make sure to access the website from a broadband or high speed Internet line (if possible, e.g. from office). Do not hit refresh/back buttons on the browser since you will only get one chance before slots get filled. If for some reason, your booking gets stuck on the final page, open another window without disturbing the stuck window and login into your account again and see if you have an appointment ID. Sometimes the system is too slow to respond and may have already booked your slot but unable to show you the appointment confirmation. In such cases opening the account in a new window can help verify if appointment went through.

If you are unsuccessful in your attempt, come back again at the date and time mentioned in the error message.

Do not try to make bookings for multiple accounts as only one account will be logged in from a single browser. If you have multiple bookings to be made, make sure to open them on different browsers (such as Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome etc) or use multiple computers.

Update (June 13, 2013): If media reports in TOI and other leading newspapers are to be believed then Passport authorities are rolling out two important changes in the application process.

  1. Now the system will automatically give an appointment from available slots instead of users logging in at a specific time to book an appointment. Users will be allowed to change their appointment twice in an year.
  2. Payment of Passport Fees will be made online and must be done along with the appointment in order to confirm the booking.

These changes will be rolled out slowly through the country.

Update (Aug 13, 2013): The new appointment system has been activated PAN India where the payment of the passport fees has to be made online before appointment is given. Also there is no way to choose the appointment slot and the same is allotted automatically by the system.


  • saurabh shrivastava

    THANK YOU Manish ji, you wrote a wonderful blog, it is very helpful for those applying passport, it includes some important information usually we do not get easily from website. I am trying to get appointment date for last 3 days, every time I click the ‘show available slot’ option, no new pop up window comes just it changes CAPTCHA, Secon thing I want to ask, Are you sure that for Tatkal I can go without taking appointment. Thanks again for your blog,

    • manish

      Dear Saurabh,

      Thanks for your comments. For best results use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browser instead of Internet Explorer. For tatkal application appointment is not required. Just make sure to submit the form and get an application reference number online. This reference number is enough to initiate your application at PSK.

  • techenicKunal

    I am trying for appointment from 3 days, but at the time of appointment for 5 min there msg comes UNABLE TO PROCESS and after 5 min, ALL APPOINTMENTS ARE FULL. Please try for next date –/–/2013
    What should I do??

    • manish

      Kunal, you will have to try on the date mentioned in the error message. Try to follow the steps mentioned in this post. It will definitely increase your chances of securing an appointment.

  • vivek

    hey manish it was really helpful to book an appointment after reading your blog..i have one more query if you can pls answer it..i uploaded two forms from one account but whenever i schedule an appointment on the date given on the website, it shows unable to process..please help me with your valuable suggestion

      • vivek

        when i uploaded the first form, i realised that i did some mistake so i uploaded another form from the same account making that correction. but now it shows ‘unable to process’ for the second form whenever i try to book an appointment on the scheduled time. Is it because of the two forms that i have uploaded?

        • manish

          Vivek, I don’t think the number of forms matter. I uploaded 2 forms before I finally filled everything correctly in the 3rd form and booked an appointment.

  • Amit

    Same Problem here in Punjab Amritsar. Always when 5pm to start the appoinment time. unable to process try again error coming. Please help me Manish Singh. what is the problem ? after 7 or 8 min all appointments are full.

    • manish

      Amit, unfortunately that error comes sometimes. You just have to wait for a day or two and try again. If your application is under tatkal, you can walk into the PSK without appointment.

    • anurag

      hii bidu are iska ek solution hai jab 4.45 mai tum code dal dena jese he 4.59.59 hoga wese enter mar dena to error nhi hoga kyo ki ek din mai 25 appomintments milte hai jo 4 ya 5 min mai full ho jate hai …..

  • javed

    I have the same problem at psk lucknow. I have submited a single form got arn no. But when i try to book an apointment it always say UNABLE TO PROCESS THE REQUEST TRY AFTER SOME TIME. Please solve my problem.

      • Sanket

        Hi Manish, I have been trying to seek an appointment for my application since June 12. Everyday I log in diligently at the prescribed time but get the error “Unable to process the request. Please try after some time.”.

        I have called the Tollfree number as well but they are not able to log a complaint and neither are they able to advise. All they have suggested is go to Regional Passport Office (not PSK) and explain your case.

      • jkhan

        i have rescheduled my appointment twice but my paper work was not proper and now iam unable schedule appointment…….what to do now pls help

        • manish

          Hi. Sorry to hear about your situation. You have two options. 1. Visit RPO and plead your case and get one more appointment for PSK. 2. Create a new application and pay the fees again to schedule an appointment.

  • Mahesh

    Hi Manish, For Delhi passport office, not able to get online appointment as the following message displayed “Maximum number of appointments exceeded for the day.” The same message is there even at 6 PM when time slots are released for Delhi Passport office, not even able to select the required PSK due to above error. Anything got changed from 1st June 2013?

    • manish

      Mahesh, you just have to try again. Make sure to visit the website few minutes before 6PM on the date specified in the error message. The time is displayed on the website top-left corner.

    • manish

      Nagaraj, do follow the process as per this post and there are good chances you will succeed in getting an appointment.

  • Swat

    The message ” unable to process the request please try after some time” does indicate any mistakes in the filled application form or is it because of the heavy traffic ??

  • Monisha

    Hi , I have been trying for reissue of passport since april end..!! for d first few days it used to show a list of time slot n whenever i opted for one it used to show “sorry, the appointment has already been taken” but i continued my attempts , later whenever i used to book an appoinmnt time it used to log me out automatically ! still i continued trying… these days it shows “UNABLE TO PROCESS THE REQUEST” and it has been several weeks. Today it showed appoinmt for 24th available n there was a “pay & book” option i clicked on that paid the fees…. but when i checked my appoinmt is still not booked it still shows “unable to…” and my money is also gone..!! PLEASE HELP

    • manish

      Dear Monisha, please call the PSK toll free helpline to report the payment issue. With the recent change in passport process, the payment is collected before any appointment can be booked. Also the slot selection is now automated and applicants cannot choose a time/date slot any more. This is being rolled out slowly across all PSKs throughout India. There is a press release regarding the same on Passport website.

      • Monisha

        Thanks for replying ! The toll free no doesnt seem to work ! I have noticed a few changes in time slot thing but then how to get a appointment keeping in view the new format ?

      • santosh sapate

        Dear Sir,
        Thanks for your valuable inforamation.
        I am facin problem as follows-
        I book appointment for fresh passport on 18 dec13.
        At that time because of non availability of NOC I was sent back by PSK officer.
        I reschedule the appointment afterwards for twice and get appointment on 3rd Feb14
        Unfortunately again I was sent back because NOC is not as per site format.
        Now when I am tring to schedule appointment,error message shows as
        maximum number of reshedule appointment is crossed.
        Then will you pls. guide me that,weather I have to agin fill the application form and pay the fee?
        OR there is any solution.
        Pls. reply.
        Santosh Sapate

  • mridula

    i am trying to book an appointment from more than 10 days…but every time it shows that unable to process the request….i am following the steps you said in your blog …i adjust the time with the passport website…but still i am not getting…what is the problem ? please help

  • snigdha

    After Schedule Appointment every time getting a msz lik Maximum number of appointments exceeded for the day even i tried at dot time of Schedulng Appointment ..
    plz suggest something…

    • manish

      Hi Snigdha, Since the demand is huge the slots get filled up within 2-3 minutes of them opening. I would advice that you try exactly at opening time. Make sure to sync your clock with the one on passport website. If you finish the process within 1 minute of slot opening then the probability of securing an appointment is very high.

  • Man

    anyway appointment system is crap. TCS should copy INFOPASS way of appointment system. The only way they should allow to change is for one arn/file only one appoitment should be taken if it is same like INFOPASS.They dont really have brain, if the appointment is not available they should give the message. it is just displaying the captcha again and again when tried multiple times it gives same information. Feedback system no idea whether some one will look into it or not.

  • Shankaran

    Dear Manishji have they changed system , last time it was 6pm and within 1 minute we used to get message all appointment are full for the day , now it is 6.30 pm at bangalore and the m essage keeps comning till 7.25 pm and it does not show message all slots are full , please help .

  • Shankaran

    All though I did not receive any reply , I am sharing my experience. I was trying continuossly from 6.30 pm till 8pm on June 21 , but was getting message unable to proceed , so on Saturday JUNE 22, MIRACLE HAAPPENED , I tried around 10.30 am and out of two centres in B’lore , sai Arcade showd appointment is available, immediately confirmed , paid fee thru SBI and got appoinment for June 28, so finally going tommorrow . I think the new system with payment is no longer a 5 minute affair. Earlier when it was 6pm , within 6.05 Pm at Baangalore it will show number of appointments booked for the day. Now in the new system at 6.30 pm the number of slots booked is not displayed after 5 minutes and it is open without limit that is why , I got appointment on Sat morning at 10.30 am, the message we get is due to the fact that there huge number of users trying to log in simultaneously , whereas on saturday mor it was a cake walk scenario.


  • Jayraj

    After the appointment work is over, Police verification is done within how many days ? and after that when do we get passport ?

  • pratik

    getting re captcha all the time when i am pressing enter at then time of opening of the appiontment even though i had written the wright captcha.
    any solution for this?

    • manish

      Dear Pratik,

      The captcha is case sensitive so make sure you enter it exactly as displayed. It may take a few attempts to get it right. Unfortunately there is no way to avoid it. Due to poor usability design the website is not disabled friendly otherwise it would have given options to hear the captcha word as sometimes it if difficult to read the captcha.

  • sagar

    Hello manish-ji,

    Thank for giving such helpful article and support.
    Trying to get Fresh Normal Passport.
    I generate ARN No. but while booking always message like “Maximum limit exceed for the Day” while trying to book the passport appointment…:(
    so I want to go through the walk-in appointment.
    can you please suggest procedure for walk-in ,document required and which form to submit at the time of walk-in.

    • manish

      Dear Sagar,

      Sorry to hear about the issues. You can go for walk-in without appointment if you apply in tatkal. If you follow the instructions closely you should be able to secure an appointment online.

        • manish

          I don’t think you can walk-in without an appointment unless you are applying under tatkal scheme. You may however want to check with your regional passport office (not the PSK) if they will entertain your application without appointment.

  • Pratap

    I have the same problem at psk PUNE. I have submited a single form got arn no. But when i try to book an apointment it always say UNABLE TO PROCESS THE REQUEST TRY AFTER SOME TIME. Please solve my problem & my payment option is (sbi atm card)

  • aditya

    hello manish, im from hyderabad, when i try to schedule a appointment, it is showing a message that” no appointments are opened for the selected psk” . what does it mean , it is not even giving me any date or time

  • Tara Singh

    Hello manish-ji, Trying to get Fresh tatkal Passport. I generate ARN No. but while booking always message like “Maximum limit exceed for the Day” while trying to book the passport appointment… can you please suggest procedure for get appointment . can i go without appointment in passport Office for passport

  • Abdul Anoop

    Thanks yar. It was very helpful. I have a doubt. I need to take 2 appointments, 1 for my wife and another for my son who is 4 years old. How could i get an application simultaneously for them. Please advise.

    • manish

      You can make the payment by visiting a State Bank of India branch as well. Use the option “Pay using Challan” during the payment process and follow the instructions on screen. You will need to print the challan and take it to nearest SBI branch to make the payment.

  • rajeshbudhrani

    Hi Manish,
    I want to book appointments for 2 applications at a time for my father and mother…can I do that? I understand I can take it only for 1 applicant at a time
    pls guide

    • manish

      Hi Rajesh,

      At this time family bookings are not possible. You will have to take two separate appointments or apply under tatkal and walk-in without an appointment.

  • Vikram

    Hi, A wonderful article. I am trying to do through the tatkal process. I keep getting an error
    No appointments are opened for the selected Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) while trying to book an appointment.

    Anyway, following your earlier reply to Ms.Tara’s question, If i walk in without an appointment, can the payment be done then and there, or should i do it with a chalan?

    Thanks in advance.

    • manish

      Hi Vikram,

      I think you can pay the fees at PSK, however it’s best to confirm with the passport helpline once. Things have changed since the time I visited PSK.

  • Gangadhara Reddy


    I am also having problem in getting appoint slot online. I am trying to get passport for my wife on tatkal basis…any idea…if can direcly walk in to PSK for tatkal?

    Thanks for valuable suggestions…..

    • manish

      Yes she can walk in without an appointment. Make sure to fill the form and submit it online. Take a printout of the form with ARN number and walkin to the nearest PSK.

  • prasant kumar muduli

    i am trying to book an appointment from more than 20 days…but every time it shows that Maximum number of appointments exceeded for the day.
    but still i am not getting..HOW i will get appointment .what is the problem ? please help

  • Mazhar

    Can you please provide me the link under official website where it is stated that while applying in TATKAL mode no appointment is required and you can walk into PSK directly.

    Thanks in advance

  • Mazhar

    For TATKAL I m assuming a case/situation: Suppose I reached PSK without appointment and the officials start saying that there is no more room for candidates today.All the quota for today is full.You may have to come tomorrow. Anything such happened to anyone of you.

  • Gangadhara Reddy

    Hi Mazhar,

    I guess we need to tyr this new way….may work or may not work….

    I do not think it will work…given the fact that amount of pain involved in getting online slot….because of so much of pain…it Tatkal is opened for walk int ..i guess there will be so much crowd as paying 2000 is not a big deal for people….

    lot of people are making money because of this in efficient system of passport….

    I pity India. 🙂

    They can setup one passport office for each district as we are highly populated country…..

    Which was supposed to a simple document procedure….we(Indian) are messing up this big time

    when system become so inefficient…then that is where all corruption , back door ways and bribe are born…..

    Why one should depend on luck to get a slot for taking mandatory(almost near mandatory) document for every citizen…

    Again..shame on US i.e our country system efficiency……..

    Now, I am paying 700 for an agent to get me passport as service charge / bribe or whatever it is called…….:)


    • manish


      You can walk in with a completed form with ARN number under tatkal category. The PSK can turn you away even with a confirmed appointment. Has happened with my mother who was asked to report next day without appointment since the PSK was too crowded on her appointment date.

      Please be aware that granting of passport under tatkal scheme involves more scrutiny and checks. The passport officer will grant a tatkal passport only if she is convinced about your identity with the documents you present to her. My wife got her tatkal passport without appointment in 2 days however I have heard of cases where the passport was not granted under tatkal scheme and converted to normal scheme by passport officer. So you do have a risk of loosing the additional 2000/- that you pay for tatkal service.

    • manish


      This is not a new way. It’s a recognised way published on passport website. You can read more about it in the press release.

      Why do they allow walkin for tatkal? Because tatkal means emergency passport. The government expects the citizens to use tatkal when they need passport urgently.

      It’s true 2000 is nothing for many people. Heck it can’t buy you a good dinner for 2 in Mumbai. Yet 2000 is a BIG deal for majority of Indians.

      Online appointment is a pain. But believe me the tips I describe work 99/100 times. I got appointment in first attempt for every application that I submitted for my family and few friends. For few application I canceled and retook a different appointment as well.

      Of course the system can be improved further. However it is way better than what it used to be 5-8 years back. My experience in Mumbai dealing with PSK has been fairly positive.

  • Khalid Kamal

    For those people who do not know how to use a computer or who do not know much about using a PC, how they can do this?

  • Amit

    Hi Manish,
    I want to change my permanent address with only change in house number(in same city) and add my spouse name. Presently I am staying in Noida but my permanent address is different. I do have address proof like ration card and bank statement at my permanent address, can u please guide in abt my case whether I can have the changes? Do i have to book any appointment online for tatkal?

    • manish

      Hi Amit,

      You will need to apply for a reissue of passport and update your permanent address. You will also have to mention all the addresses where you have been staying for past 12 months as police verification will be done at all those addresses. You will most likely be issued a passport with post verification since your existing passport is still valid at the time of reissue. Documents have to be provided for both the permanent address as well as your current address.

      • Amit

        Thanks Manish for prompt reply. For tatkaal passport, do I need to submit annexure F and annexure I. Is it mandatory now to submit these annexture or has it been made obselete with recent changes?

        • manish

          Hi Amit,

          Annexure I and Annexure F are compulsory for fresh Tatkal passport. You can submit 3 out of 16 notified documents in lieu of Annexure F. In case of passport reissue (one year before expiry or within 2 years of expiry) , Annexure I and F are not required.

    • manish

      It varies from city to city. You can check your city appointment registration timings by following the timing link in the article.

    • manish

      Hi Sahasra,

      Please use the appointment timing link mentioned in the above article to check the appointment slot opening timing for your PSK. The slot timings do get changed at times and latest data is available on the passport website.

  • Smita

    Hi Manish, Your blog helped me to atleast get into the next pages of scheduling . appointment. But I am not sure why the paypent process is failed at the end. As per my knowledge I entered everything correctly. Can you explain the payment process and steps..
    I do have ICICI Bank International Debit card, (Visa Platinum).

    WIth your response I will try again to schedule the apointment tomorrow.
    Thank in advance.

  • suresh

    Hi Manish thanks for your blog helps me a lot,But i have a iisue,I am in banaglore,appointment opening time is 6:30pm,I tried exactly at 6:30 and even after 2o minutes but I am getting message as like this “Maximum number of appointments exceeded for the day”,I dont know what to do plz suggest,Struggling from 3 days

    • manish

      Hi Suresh,

      Sorry to hear about your trouble. Make sure to sync your clock with the passport website’s clock (displayed top left of the website). Login 5-10 minutes before your booking opening time and hit submit within 15-20 seconds of clock hitting 6:30PM. You only get one chance and if it doesn’t go through, you will most likely see the error about slots being full. The slots get picked up within first 2-3 minutes so you have to be quick and patient.

  • Suresh

    Hi Manish thanks for your immediate response,Even I kept open the site ten minutes early and at exact 6:30pm i kept on clicking many times till 20 minutes but no change the message.I don’t option to go for TATKAL as it requires many doucmnets/proofs..But now i dont know when i will get appointment,it’s became like lottery..
    Really I didn;t understand the way or the system we have in our country,really is is shame for us..Uploading of documents in to the website is mandatory like address proof,DOB etc..? Once a

    • manish

      Hi Suresh,

      Sorry to hear that but there is really no other option but to keep trying. I am guessing that you haven’t synced your clock with the passport website’s clock. Make sure to use the passport website clock for time reference. I agree the current appointment system is not the best. Other option is to visit the Regional Passport Office (not PSK) and try to complete the process manually.

  • Suresh

    Manish,Also as you mentioned how to Sync the clock with passport website clock,the clock is not running in the pasport website,it shows only the time our logged in time or when we refresh new time..

    • manish

      Hi Suresh

      The clock on passport website is located at the top left corner of the page above passport logo. Make sure to follow the passport website time.

  • Amit Bansal

    Hi Manish, I was reading comments of members having difficulty taking appointment. I tried on 31sy July for Chandigarh PSK at around 10:15 AM although it opens at 11 AM and got appointment on 16th Aug in first attempt. Even after 1 hour, i managed to get appointment for my wife on 16th Aug with gap of 3 hrs only. I don’t know about the process of matching time clock and why its tough in getting appointment at other PSK.
    Best of luck to others.

  • suresh

    Hi Manish/Amit,
    I fed up from last 3days and finally i can’t get the appointment.I visited nearest PSK office in bangalore,In the queue i checked with almost 5 to 6 members to understand how they got appointment,answer i got from all 6 members is,they faced same kind of issue finally they approached thru agent by paying almost 1000 to 1500 RS as a agent fee and they got appoint ment confirmation with in one or 2days. Even i am thinking to go with the same option,this how systems works in our country…

    • manish

      Hi Suresh,
      Sorry to hear your situation. I wouldn’t recommend using an agent for appointment and certainly not at Rs. 1000-1500/-. There are many who have got appointment online without using an agent. Ultimately it’s your decision. I also don’t agree with you about “this is how things work in India”. These agents flourish because we pay them. The whole online process is made to bring transparency and remove these middlemen. It’s not a perfect system but still better than what we had previously.

  • Srikanth

    Seriously m fed up with dis…Its showing “No appointments are opened for the selected Passport Seva Kendra (PSK).” from last 2 days…What to do? I am booking for Tatkal….Have i to approach a agent?

  • Manasa

    Hi Manish,
    This is very helpful blog!

    I have applied for the passport on Tatkaal. I have got an ARN number after uploading the e-form (XML format). I am trying to get an appointment since last 3 days with no luck. Have tried the same at the appointment opening time as per the previous suggestions in this blog..No luck..

    To get an appointment i am clicking on schedule Appointment -> Selecting Appointment Quota*(drop down) as Tatkaal -> selecting the nearest PSK location -> entering the CAPTCHA and clicking on Next button… This gives the error ” No appointments are opened for the selected Passport Seva Kendra (PSK).”

    I need to know few things with regards to scheduling the appointment…
    1. Am I following the correct process for getting the appointment?
    2. Do we have to upload the supporting documents before scheduling the appointment (I am following the Process as in the site.
    3. Do we have to take online appointment for Tatkaal application also? (if not please let me know the process for tatkaal application)..

    • manish

      Hi Manasa,

      Yes you are following the correct process. Appointment slots may open in a few days, you will have to keep trying at the slot opening time. You may upload the documents if you have scanned copies. The PSK will scan the documents anyways, so no incentives for doing it. When I went for my passport (Apr 2013), the PSK could not open documents uploaded by applicants, I don’t know if that has changed. Tatkaal applicants can simply walk-in with the printout of form (with ARN number) without appointment.

  • rahul

    Hi manish..
    Thanks for this imp blog.
    Just needed some info.. if i am able to book appointment date today, as per current crowdy scenario, what will be the expected appointment date, after how many days counting from day(for example: within 4 days, a week, within 2 weeks or a month).
    and can we use credit card of any bank?

    • manish

      Hi Rahul,
      Appointment slots usually open for 7-15 days later. However, it is possible that few slots for next few days also get opened up due to cancellation. Its totally based on demand-supply, some PSKs are very busy while others are relatively less busy. You can use credit card (Visa/MasterCard) issued by any Indian bank (which includes Foreign banks having branches in India).

    • manish

      Yes the payment has to be made online first before appointments can be booked. No need to pay cash at PSK anymore (unless you are paying additional fees for tatkal, damaged/lost passport).

  • rahul

    hi manish.. one ques.. i tried to book a slot and succeeded. but it is booked for tomorrow, which is impossible for me to attend, i thought i will get appointment date of after 3 days atleast, if i try to reschdule it.. will it show me next available date to choose or it will be given automatically.

    • manish

      Appointments are now given automatically after payment. You can reschedule your appointment upto 2 times provided you haven’t missed your appointment. After that you will have to make the payment again.

  • suresh

    Hi Manish,coming back to get your inputs again,I got apointment on Sep 6th,but i like to go for 60 pages booklet but currently i done the payment for 36 pages is thier any chance,during appointment day i can pay remaining amount their?

    • manish

      Dear Suresh,
      I am not sure about this but you can try your luck. In tatkal cases, only normal passport fees is collected online and the balance (tatkal fees) has to be paid in cash at the counter. Assuming the same logic, most likely they will allow the balance payment and change your application from 36 to 60 pages passport. But logic doesn’t always work in our “system”. Do remember, however, that change of application from normal to tatkal or vice-versa is not allowed at PSK.

  • pawan

    Hi, I am from pune. I have been trying booking an appointment for the past 1 week but with no luck. Every time it displays a message ” Maximum no exceeded”. Seeking help I also contacted National Helpline, where I came to know that this issue is due to the fact that ” we are only allowed to book an appointment 3 times from a given IP Address.” I also tried from different computers but again no luck. I contacted the local passport office seeking help so they said that I need to go through with the normal procedure of appointment booking, there is no other way to go as a walkin without appointment.
    Please help.

    • manish

      Hi Pawan, the 3 appointments per IP rule is bizarre and I am not aware of it. Are you trying to book your appointment from office? Generally office Internet is on a static IP and hence the per IP limit will be exhausted very fast esp if there is a big workforce since all employees will share the same static IP. Try using a different Internet connection (data card, Cable Broadband, etc). You can walk in to PSK without appointment if you are submitting your application under tatkal. For normal application, the only way is to get the appointment online.

    • Sapna

      Hi Pawan,

      I recently booked an appointment for mumbai PSK. Mumbai PSK appointment opening time is 3:00pm. When I tried at 3 pm, i got the same msg “Maximum no exceeded for the day” but then i checked again ard 4:30 pm just out of curiosity and appointment slots were open and I booked it on very first day after submitting application. so if you go by my exp, try to book it some time after regular opening time. if it does not work, try to book it during different time of the day. Hope this will help you.

  • Manasa

    Hi Manish, Just need some more info.. I have uploaded 2 forms (in XML format) 1 for Tatkaal and 1 for Normal (after doing few corrections that were required). My question is, can i still go ahead and try to schedule appointment for Normal application or need to go for Tatkaal process?
    After getting appointment in normal application, can i take print of Tatkaal application with ARN and go directly to PSK without appointment?(in case if the normal application schedule for later date than expected one).

    • manish

      Dear Manasa,

      Both applications are treated differently so you can visit PSK with tatkal application if the appointment date for normal application doesn’t suit you. However do remember that fees paid for one application cannot be transferred to another application even if both applications are in your name. You also cannot change the process from normal to tatkal or vice-versa for a particular form. In case you don’t use the appointment taken under normal application, do remember to cancel it so that someone else can get the slot.

  • Tabish

    Hi Manish and all. Kindly tell me the smartest way of getting schedule appointment as i am not getting it from last many days

  • Tabish

    “Unable to process the request. Please try after some time” what does this hell stand for.Is it mean non availability or system failure?what should i do now?suggestions?

    • manish

      This is a system issue. Try using a different Internet connection or try from a different location (such as home/office/friend’s place). If the slots are full, the message generally is “maximum appointments exceeded for the day”

  • Chandan

    Dear Sir,
    I have taken appointment and visit PSK but due to some fault in address proof, they given me new appointment date. Now i have to modify current address.which i have all proof. So please tell me how to do the same, there is no any option of update.????

      • Anuj

        Thanks Manish ! The situation is my father is senior citizen but my mother is not. So I was wondering if we need to take any appointment or can they just both walk in?

        • manish

          Hi Anuj,
          Your father can certainly walk in for the passport processing without appointment but your mother cannot since she is not yet a senior citizen. She can walkin without appointment if she applies under tatkal. Otherwise You should try taking appointment online for your mother.

  • rishi

    Hi manish,
    as said for tatkal no need of appointment. I had filled an tatkal aaplication for adding spouse name in my passport.just want to recheck bcoz after printing the application the appointment date is blank , does PSK will allow only by seeing the tatkal application.
    pardon my typos..


    • manish

      Hi Rishi,
      The appointment details will be blank in the form. However the submitted form will have the ARN number, submission date and application category (Tatkal/Normal). The PSK only checks these details before allowing you inside since its a Tatkal application. If you do not submit your application (No ARN number), then you will denied entry into the PSK. PSK reserves the right of admission and they can deny entry or ask you to come back at a later date irrespective of whether you take appointment or not.


    hi Manish. Thanks for the information you provided. I have uploaded the form mentioning TATKAL. On scheduling appointment in all of the regional PSK, it is showing that ‘no appointments are open for the selected PSK. What should i do now? Can i apply under normal scheme and if in doing so how much time i expect to receive my passport?

    • manish

      Dear Govind,

      Since you have applied under tatkal scheme, no appointment is needed. You can simply walkin to the nearest PSK with the application printout (ARN number should be visible) original documents along with 2 photocopies and application fees in cash.

  • sunny

    I have applied for passport under normal category……… at the time of shedule an appoinment i am getting everytime that maximumnumber of appoinments for the day exceeded……….. .plz help me out

  • Priti

    have been trying for the last couple of days and it keeps saying, “Maximum number of appointments exceeded for the day.” when i click on “Schedule Appointment”.

    Am i doing it wrong?

    • manish

      Hi Priti,
      Sorry to hear about your trouble. Please check the slot opening timing for your PSK. There is a link in the above article which takes you to slot opening schedule page on the passport website. Follow the steps in the article and try to book an appointment just few seconds after the slot opens. Make sure to sync your clock with the one on passport website (top left corner)

  • Brijesh

    Hey Manish,

    I need to know one thing.can a Chief Medical Officer of government hospital of my district attest annexe F for tatkal passport.please help.

    Thank you.

    • manish

      Dear Brijesh,
      I don’t think Chief Medical Officer is authorized to sign on the Annexure F. However it is best to check with Regional Passport office about it. Also, instead of Annexure F, you can submit copies of 3 Identity documents out of the 16 notified by Passport authorities. Check the FAQ section on Passport website for details.

  • Amit Bansal

    Hi Manish, finally done with my normal passport application on 16th Aug at Chandigarh PSK. Process was smooth, took only 2 hrs to clear counter A–>B–>C–>Exit process.
    My wife also went through same process on 16th Aug and took only 2.5 hrs for her.
    Today I also got automated response from Passport office regarding Police clearance check after post issuance of passport. Whole experience was nice and there were different lines for Walkin and Appointment holder. I would give thumbs up to TCS employees.

  • Nakshatra

    Hi Manish, I`ve once cancelled my appointment and now trying to take again, it always displays slot was filled pls try after so n so date and time. When i tried to bokk a slot it displays “Unable to process the request. Please try after some time.”
    my payment status is success. donno what 2 do pls help.

    • manish

      Dear Nakshatra,

      Sorry to hear about the trouble you are facing with passport appointment. If your application is under tatkal you can walkin to nearest PSK without appointment. For normal application, you have to try the appointment on the date and time mentioned in the error. Make sure to sync your clock with the passport website clock (top left on passport website). Do follow the steps in this article, it may increase your chances of appointment rescheduling. Do remember that you can only reschedule your appointment twice before the fees is forfeited.

      • Nakshatra

        Thank You Manish, I am under normal applicants n i will surely follow the above procedure n yes I know about Rescheduling the appointment is twice.
        Thank you for the reply

  • Lalit

    On my application status it shows following:
    Police Verification (PV) has been initiated and a PV request has been sent to Commissioner Of Police, District Thane City. Your passport will be dispatched after ‘Clear’ Police Verification Report is received at Regional Passport Office. You would receive an email/sms once the passport is dispatched.

    My police verification was completed on 21 July and till today 19 Aug the status shows the same. Is this normal or should I go check passport regional office or police station?

    • manish

      Dear Lalit,
      Best to check with Local police station once whether they have submitted the file to Head office. If they have indeed submitted the file wait for 7-10 days before filing an RTI or following up with RPO.

    • Amit Bansal

      Hi Lalit, U must have got automated mail from
      It is mentioned in mail that “You are requested to get in touch with the respective Police Office(s) if verification is not done in three weeks.”

  • Ruchir

    In the website, current opening time are different for every PSK. So, when should I try to login? ( Also, I have tried numerous time but all I can get is the message “Number of appointments are exceeded for the day.”As the current system automatically gives slots, is it happening because every slot for next few days are filled? When should I try again as right now I am trying at 3:00 PM and also 3:30pm(Kolkata PSK time)

  • Ravindra V Mahajan

    Dear Manish,
    I am reconforming with u that for Tatkal Passport appointment need not be taken as u have mentioned on 17 Aug. 2013 at 1.37 pm
    Pl. confirm
    Second thing is that when passport is reissued in US ny US consulate previous passport and new passport no. remains same or it chages.

    • manish

      Dear Ravindra,
      Greetings! To best of my knowledge you can walkin for tatkal passport. It’s mentioned on passport website as well. You can call up the help centre and confirm as well. Regarding NY consulate, I have no clue about the process followed, its best to get in touch with them directly.

    • Anuj

      Ravindra.. The process is same in NY Consulate as its in India PSK. You will get a new passport with new number and they will mark the old passport as cancelled . The visa stamped in old passport still remains valid. I have done my renewal at NY consulate itself. They are efficient and you can send the application by mail . No need to go there in person.

  • Anuj

    Hi Manish,
    I tried to book appointment for my father. But all it does is tells me the date of available appointment. Its always the very next day and its not allowing me to chose a date. Is it because my father is a senior citizen? I am trying for Jaipur PSK.
    And also another question is that some agents have told us that since my parents have been married for more than 40 years there is no need for marriage certificate. Is that true?

    Thanks !

    • Anuj

      Small correction. It shows me just one date at the bottom. There is no long for ‘Show available appointments’ .. It says available appointment 23-08-2013.. and only available button is book appointment. I can’t really chose an appointment (though I never clicked on book appointment).

    • manish

      Hi Anuj

      The system will select a date for you automatically under the updated online system. It has nothing to do with your father’s senior citizen status. However being a sr citizen, he can simply walk in to the nearest PSK without appointment. If your parents have a marriage certificate, attach it with the application. If they don’t, then a joint affidavit should be enough. In passport reissue cases if spouse name is already mentioned in old passport then marriage proof is not required for reissue (unless its a new spouse name)

      • Anuj

        Thanks Manish ! The system seems to be widely inconvenient for the people who dont live in the same city as the PSK. My parent would have to travel 6 hours to get to the PSK and they will have to plan with in a day or two which may not be practical ! But sarkari kaam hai aise hi hoga I guess 🙂 Is there a format for the affidavit ? Would it simply say that We (my parents have been married) since so and so date. We currently reside at this place. And signature of both along with two witness? Its a fresh passport case for my parents.

  • mayuri

    hii manish..i want to know that if i have already rescheduled the appointment 3 times..and at 3rd appointment i was able to visit the psk and there is refusal of token due to lack of same documents..and now i cant scedule appointment anymore…so plz suggest whether i need to fill the form again and pay the fees again


    Hi Manish actually i have already submitted online application form for fresh passport. Now i am going to schedule appointment day through online payment, so what would be the possibility of getting appointment with in how many days? Is it necessary to visit PSK with in 90 days without any appointment?

    • manish

      Hi Anjali,

      Greetings! I can’t say in how many days you will get the appointment. If slots are available the appointment date can range from next day to next few weeks. I have taken appointments for family members and few friends and always got the appointment in first few attempts. Good luck with your application. Keep us posted about the progress.

  • Neeraj

    Hi Manish I have submitted my online tatkal form on 17/08/13 & I have paid the fee by SBI Chalan on 19/08/13 & it shows success on Track Payment Status but whenever i select schedule Appointment there is written No appointment Taken there is no option like Manage Appointment. Pl tell me what i have to do?

    • manish

      Hi Neeraj,

      Since its a tatkal application you have the option of visiting the PSK without appointment as well. Try for a few days more to see if you get an appointment otherwise simply walkin to the nearest PSK with the form, challan and other documents.


    Thanks Manish. I have an another quarry that m staying out of my native state for study purpose from more than 2 years. As per Indian passport rules i can apply here fresh passport , for that i refer a letter from our institutional head on letter head. As i m using institutional address for my present address can i use that letter for my address proof? On that letter it has also mentioned. Beside that i m using student ID for evidence. So in that case where ll be police verify (i my present address or my permanent add)?

    • manish

      Hi Anjali, Since you are a full time student you have the option of applying for the passport either from your permanent address (Parent’s address) or from your present address. Police verification will be done at both places. A copy of your student ID card and a bonafide letter from the college should be enough for present address. For permanent address, any of the acceptable proof of addresses will do (including bank statement, aadhar card, ration card etc).

  • Anil Kumar

    Dear Manish, you are doing a good job,I have query which is not answered anywhere. My wife is 8 month pregnant and traveling to India next week. Her passport is exhausted and she needs to apply for reissue. We book the appointment today under normal category at Delhi Shalimar place psk.
    As we don’t know anyone who can give us annexure J, so we decide to apply under normal category. The appointment date is 20th Sep , I want to know if she can just walk in to PSK before 20th sep for application submission as she is 8 week pregnant and delivery can happen any time. And She is flying 1month after delivery.
    Please tell me what are her chances of getting accepted at PSK before the appointment date and what extra document she need to carry. I could not find the pre defined category anywhere as mention on website for those who can walk in to psk without appointment.
    And does she need to apply for police verification certificate or the passport officer will decide this.
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    • manish

      Dear Anil,
      Since you are applying for reissue of passport due to exhaustion of pages and if there are no changes in the details (name, spouse, address) then she can apply under tatkal with no annexures required. All she has to carry is her current valid passport. No other documents or affidavits are required. However to be on a safer side, carry other identity and address proof documents. However annexure J is not required for Tatkal reissue of passport. Since she will be applying under tatkal, she can simply walkin to the PSK without appointment (she needs to change her application from normal to tatkal). Also because she is pregnant, you can accompany her to the PSK.


    Dear Manish as i mentioned you earlier i have successfully submitted my online application than in next day i booked for appointment.My appointment date is 18th sept at 3.30 pm in PSK Bhopal, is it too long for appointment? Before appointment date have there any other process to do or directly i go to PSK in appointment day?

    • manish

      Dear Anjali,
      Congratulations on successfully getting an appointment. Appointment dates are dependent on slot availability. Generally you get appointments for next 2-3 weeks so 18th Sept is not really too far a date. If you cancel and try to rebook the appointment there are chances you will get a date which is even further. You do not have to do any other process before the appointment, just keep all your documents along with photocopies ready. Visit the PSK 15 minutes before your appointment time. Good luck.

  • govind

    hello Manish,

    I have a doubt. I had applied under TATKAAL scheme after watching all required documents in the concerned category. When i reached PSK Lucknow, officer told me that i need ANNEXURE F necessarily without any substitute as against the guidelines given on the website ( that any 3 documents out of 16 given documents as substitute of the ANNEXURE F). I am unable to arrange ANNEXURE F. So i took appointment under NORMAL quota but my TATKAAL application is still written on the receipt. I want to know if my application under TATKAAL will be considered under NORMAL scheme without any extra fee or I need to apply afresh under NORMAL scheme and thus pay again?

    • Abhishek Singh

      Same situation with me. I applied online for passport under Tatkal provision and twice TCS officials returned me with different reasons. First, they asked me to get 3 local address documents if Anexure F is not available and second time they asked me to get 3 local address proofs of all the places where I lived in a year duration. I am left with last attempt to reschedule the appointment and I am hoping to schedule appointment under normal quota. Would like to know if I will still have to pay the rest of 2000 bugs ? Because on the application receipt Category shows TATKAL and appointment quota shows “NORMAL”. Please advise.

      • manish

        Dear Abhishek,
        3 out of 16 documents are necessary for a fresh passport application under tatkal. Also address proofs are necessary for all the places that you have stayed in past 12 months. If you switch for normal mode, then you should call up the PSK helpline and check with them. Usually they do not allow change of application type from Tatkal to normal or vice-versa at the PSK. So best to confirm on phone with helpline before you visit the PSK.

        • Gaurav

          Same problem here, reply me if yours is done. On call they are telling that they can’t convert it to normal n i have to arrange Annexure F any how. Want to know if Annexure F not required in normal appointment under tatkaal application. Reply asap?

  • aroon

    Manish… its really a valuable message. one question. Is there any specific time to book for the appointment because whenever i try to book for the appointment am getting message like “Appointment exceeded for the day”. Am in Chennai Please advise.

    • manish

      Hi Aroon,
      Greetings. Each PSK has a different appointment slot opening time. The details are mentioned on passport website. The link to the page is also in this article.

    • manish

      Hi Raghavendra
      Yes it possible to walkin into PSK if you apply under tatkal. Not otherwise. You can also visit the regional passport office and explain to them your difficultly in getting an appointment. They may be able to give you an appointment manually. There is no guarantee though.

    • Ateeqh

      Yes Raghavendra. Its possible for walk in for minor.I did that for my daughter who is 4 yrs. Check for 15 yrs? Call up PSK helpline.
      Note: either of parent passport should have spouse name included.
      1) address will be considered as that of parent. Show original and photo copy of both/ either parent.
      2)Birth certificate.
      3) one affidavit of some format is present. Write it on plain paper, sign it.

      • Raghavendra Kunjittaya

        Thanks Ateegh …. In the Regional Passport Office site , i have observed that effect from 1st january, following Categories of Applicants allowed as “Walk-In with ARN”,:-

        ->Senior Citizens of age 60 years & above.
        ->Minor Applicants below 15 years of age, provided both parents have valid passports.
        ->Minor Applicants below 15 years of age, provided both parents have valid passports, and one parent is abroad and has issued Embassy / Consulate certified No Objection Certificate (NOC) to the other parent to apply.
        ->Minor Applicants below 15 years of age, provided both parents do not have passports, but have given No Objection Certificate (NOC).

        But i had under that impression that it would be applicable only for those coming to the regional passport Office ant not to PSK.

        Thank you again for your confirmation.

  • Ateeqh

    Hi all.
    Just wanted to share my experience with the PSK Bangalore.
    Since long I wanted to reissue my passport, but every time I encountered the problem of booking appointment.

    Some days before on 21 Aug 2013, I uploaded my form. It gave me option to pay by card or bank challan. Thought like paying online and getting appointment in one shot will be risky, hence took the print out of the challan.

    Paid 1500 rs the next day at SBI 22 Aug 2013 Thursday.
    Checked the payment status on Friday evening, it was success.tried booking appointment but failed.

    On friday night/ saturday early morning 3 am, logged in. Checked my ARN clicked
    Schedule appointment and voila Appointment available Monday 26 Aug 2013 , immediately booked thee appointment.

    Case: Re issue
    1) Name bifurcation. Did not wanted to be called as FNU first name unknown in the US. As my B1 visa has that.
    2) Spouse name addition
    3) Address change

    To my luck. Got Post police verification. Checking the passport status regularly.
    Now, 28 Aug 2013 status says passport is printed and will get SMS once it gets dispatched.

    1) pay thru challan
    2) don’t keep on trying logging in exactly at 6 or 6:30 pm.
    Try Friday night or Saturday early morning. Since it worked for me.

    And after taking the actual appointment, i simply tried to reschedule, and every time
    I got a date of booking. Those days were random though. Some time got 16 sept / 26sept/ etc etc at both PSK lalbagh and PSK Sarjapur.

    Hope these above points would help some one get appointment on time.

    • ateeqh

      My passport is dispatched. Hoping to receive it by Sunday 1 Sept.

      Checking the appointments, and yes as told earlier Friday night/ Saturday early morning , there are appointments available. Checked Saturday 4 AM.


    due to lake of birth certificate, my appointment was not taken, i have reached maximum reschedules what to do for getting an appointment

  • Aman Kumar Mishra

    Dear Mr. Manish,

    I ‘Aman Kumar Mishra’ am living in delhi and basically I am from Bihar. I want to apply online for Passport. I would prefer to get my passport with Correspondence address as delhi only and permanent address as Bihar. So my query is where should I apply for passport? in Delhi or in Bihar?

    If its Bihar then is my presence in Bihar necessary during Police Verification or putting application for passport? .

    I am asking all this because going to Bihar to apply for a passport isn’t feasible for me as I do job in Delhi only and yet I don’t have enough document to apply from Delhi. I have a doubt that in absence of vival address proof my application may get rejected.

    Waiting for your reply.

    Thanks in advance!!

    • manish

      Hi Aman,
      Greetings! You can apply for passport from Delhi as well as Bihar. Police verification is done for all the addresses where you have stayed in past 12 months. If you are living in Delhi for more than 12 months then police verification will happen only at Delhi address. You will need documentary proof to clear the police verification in Delhi. Registered rent agreement, utility bills and bank statements are accepted as valid proof of residence.

      • Aman Mishra

        Very Good Morning Manish,

        I don’t have above mentioned documents for valid address proof. I can provide bank statement but it has a different address mentioned on its passbook. If I make its address updated then can it be used as a valid address proof?

        I have a second option. I found that a letter from ‘Reputed Company’ is a valid address proof. But there is a clause that reputed company means a ‘Public Limited Company’. But what would be the case if I work in a ‘Limited Company’? Can their letter be accepted as a valid address proof? As I search on Internet, few article says that both of the company has a minor difference in some financial term only.

        Waiting for your reply.

        Thanks in advance!

        • manish

          Hi Aman,
          You can get the address updated in your passbook and get a new passbook printed for last one year. However the bank may require documents for address proof before they update the same on your passbook.

          Letter from a reputed public limited company is accepted as a proof of address. This is open to regional passport officer’s interpretation. It is best to check with them.

  • Gaurav

    I have successfully submitted my application form. Now when i select view saved APPLIcation, i see the form. Now when i click schedule appointment, i see a message, “Maximum number of appointments exceeded for the day.” My PSK is bareilly. Its appointment time is 4pm. I tried at 4 o clock also but the same error occurs everrytime. Can u suggest me any solution?

    • manish

      Dear Gaurav,
      With the recent changes in the online appointment system, the slots are opened based on availability. As others have mentioned, you should try booking the appointment at different times in the next few days.

  • rekha

    Hi,Manish i have applied for normal passport and paid through online by using SBI Card of debit card & immidetly i received a message that rs-1500/- is detected from my sbi A/c but i did not received the timing i received only date on 26/09/2013 is that is my appointment date(im nt sure)Please help me out with any kind of solution.My mail id is …

    • manish

      Dear Rekha,
      Greetings! If you received an appointment, you can check the status of the same on passport website. Once you login into your account, select the application and click Appointment link to view the current appointment.

  • Himanshu

    Hi Manish,

    I want to apply for Change in address in My Passport. I want the date for appointment as 1st Nov 2013. Is it possible for me to get this date if i book a slot right now? Is there a time duration of some days for applying so that we can get a particular date of our choice?


    • manish

      Dear Himanshu,
      Greetings! Appointment date and time slots are completely random. There is no option to choose the same. You can expect the slot to be between 2-20 days of the appointment booking date.

  • vinay

    HI, I applied for passport last year and i got an appointment .. i reached there but due to my address proof issue 1st counter asked me to bring latest address proof as my address proof was voter Id card which was 2 years old…
    I am from meerut and passport office is in ghaziabad , i couldnt arrange it then….

    now i am applying for passport again and there is a field where its asking if you applied before and asking for file number….
    so should i mention there yes and enter the reference number given at the time of appointment?

    • manish

      Hi Vinay,
      Greetings! Yes it is best to mention the previous application number since you paid the fees and a file was opened in the RPO for your passport application. I would however recommend that you contact the RPO and check if you can reactivate the old application. They will waive the fees if the same was paid not more than 1 year back.

  • Balaji

    HI Manish , Greetings ! i have submitted my application ( Tatkal service ) for Reissuing my passport as it is getting expired soon .When I try to take appointment it says “Maximum number of appointments exceeded for the day ” . Since i have applied for Tatkal service can I directly walk in to Passport office ? can you pl suggest. Thanks in advance…

    • manish

      Dear Balaji,
      Greetings! You can simply walkin for tatkal application without appointment. Just make sure to submit the form online and generate an ARN number.

  • Suresh N

    Hi Manish,I appplied for reissue passport almost 8 days back under Normal application,Unfortunately i have to travel in next two weeks to one of the country.Has I come to know from passport officials,it takes atleast 15 woprking days to get passport on my address,Is their any chance where I can go and request in the PSK to get the passport soon my hand..Thanks in advance for your support..

    • manish

      Hi Suresh,
      Normal passport applications can take anywhere from few days to a few months. If you had an urgent travel, you should have opted for tatkal scheme. Now it is not possible to change the application from normal to tatkal. You may contact the regional passport officer and explain your situation with valid documentary evidence. They may expedite your case and send the passport early. Passports are never hand delivered.


    Hi Manish, I have submited under normal scheme, but when I request for appointment website showing “Unable to process the request. Please try after some time.”… can I do another registration under tatkal scheme and submit my application directly at PSK

  • rekha

    Hello Manish,i had a small doubt what are all documents required for fresh (normal passport) i have pan card,birth certificate,adhar card,driving license,marks card,L.P.G Connection,Rent Agreement,Current bill,Bank pass book along with 1yr statement(previous is ok or req latest one till date of appiont),do i carry passport size photo-no:02..Kindly please reply i ill be waiting for ur reply…:)

    • manish

      Hi Rekha,

      Greetings! I think you have enough documents to qualify for a passport under normal application process. Just make sure all these documents contain the name and address exactly as in your passport application. Bank statement until the current or last month should be fine. No need to update the passbook till the appointment date.

  • sudheesh

    Hi manish,
    I had booked my normal passport around 10 days back & got an appointment through a broker who has SUCCESSFULLY completed my 3 attempts on getting apointment.
    Now my boss says to take tatkal passort an travel immediately. Now in bangalore we are required to take an appointment for tatkal. Which means I have to cancel normal appointment to take tatkal. Again I cant cancel normal appointment bcos I have exceeded the 3 attempts. PLEASE SUGGEST. Thanks in advance.

    • manish

      Hi Sudheesh,
      Greetings! Did your broker book your appointment three times and rescheduled it? You can submit another application under tatkal and simply walkin to the nearest PSK. I am not sure if the fees paid earlier will be adjusted. Best to check with PSK helpline once. As far as I know the walkin facility for tatkal applicants is pan India.

    • manish

      Hi Shardul,
      Walk in facility is available for tatkal appointments at all PSKs. You can also take an appointment if you wish. There are separate queues for walkin and appointment applicants.

  • sanju


  • sanju

    sir actuall i took my 10marks list xerox and a bondified and a valid proofs…but as my xerox was not containing the principles signatures so they put my passport into ecr category…but now i wanted t0 change it to ecnr…after my passport is issued…how can i change it plz tell me…also pls tell me will there be any problem if it is ecr….

  • Rajesh

    Hello sir,
    I want to apply for passport for my Daughter who is 10 months old. I am currently staying in Pune. My Passport has address from my native place. My wife has passport with old name and with old address. I have ration card(issued date is less than a yr), Aadhar card(issued date is less than a yr), Electricity Bill (Not older then 1 yr), I have ICICI bank account for which I have changed address to new address. I have daughter birth certificate.
    Please let me know if these document will be sufficient for application and procedure for same.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Neeraj

    hello manish I applied for Tatkal Fresh Passport on 17/08/13 and i paid fee 2000/- on 19/08/13 but due to non availability of VC certificate which is very difficult to get the tatkal passport form can not be submitted so i just want to know can I apply for fresh Normal passport & this paid money can be transferred from tatkal fee to Normal fee Pl reply

  • Sahil

    Dear Manish,

    could u pls tell me that is there any substitute for Annexure F (Verification Cer.), i saw passport website that 3 documents out of 16 documents can be produced in place of Annexure f. Can i go without Annexure F, with these 3 documents?

  • Abhinandan

    Dear Manish, I have a question. I have filled-in online form for TATKAL. However instead of opting the online payment, I paid using Bank Challan. Since then for last 15 days I am relentlessly trying to get the appointment. I have made more than 50 attempts each day. Everytine I get the message “unable to process the request. please try after some time”. Is it the case that the system has some kind of error which does not recongnize the Bank Challan payment? Interestingly one of my friend who opted for the Online payment, got the appointment in very first attempt.

    • manish

      Hi Abhinandan,
      Greetings! Sorry to hear about your situation. Since you have applied under tatkal scheme, you can simply walk in to the nearest PSK without appointment. If you plan to take an appointment, try using a different computer/Internet connection since the passport website restricts number of appointments per computer/IP.

  • R V Mahajan

    Good morning, I am Ravindra here, My son got the reissued passport from Newyork consulate, visa fee was paid in India by me before reissue of passport and old passport no. was mentioned on visa fee receipt. Now the reissue passport passport no. is changed. May I know do I need to repay the visa fee as the passport no. is changed, pl. advice me or guide me how do I find out this from whom.

  • rahul

    hello sir i am rahul from delhi i have 2 criminal cases registered in my previous privious address now i am staying a new address from last 3 years i have all the documents need for new passport sir it is possible to i get a new passport plz reply sir

    • manish

      Dear Rahul,
      Greetings! You can apply for a passport unless your are specifically restrained from doing so by a court order. You will have to mention the criminal cases pending against you in the application. The passport office may ask you to produce a NOC from the court (which is not withheld unreasonably, but the other party may oppose it). Depending on the nature of criminal offences, a short validity passport of 1 year could be issued. Unless you are living in a different state, the police will come to know about any FIRs, NCs and criminal cases filed against you in that state. Hence changing locations does not help. Also suppressing material information in your passport application could lead to it being rejected and a penalty imposed.

  • Jiten

    Hi, manish… I have woefully submitted two forms with some wrong details from same account and have got two ARNs issued against these forms but payment hasn’t been made yet for either of these forms. Now, can i submit another application form from this account and what would happen to those previous ARNs and is these any course of action for these ARNs??

    • manish

      Dear Jiten,
      Greetings! You can submit upto 3 forms from a single account. So you can submit one more form and schedule an appointment for the correct form. The other forms are simply ignored by the PSK.

  • Anni Sinha

    Hi Manish,

    Today i applied for fresh passport in Bangalore, by mistakely i did all my attempts but unable to change the schedule of appointment. I need the date after 17th Nov, but it came before that. Now, when i am clicking on”Reschedule Appointement” it’s showing maximum attempts exceeded.
    Now, please suggest me how to reschedule the date. I have paid the money.

    • manish

      Hi Anni,
      Greetings! You can call up the passport helpline and request them to allow you to schedule an appointment again. You can always submit a new form and make the payment again to create a new appointment. If you want an appointment after Nov 17, I would recommend to try scheduling appointment after Nov 17 only.

  • Bryan

    Same issue here. Since 7 days trying every day for Tatkaal appointment at Pune.. and keep getting error “Unable to proces the request. Please try after some time”. Almost tried 36 times from 12:00 till 12:15… and then it proptly told me all slots are full. When walked to the PSK, they told to go meet the passport officer in the old city.. that means go at 8 am.. take a token.. you get your turn at 11.. please to passport officer Mrs Shakuntala Rane… (Ofcourse if you had an agent, it is a different story). So guess what, after all these changes and updates.. Agents still make a killing..!

  • Vishu

    Hi Manish !
    i am applying a passport under tatkal scheme supported by verification letter attested by S.D.M of my district now the problem is all the details on the verification letter are correct i.e my name ,address etc instead of my father name which is written as Satendra kumar but in my 10th certificate and birthcert its Satendra kumar tomar , Tomar is our family name so is there any trouble ?

  • sagar

    hello, i just submitted my documents @ the passport office n just waiting on police verification but i need to change my phone number , so does it affect in anyway?? like, does the police officer gives a call before visiitng the house??

    • manish

      Hi Sagar,
      Police will usually call you once before they visit your house. This is at least true in most police stations in Mumbai. However things could be different at other location. Best to check with your local police station directly.

  • Rajesh

    Hello Manish sir,
    I have applied for reissue of my Wife passport, as her name changed due to marrage. Her first name also has been changed, so Do i need to put this name change in Newspaper, and then a affedivite.
    Please guide me with correct procedure.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Rajesh Jathar

    • manish

      Dear Rajesh,
      A complete name change (first and last) is considered a major change and a marriage certificate may not be enough process the name change request. You should get your wife’s name change published in the Govt’s official gazette, published the same in two local newspapers (purchase sufficient copies of the paper – 5-10 copies) and execute the name change affidavit. With these documents, get your wife’s name changed in Aadhar card or PAN card. Once PAN card is updated, she can get the name changed in her bank account. With all these new documents (Update PAN, Bank statement, Gazette copy and Affidavit) you can apply for the reissue of passport. The PSK may not require so many documents but Police will ask for these documents during verification.

      • Rajesh

        Thankx for your reply Manish sir,
        I already have Updated PAN, Bank statement, Gazette copy . Now I need to publish it in newspaper and make Affidavit. For Affidavit, do I need to take any specific format?

  • samar

    hi , can u tell me how to take new appointment online? actually i went there but i had some documents issue so now i have to take another one but i don’t know how ? please help me sir

  • priyam

    hi Manish…happy diwali! I have an appointment at d passport office tomo morning…as its diwali do u think d office will be open?

  • naresh

    I got my parents appoints two times ,they asked for more documents each time,
    Now I am trying to reschedule third time,
    IT is not allowing,
    what to do now ?
    Please guide.


    • manish

      Hi Naresh,
      You are allowed to reschedule the appointment twice only. Get in touch with the PSK call centre to see if they will reset your appointment. If not, you will have to pay again and schedule your appointment. Best to use the document advisor tool for correct list of documents.

  • Abhishek

    Hello Manish Sir, I am applying for re-issue passport due to spelling mistake in my name under tatkal. I am not able to get the tatkal appointment. I always get the message that ‘unable to process. Please try after some time’.Is there any way to get the appointment?

    • manish

      Hi Abhishek,
      There is no need to take appointment for tatkal application. You can simply walk-in to the nearest PSK. Do check with PSK call centre once whether tatkal applications are allowed for change of name.

  • Rahul

    Hi Manish,

    Congratulations for hosting such an informative blog on passport issues. I think you have done a marvelous job and many people are being benefited from your efforts. Keep it up my friend!

    I have a question – i have been staying at current address from last 9 years. do you think i still need to fill permanent address (this is not same as current address). Reason for asking you is – in case i fill permanent address then verifying police office sends additional inquiry at permanent address which delays the process at least by 3-4 months. please advice if i can use same address for current and permanent address

    • manish

      Hi Rahul,
      Greetings! You can mention your permanent address. Police verification only happens for addresses where you have stayed in past 12 months. Since you are living at your current address for 9 years, verification will happen at current address only.

      • Rahul

        Hi Manish,

        Thank you for your prompt help on my question. i truly appreciate it.

        Take care and I wish you all the best for your blog.


  • Samir

    Hi Manish,

    First of all thanks for all information. My question is if I’m unable to book appointment for my TATKAL application I have to go to the PSK office or Regional passport office to submit the documents? Will PSK allow me to enter without appointment? What is the timing in Kolkata PSK?

    I have taken the below documents are they good to go?
    1. Voter ID
    2. Bank passbook
    3. Ration Card
    4. Birth proof as school certificate
    5. Annexure “I”


    • manish

      Hi Samir,
      Greetings! Since you are applying under tatkal scheme, you can simply walk into the nearest PSK. You can check the kolkata PSK timings with the passport helpline. Your list of documents is good. I would recommend that you also carry your graduation certificate to qualify for ECNR. If you have any utility bills (in your name), PAN card, Aadhar card etc carry those as well. Since you are applying for a fresh passport under tatkal, it is best to carry as many documents as possible so that chances of rejection are less. You only have to carry print out of your application ARN receipt, original documents along with 2 photo copies and application fees (cash). No need to carry photos.

      • Samir

        Hi Manish,

        I took all docs to the PSK but they rejected and they told that I have to come with Annexure “F” and Birth Certificate but in the document list I can see I have to carry document
        i) 1,2,3(ECNR) and 52
        ii) 49 or 54

        Not sure why they are asking for Annexure “F”.

        Any thoughts?


  • Samir

    One more question, do I need to carry any printout copy of the application or any photo or anything else other than the receipt number as I have applied it online.


  • Rajesh Jindal

    Hello Manish,

    I have applied my passport on permanent address due to urgency, but in Police verification it caught that my present and addresses are different. Also my present address falls under another jurisdiction. Now I have closed my file in first jurisdiction.

    As I want my passport urgently can I apply for Tatkal application second time? will I get passport under Tatkal Scheme?

    I am in deep trouble now. Please help !!!!

  • Prabin

    I want an appointment on 4th Dec now after submission of form and payment PSK gave me an appointment on 27th but I canceled that. Wheneven am trying for an appointmnet now it shows date automatically. Is there any way where I can check availability and schedule the appointmnet.

  • dhwaj

    manish sir i had applied for fresh passport & paid online for it,becoz of affidavits required i had to take 3 appointments now when i try to book an appointment it displays “maximum attempts for appointments exceeded” rule says that i can take maximum 2 appointments within a year & simultaneously validity of online payment is also 1 year.i talked on helpline but they are saying nothing can be done & ill have to do another application & repay for it(even in same account)…my money will be wasted plz sir help me

  • naresh

    same thing happended to me..
    I am planning to apply again as seems no need to waste time..
    pls..let me know if you find solution…

  • Nazaf

    This is really a very helpful post.but,if I go for tatkal,do i have to go for appointment? If not,then what’s the remaining procedure? Im currently away from my home and I was thinking to apply online(tatkal). Is it ok? I mean,how much do they give for verification? or,when I might have to report?

  • Tauseef Khan

    I have the same problem at psk Gorakhpur I have submited a single form. But when i try to book an apointment 7:0 O clock it always say UNABLE TO PROCESS THE REQUEST TRY AFTER SOME TIME. Please solve my problem.

  • SK

    Hi Manish
    I am staying in US .My Passport is expiring in May 2014.To renew my passport in US its taking 6-8 weeks due to some technical reason.Since i am travelling to india in january end .I am planning to renew it in india gujarat .So can i apply it in tatkal ? as i will be staying only for 20 days .Also how about the present address and permanent address ? As my present address is of US and permanent address is of gujarat .How they will do the police verification in that case .Please help me on this .

    Thanks for all your help.

  • Diya

    Hi Manish, I had already rescheduled my appointment twice and my third appoinment is on 31st December(under normal procedure). But due to some urgent work i have to leave India before 31st, could you please tell me way out, How can i apply for tatkal appoinment, as i am not able to cancel my third appointment? Can i directly go to passport office (one which is less busy)without appointment???

    • manish

      Hi Diya,
      Your appointment and application are under the normal procedure. If you wish to apply under tatkal, you will have to fill up the application online again under tatkal. Once the application is submitted and ARN number generated, you can simply walkin to the nearest PSK for submission of biometric and documents. Do note that additional documents are required to process the application under tatkal and the passport officer has the final say on whether they will accept your tatkal application or whether they will process it under normal procedure. The same will be mentioned on the receipt that is issued at the time of leaving the PSK.

  • Garvit Omer

    Hi guys, I have applied for passport on 3/10/2013, but no police verification is done yet. I have already contacted LOCAL THANA for 4 times but they haven’t received my application. I have also contacted SP-Office today, but they have said that it will take atleast 15-20 days.
    I need it urgently..!!!!
    Can I now convert my normal application to tatkaal, I need it within 1 months?? If yes, then please give proper details.
    Please reply…!!!!!

    • manish

      Hi Garvit,
      You should follow up with the police station and SP office and explain the urgency. Unfortunately an application cannot be converted into tatkal midway. You may want to check with regional passport office once.

      • Garvit Omer

        First of all Thank you so much for replying.

        I have emailed RPO Lucknow today but he said that it cannot be changed to tatkaal.
        So, what is the best way now (and fastest too)?

        ( And two out of the league questions:
        How much time is taken in VISA-application (maximum) process?
        And can i apply for visa without passport?

        • manish

          Hi Garvit,
          Your options are pretty limited at this stage. It is best to file RTIs with both the regional passport office and the SP office asking for the application status, date on which application was sent from RPO to SP office and the related delay. Also visit RPO and SP office personally. Emails don’t work so well with babu-work. Try and get the verification expedite through a trusted agent. It will cost some money but may get your file processed faster.

          VISA application process really depends on the country for which you are applying. Can take any where from few hours to few months depending on the country and type of visa, provided all documents are in order. Most countries require a valid passport in order for you to apply for a visa. It is best to check with the embassy about the visa requirements.

  • Tannya

    I have applied for fresh passport under Tatkal Scheme and already paid 2000 by challan.Rest 2000 is showing to be paid at the PSK. But, I am not getting any appointment.Can I simply walk in with the documents.

  • Rosie

    I have paid the money online while booking the appointment but I am unable to get an appointment because of the very busy server. I have been trying to get an appointment from last 2 days. I really want the passport urgently. Can I just walk-in to the passport office with the receipt of payment and my other documents any time without the appointment? Also, how early wold you suggest me to go in the morning to be in the line? I also want to know if there is any option so that I can go and collect my passport by myself instead of it being sent by post, because I might not be at home when the postman comes with the passport.

    • manish

      Hi Rosie,
      If you have applied under the tatkal scheme then you can simply walkin to the PSK with application print, payment receipt, original and photocopy of your documents. No need to take an appointment. It is recommended that you visit the PSK early morning (9AM) because if additional documents are required then you have sufficient time to arrange for them and go back to the PSK the same day. I don’t think passports can be collected personally or through an authorised proxy. They are dispatched via speedpost for security reasons. You can always check the status of the passport online. You also receive an sms with speedpost tracking number when the passport is dispatched so you can be present at home to collect it. You can also give an authority letter to someone at home who can collect the passport on your behalf. In case you miss the delivery, the postman will leave a card at home and you can pick up the passport from the local post office next day by showing the card and an ID proof.

  • Raghavendra

    Thank u Sir,
    But i need one clarification Just Ex. Today i applied online (27/10/13) in normal passport when i get Appointment may be 5 or 6 days (02/01/14).
    Suppose Appointment will be come as per our required date time not matter it will be possible please tell me sir

  • Rajeev

    Hi Manish,
    I am trying to apply for passport in tatkal but it says “No appointments are opened for the selected Passport Seva Kendra (PSK).” for PSK Varanasi.
    Can you please tell me when can I apply again?





  • sunil sonawane

    Hi Manishji, please let me know that for tatkal passport application appointment is necessary for all PSK, i was trying to get appointment for my tatkal application since one week

    • manish

      Hi Sunil,

      No appointment is necessary for tatkal applications. You can simply walkin to the nearest PSK on any day of your liking.

  • sunil sonawane

    Hi manishji, i want to ask one more question that the E-aadhar is allowed in PSK as address proof or i want to produce the original as my original Aadhar card yet to receive.

    • manish

      Hi Sunil.

      E-Aadhar is not accepted as a valid proof. Only the original Aadhar card is considered valid. You may want to check with the passport call centre once though if rules have changed recently.

  • bharath

    while filling form i choose tatkal as application type,and i paid 1500 rs in sbi,and not booked any sloat ,,,, now i want change it to normal(tatkalto normal application type)… can i do it?…

    • manish

      Hi Bharath,

      It’s not possible to change tatkal application to normal or vice-versa. You can fill up the normal application and pay the required fees to book an appointment.

  • Siddharth

    Hi Manish – I have 2 questions,

    1. I uploaded the 2 wrong passport applications (XML) online on passport portal and I would like to delete those. How is that possible ?

    2. I am planning to re-issue the passport under Tatkal scheme but you have always been suggesting that Tatkal does not need appointment and we can go for walk in. I am not sure if it stands true for all PSKs. I have to apply in Delhi. I see lot of PSKs do not allow walkins now for all Tatkal category. Please confirm

  • Neha Jain

    hey manish….
    as i applied for passport in june 2013 and made payment also…. but in first appointment only i didn’t complete procedure coz of MCD birth certificate…. and also coz of rescheduling loose my all 3 attempts. Now i got my Birth Certificate and completed all documents but dont know how to make appointment now….
    payment is also valid till june 2014… plz suggest

  • Utkarsh Srivastava

    Hi Manish,

    I am trying to have an appointment for my parents since last 2 months. During this period I have tried getting appointment at various times but everytime I used to get same error message as “Unable to process the request. Please try after some time.”
    Please let me know now how can I proceed to have an appointment to visit PSK. Thanks in advance for your valuable response/resolution.

  • Gaurav Joshi

    Hi Manish,

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge on the passport system. I need an urgent advice – we applied for our daughter;s passport renewal on normal category and before the appointment date i have to go abroad for long term. On appointment day .my wife has been told in PSK office since the father is abroad they’ll need a sworn certificate from the Indian consulate. I have send the certificate but we are not able to get appointment online from last few days. Is there any way/process that we can port our earlier filled application to tatkal category so that they can get the passport ASAP.

  • Sagar

    Hi Manish
    My application is normal application.
    Unfortunately, by mistake, i have rescheduled appointment 2nd time but could not visit PSK due to awkward situation. Now when i am trying to schedule appointment, it shows ‘maximum number exceed’. What could i do now ? is there any way out ?
    please reply.
    Thank You

  • Samik Mukherjee

    Being a TCS employee I am saying this appointment booking system has gone from bad to worse. Since 5 days I am trying to book appointment at PSK Ghaziabad and each and everyday I am getting the same message – “Unable to process the request. Please try after some time.”

    Everyday, every evening. Does Mr Maneesh have an answer? I tried from exactly 6:58 pm everyday. The booking opens from 7:00 pm. I kept on trying for 15 – 20 minutes, everyday.

    Is it TCS’s motto to strengthen the network of touts around the PSK centres? Because for some mysterious reason, you cannot book appointment, but if you approach a tout, he will get you through easily.

  • preeti

    hi manish ,
    I have booked a slot for tomorrow.however unfortunately I am not able to attend on the given slot.I would like to reschedule the appointmemt for next week.
    Should I reschedule before the slot or anytime I can reschedule?
    Will I have to pay again for the rescehdule of the appointment?

  • Sapna

    Hi Sir.
    I applied for fresh passport due to address proof they told me to reschedule it. But later i came to know i had done a mistake while entering my father name so i want to fill new application. i had already done online payment but for new application how to book an appointment with previous payment

  • Ranjeet Singh

    Dear Manish ,
    i need passport for my wife under tatkaal from PSK Lucknow but not able to get the appointment.
    As you confirmed earlier that their is no need to take online apointment for tatkaal passport n we can simply go to PSK without prior appointment , Can you please confirm that the same provision is still ok.

  • Fathima

    Hai manish i need to apply passport in takkal . My psk is in tirunelveli. I couldnt get appoinment for takkal service. It is showing no appoinments opened for the required psk. How to apply for takkal in online.. How to get appoinment for takkal..

  • maya

    Hello Manish Sir, I have to renew my passport and have successfully got an appointment. It’s on 10th feb, but they have not mentioned the timings. Please suggest what to do.
    Please Reply soon.
    Thank You.

  • prashant gupta

    Hi Manish… very nice post.. really helpful.. I am in UK and wanted to process my wife Tatkal passport. For verification certificate as per the specimen,,my didi is session court megistrate. Please clarify that if this certificate is valid to show on PUNE PSK. So that I can fill online tatkal form. Please advise.
    Many Thanks in advance and please keep posting and help us.


  • Prodeep Ghosh

    Hi Manish, my daughter who is a student in the US is running out of pages and would like to reissue due to exhaustion of pages in the Tatkal category. During this tenure the residence address has also changed. Will a bank account address proof do? All her other docs are in the prior address. Also, does she require an on-line appointment for tatkal or can she go in without an appointment? Shall appreciate your inputs.

  • Nil Nag

    Hi Mr. Manish, Plz help me how can I pick up a sort date for appointment ? Passport agents wants 2500/- for sort date. I am unable to pay.

    Plz suggest me exact what time I should press enter key after filling captcha?

  • Lallianmang

    I’m offered an appointment date on 14/2/2014 for reissue of passport on tatkal, but thats not possible for me , I want it on after 19/2/2014, will it be possible for such an appoinment.

  • Raj Dwivedy

    Hello sir,
    I need the passport on a very urgent basis.
    I read your blog but it is about an year old. so i wanna verify do these rules still hold.
    my condition is that i have applied for tatkaal passport from PSK Lucknow.
    I have submitted my form and when i am trying to book the appointment it says

    “No appointments are opened for the selected Passport Seva Kendra (PSK).”
    as your blog says the appointments will open at 7 pm in Lucknow so i wanna know is it for the next day as currently i am in Bangalore and i will have to travel to Lucknow.
    I wanna apply for the appointment of 18th feb 2014.
    Kindly advise me as this is a very urgent matter and i might be in a very big loss if i don’t get a passport soon enough.

  • Deepali

    Thank you sir! I have problem? What is the procedure for reschedule appointment for passport? First I made payment and fixed my appointment also but due to some documents problem they sent me back. So I want to reschedule my appointment. Please tell me the procedure.

  • Imran

    Hey Manish, i am applying for the first time on-line. i tried for appointment for two days..the error message displayed for 7 pm like that.
    then i GOOGLE the problem and found your page.
    it is nice help from you.
    tell me one more thing that when i will book an appointment, at the same time i also have to make payment or i just have to take appointment no?
    without payment, no appointment will be confirmed? right?

    • manish

      Hi Imran, thanks for the comments. You have to make the payment either online or through Challan before your appointment is confirmed. You can reschedule your appointment twice.

  • Sayan

    Hey Manish…. I have already paid through challan. The payment status shows success. But now when I want to schedule an appointment, this error message is shown..

    “Unable to process the request. Please try after some time.”

    Is there any solution?



  • Rahul

    I tried 8 times for tatlkaal passport booking but the same is not getting booked. I am booking by the way told by you but still I am not able to get it.


    hey mr Manish .I have paid my money through challan and i am being asked to select a date for appointment…my passport is of normal priority…but the problem is that the date that is being given is like 1 month ahead even though i am logging in at 6.30 pm which is the link opening time for bangalore where i am staying…can you pls help me out…i cant understand why this thing is happening..cos as far as i know we can get a 3-4 day ahead appointment schedule if we login at the specified time at which appointment starts…pls help…its urgent

    • manish

      Hi Sorabh,
      Sometimes the system may allot dates which are way in advance. If it doesn’t suit you, you can always choose not to proceed with the appointment and try again the next day.

  • Shilpa

    Hi Manish,

    I have been married for 5 years and have recently had a baby. Me and my husband are now adding spouse’s name and getting my permanent address changed to his. However, I have run into several glitches:

    1. Since the baby is very small I was trying to get our appointments on the same day/time and exhausted 2 attempts. The appointments eventually were on very different dates. I had my appointment today and due to deficient documents was asked to reschedule. However, now the ‘Schedule Appointment’ option says ‘Maximum number of attempts exceeded for Reschedule/Cancel appointment.’ How can I get a new appointment for myself?

    2. My address has not been changed on any documents so far such as voter ID, aadhar card, bank passbook. Since my husband has also applied for addition of spouse name, we are planning to update my name in his passport and thereafter submit a copy of his new passport as a proof for my address. Will this document be sufficient?

    3. What is expected to be mentioned in certificate from Employer as address of proof?

    4. For my husband, will only a copy of my passport and our marriage certificate be good enough proof to add spouse’s name?

    Appreciate any help! Thanks.

    • manish

      Hi Shilpa,


      #1- You will have to create a new application and pay the fees again to schedule the appointment. Each applicant is allowed to reschedule the appointment twice only. Also please make sure to reach the PSK by reporting time otherwise appointments are automatically canceled by the system.

      #2- This document will be sufficient along with marriage certificate. You can also get the address/name updated with your bank, PAN department just on the basis of the marriage certificate. This will help you in the police verification because police may insist on additional documents apart from spouse passport and marriage certificate.

      #3- Your name, designation, address, period of stay and date of joining? Do check if your employer certificate qualifies as valid address proof with passport authorities. Only public sector undertaking certificates are accepted by PSK.

      #4- Only marriage certificate. Your passport copy is not required. He will have to arrange for additional address proof (in case his address has changed since last passport issue).

      Also do check the document advisor tool for list of documents required for the three of you.

  • hariharan

    my daughter application – minor was rejected for want of some documents. I have collected the required documents. Can I walk in to Passport Seva Kendra – Malad or is it necessary to take new appointment online

    • manish

      Hi Hariharan, minor applicants are allowed walkin under normal application. If it’s tatkal then PSK may insist on an appointment. Check with passport helpline once.

  • Shilpa Patkar

    Hi Manish,

    Thanks for your reply. My husband’s application has been accepted. During his visit to the PSK, he asked if there is any other way to get one more shot at an appointment after the 3 attempts have been exhausted. The PSK in-charge informed him that since we have a genuine problem, a request can be made to the Regional Passport Officer to make available one more appointment slot. On humanitarian grounds, such a request may be considered by him/her.

    I will be visiting the regional passport office tomorrow and will keep you posted on any updates.


  • Shilpa Patkar

    Hi Manish & Others,

    After an extensive process of meeting the Mumbai RPO’s PA and thereafter the RPO himself, I have been granted one more shot at the appointment. I carried the below documents:
    – Letter requesting for an additional appointment slot
    – Printout of the snapshot confirming that ‘Maximum number of attempts exceeded for Reschedule/Cancel appointment.’
    – Photocopy of the application receipt from the PSK which mentions ‘Reschedule appointment’

    You need to keep aside about 3 hours for completion of the above process. The RPO is available only on Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri from 10 am to 12:30 pm. However, it takes a good 2.5-3 hours for your documents to move from the RPO’s PA to the RPO himself.

    If your reason is valid, the PA will agree for your papers to be sent to the RPO who in turn will mention the new appointment details on your application. You will have no choice to select the date/time for this appointment, so it is good to ensure that you have the set of documents ready for submission to PSK prior to visiting the RPO. It is also advisable to carry some snacks/beverages since the wait is long and you are constantly haunted by the feeling that you may miss out your turn if you go for a cup of coffee.

    Note that this is the last attempt at getting an appointment. If for any reason this appointment is missed or documents are deficient, you will have to pay again and complete the form again online.

    Hope this helps! I haven’t found this information anywhere online or on this blog.


  • Taher S M


    I have two querries:

    1) Can senior citizens simply walk-in anyday anytime to the PSK after the online application process?

    2) After the online payment does the system really book the appointment automatically or we have to click “schedule appointment” and try the process mentioned at the start of this blog?

    Any help will be really appreciated.



  • sanjay

    Hi !

    I have clicked the button “Pay and book the appointment” to re-pay and i got this message.

    You have already initiated the application payment for this ARN. Please re-verify the Payment Status through the “Track Payment Status” link.

    When I am clicking the link “Track Payment Status”, I can see that my payment is pending only, but i am not able to repay.
    Kindly let me know the where i can pay the payment .


  • vishnu

    hi manish,
    i am trying to book my gkp passport from one week.i have fill up all my document and booking appointment at the correct time i.e. is 7 pm but each and every day i receive unable to process
    can u help me how i could handle this problem

  • Raghu


    Your blog and FAQ section are very informative. I have few specific queries. Can you please help?
    1. My daughter’s (Age: 12 years) current passport will be expiring on 12/07/2014.
    2. We want to try under ‘Tatkal’. Your tips will surely be handy.
    3. I and my wife have passports with validity for more than a year. Spouse name is mentioned in both our passports.
    4. My daughter’s current and previous passport contains our names.
    5. The address in my daughter’s current passport contains our present address (AAA), but our passports have different addresses.
    Address in daughter’s current passport – AAA
    Address in daughter’s old passport – BBB
    Address in my current passport – BBB
    Address in my wife’s current passport – CCC

    In fact difference between AAA and BBB is only the Flat No, as we have shifted to a different flat in the same different apartment.
    6. Will the difference in addresses in passport create any problem in getting passport under Tatkal for our daughter?
    7. We have her BC and other documents (Annexure-H, Ration card). Is bonafide certificate from school is required?

    Thanks in advance,


    • manish

      Hi Raghu,
      In order to avoid police verification, it is recommended to submit parent’s passport copy which includes spouse name. However the address on the minor passport cannot be different from that of the parents passport. In case both parents have different address, you can choose one address. In your specific case, I would recommend that you first get either your wife’s or your passport reissued (with current address) and then get your child’s passport update. You may check with Passport helpline or RPO as well.

  • priya

    hi manish
    i am trying to book an appointment date for tatkaal. but they r saying try next day i am trying everyday to book a an appointment and i done payment though bank challan the challan date will expiry on june. so plz tell me what to do???

    • manish

      Hi Priya,

      Sorry to hear about your situation. Please follow the tips on this blog and try exactly at the time when slots open for your particular city. You will get the tatkal slot times on the passport website itself.

  • Sonia


    I have made a Tatkal appointment at PSK, Bhopal.

    Due to lack of documents at the first appointment, I was asked to reschedule it.

    Now, when I am trying to schedule an another appointment it says “Unable to process the request. Please try after some time.”

    I have been trying it since many days and the payment has been already done in the very first appointment.

    Is walk in facility for tatkal is available at Bhopal PSK without any proof of urgency needed.

    • manish

      Hi Sonia,
      Greetings! You get such error when appointments are blocked by the applicants in system but not confirmed (system allows 8-10 minutes for online payment once you block a slot). It is best to try again in 20-30 minutes as some slots get opened up due to failed payments by other applicants.

  • Sonia

    Thank you for the reply.

    How can appointments be blocked by the applicant?

    Also, trying after 20-30 minutes is not a feasible option in case of Tatkaal booking. It shows that it has already booked all the appointments for the day.

    I am left with two more appointments, and I have already made the payment in the first round. So I just have to schedule a appointment, no payment this time. Then why it is causing delay this time?

    Is there any walk in facility at PSK, bhopal?


    • manish

      Hi Sonia,
      The system blocks the appointment temporarily while the applicant makes the online payment. Many times the online payment fails and the appointment is released back into the system. Hence your best bet is to try exactly at the tatkal time slot and then again every 15-20 minutes until next hour.

  • al

    Hi Manish,

    Thanks a lot for helping everyone with queries.

    I scheduled and then cancelled an appointment for my Mom. So, I am seeing “Maximum number of attempts exceeded” message if I try to reschedule. I was thinking of making a new application for my Mom but then I realized that I could schedule an appointment for my Dad.

    Do you think they would let my Mom enter the PSK while the appointment being booked in my Dad’s name?
    Just note that the Spouse’s name is clearly mentioned in the appointment printout form. Would you now recommend visiting the PSK once because I see that the appointments are just a way to organize limited slots everyday and then wouldn’t keep the documents ready expecting certain people.

    • manish

      Hi Al,
      Greetings! You must take appointment for the applicant (your mother) whose passport has to be issued/reissued. PSK does not allow a different applicant to appear for someone else’s appointment even if both are related. Walkin appointments are no longer accepted even for tatkal except if the applicant is a minor, senior citizen or physically handicapped.

  • al

    Thanks for answering, Manish.

    Now I completed a new application for my Mom and when I click on ‘Pay and Schedule appointment’, I get the error message “An active appointment already exists for the provided user details. Please cancel the earlier booked appointment before scheduling a new appointment”.
    There are no active appointments for the user and it wouldn’t allow me to pay or book appointments. This looks like a bug in the web application. Can you please suggest I do I get past this?


    • manish

      Hi Al
      Best to get in touch with PSK helpline and inform them about the issue. They will be able to cancel the old appointment.

  • rjil

    hi manish , i am trying to book tatkaal passport appointment slot from 3 days but get no success, it says book after 3 pm on next day, though when i try i get error ” Unable to process the request. Please try after some time.” for half an hour and then I get message “No Tatkaal appointments are available for the selected Passport Seva Kendra (PSK). Please try scheduling an appointment later on 14/05/2014 03:00 PM onwards, or go to View Saved/Submitted Applications page to schedule your appointment under Normal quota. Total number of appointments booked today: 70”

    I am trying for thane PSK, as I am from mumbai. Kindly help what to do in this situation, should i go to agents?
    Its getting hard for me. Please help.

    • manish

      Hi, Greetings! It is best to try exactly at 3PM since bookings get over in 2-3 minutes. Make sure to sync your clock with passport website time. Recently I booked appointment for my sister on three different occasions and got appointment slots twice. The key is to try exactly at 3PM.

      • rjil

        hi this seems helpful but i have a doubt, i submitted online form and selected tatkal procedure. now when i am booking slots it is again asking for tatkal/normal. when i book slot using normal , it says application will be processed like tatkal application , u need to pay 3000 now and 2000 at the time of document verification. i need my passport asap. so what is this tatkal appointments booking ? if i go for normal booking and book a slot for 2 days later, can I be getting passport in 10 days?

  • divya sri

    Hi sir,
    I have booked the slot for for may 7th of2014 and because i cant come so i reshedule the appointment now it is on 21th of may now also i cant come can i leave and schedule later r i have to reschedule it

    • manish

      Hi Divya,
      Greetings! You can cancel your appointment and reschedule for a later date. Do note that you can reschedule your appointment only twice after which you have to submit a new form and pay the fees again. The system does show the appointment date before confirming the same with you.

  • Manish Singh

    Hi Manish, I am trying to get tatkal appointment to renew passport for my wife and minor kids. I have completed online form for them. Now query is:
    1. Can I walkin PSK with printout of the application as I am not getting online appointment since last 2 days in Delhi PSK?
    2. if somehow I get tatkal appointment successfully for my wife can we walk-in with kids also or I have to take separate appointment for kids? Kids are Minor and I want to process it under Tatkal request for everyone.

    Thanks in advance!
    Manish Singh(same name 🙂 )

  • yash

    hi manish,,,,i am planning to apply for passport for my entire family and wish to get it asap. currently,my brother is having his examinations for CA final. Hence, he will be available only after 9june. i wish to go to the psk together with the family(i want to avoid that my sister goes today, my brother tomorrow, my parents some other day). So, if i apply for passport in this week and schedule for an appointment, what date will i get the appointment? Basically, what is the waiting time for the appointment? if i want to get an appointment for 10th june, when should i apply for the passport? i dont want all those cancellations and rescheduling stuff.

    • manish

      Hi Yash,
      Greetings! Unfortunately the passport website does not allow family appointments. If you try to book appointments for all family members at the same time (on multiple computers, browsers, internet connection) then there is a small possibility of getting all appointments for the same day. The date of appointment depends on the next available slot. This changes from one PSK to another. It could be few days to few weeks. The system shows appointment date before confirming so you can attempt multiple times before confirming the appointment.

  • Mir

    Dear Mr.Manish;
    I have applied for tatkal passport on 05.05.14 & my ANR no-1x-10xxxxxx05.

    Every day i have try for schedule appointment but every time showing please try after same time.

    Kindly help me.
    My requirement is very urgent.

    • manish

      Hi Mir,
      Greetings! If you get the message “Please try after some time”, then it is recommended to try again after 5-10 minutes. Do this for next 30-60 minutes until the message changes to “No appointment slots are available…”


    Hi Manish,

    I have generated ARN for parents.
    Can eligible candidate go for LUCKNOW PSK under Walk -with-ARN directly ,for a note-We didn’t submit any e-payment till date ?
    Is this possible that ,during PSK meeting ,payment of TATKAAL 3500 be paid.

    I am outside India.Tried to contact helpline but failed.

    Can you pl help me urgently .It will be very helpful

  • karishma

    Hello Mr. Manish,
    I have applied for tatkaal passport in lucknow psk but i am unable to book an appointment.
    i logged in exactly at 7pm and tried till 7:30 but everytime it displayed the same message as below-

    No appointments are opened for the selected Passport Seva Kendra (PSK).

    kindly help

    • manish

      Hi Karishma,
      Greetings! Does the message also mentions the date on which to try again for appointment? If so, then it is recommended to wait until that date and try again at the time slot for your PSK.

      • karishma

        Thank you for your reply.
        There was No mention about the date and time.
        Actually i uploaded the form about 1 month back and people are saying that your form is expired.
        Is it so?

  • Bala

    Hi Manish,
    I am trying to book appointment under tatkal category in Chennai and I got the same message many number of times. I created the account just today. Is that because of that ?
    “No Tatkaal appointments are available for the selected Passport Seva Kendra (PSK). Please try scheduling an appointment later on 24/05/2014 02:30 PM onwards, or go to View Saved/Submitted Applications page to schedule your appointment under Normal quota.”

    • manish

      Hi Bala,
      Greetings! You should try scheduling the appointment on May 24th at 2:30PM as mentioned in the error message.

      • gnanavelu

        we are on the same boat:) i am almost decided not to go for a tatkaal, as it requires more documentation and my parents are old i don’t want them to go many places to get this stuff done…. as well based on recent reports the normal scheme itself gets the passport on an average of 14-21 days. hopefully that is the case with chennai PSK. i need to have my parents passport before end of june… suggestions welcome

  • Santosh

    Hi Manish
    Thanks for your useful tips

    I have applied PP for both my wife and minor daughter and have an urgency to go by Tatkal..
    The address on both application is one but address on my passport is of different city.
    I have my spouse name endorsed on my PP.
    Will they accept it or they will look for address matching (spouse PP address and application address?

    Also for online appointment, you have advised to open two sessions on different browsers.
    So will it surely work; ie., one for my wife and another for the kid both from *same* account?
    If not what do you suggest?
    Kindly answer as soon as you can. Thanks in advance.

  • gnanavelu

    Is it mandatory to have supporting documents uploaded? they are asking to have self attested documents to be uploaded which is kind of too much

  • Daniel

    Hi Manish,

    Greatly appreciate your act of helping people answering their questions!!!

    I have uploaded application under Normal Quota for my daughter who is 3yrs old and got the appointment date on 02/07/2014 and I instantly accepted and made the payment.

    Now I realized that 02/07/2014 is too far and I cannot wait for so long.
    Is there any chance of directly Walk-in since she is a minor or change the application to Tatkal.

    Could you please let me know.


  • Robin

    Thanks Manish for wonderful blog, You are doing service better than our Govt should do.

    I have filed the online application for my father to re-ssue the passport because the no. of pages were exhausted.
    I want to get under tatkaal category

    1. Is this still true that i can go to PSK directly if want tatkaal passport, as per today date

    2. When i click on pay online and book appoitmnet and i select the PSK then i get the error

    “No appointment slot availabale for this PSK”

    it don’t specify any date time. what should i do

    • manish

      Hi Robin
      Greetings! Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately tatkal applicants can no longer visit the PSK without a valid appointment. For Tatkal, then slots open up 2-3 days in advance only. Check the time slot for your city and try booking the appointment at the start of the time slot. If a slot is available, the system will show you the date.

  • Tirth Laskar

    Thank you so much !!!
    I did exactly as you said and my appointment got fixed! 🙂

    If its not much trouble, can you tell me what are the necessary documents I should take on the day of appointment? Plz reply ASAP

    • manish

      Hi Tirth,
      Greetings! Glad to know that you were able to secure an appointment. For list of documents check the document advisor tool on passport website. Carry as many documents from the list as possible even if the tool recommends only a certain number of documents are necessary.


    SIR I AM TRYING TO TAKE APPOINTMENT FROM LAST4 DAYS BUT CANT ABLE TO GET..JUST APPEAR MESSAGE,,No appointments are opened for the selected Passport Seva Kendra (PSK)….SIR PLS HELP ME….

  • monty

    I have applied for tatkaal for reissuing of passport. The problem i am facing is that i don’t know any gazetted officer to fill Annexure ‘f’ ,i.e. verification certificate for me. Though I have all the required documents. what should i do ?

  • pranav

    I had booked an appointment online under Tatkaal a month back but was not given a token at the PSK as I did not have Annexure F which they said was mandatory and also told me that I could reschedule an appointment without having to pay the fees again..I have obtained Annexure F but on the portal under the ‘View submitted applications’ option the link for scheduling an appointment is not opening…Please advise me?

    • manish

      Hi Pranav, check with PSK helpline to reschedule the appointment. If a file number has already been generated you may not be able to take appointment online and am have to visit PSK or RPO to get an appointment.

    • manish

      You can’t choose the date but before appointment is confirmed the date is displayed on the screen. Only after you conform the date is the appointment confirmed.

  • Smita D

    Hey Hi Manish,
    I’m applying for online payment & appointment for PSK nashik but all time this message received – Earliest appointment availability date is as per pool of normal appointment quota. However appointments against cancellation may become available prior to the displayed date.
    Please let me know what does mean?
    Smita D.

    • Jignasha Solanki

      Hi Smita
      I am Jignasha Solanki from surat. Even I came across the same problem as urs. Have u found any way out of it or have you tried any approach please let me know.
      If U find any solution for it, let me know it will be kind of urs.

  • Jignasha Solanki

    Hi Manish
    Even I’m getting the same note as Smita D above to me “Earliest appointment availability date is as per pool of normal appointment quota. However appointments against cancellation may become available prior to the displayed date.”

    My account was closed & due to birth certificate prob. i was told to rectify and reschedule the appointment but I dont find reschedule option in my account which I again activated by clicking on link which was send to me first time…

    Could U please if any solution for this…

  • Ritesh

    Hi Manish,

    I am not able to pay fees online for passport reissue under tatkal scheme. The page always expire.
    Can we walk down directly to passport office and submit the fees there and get an appointment.
    I need to get this done urgently. Is there a possibility ?

  • Rahul

    A lot has changed and may be you should update your blog! Nonetheless, a ton of thanks for capturing it – it helped me immensely.

  • Rahul

    Oops, I noticed the updates at the bottom, now. May be you should just moderate out my comments. Also you could move the updates to the top!

  • Rahul

    One more addition. The passport website is only IE friendly – few link buttons just don’t show up in Firefox and Chrome. Also few pages behave weird in non-IE browsers. Further online payment is taxed if non-SBI bank or credit card is used. For debit card 12INR and credit card 25INR surcharge is levied … so much to level playing field!

  • sirish

    hi sir,
    i’ve got appointment successfully.
    can you tell me which doc’s are required for verification (fresh normal passport)..?
    thanks in advance

  • Som

    Hi Manish,
    Thanks for this blog. I have few queries regarding Tatkal applications;
    I understand that, now we cannot go to PSK without prior appointment even for Tatkal.

    I have applied for Tatkal application for my wife and son(two years old). As online portal directed, I have booked appointment against normal quota which is on 28/08 which is too far for my current situation.
    What is the better way to get appointment in Tatkal?
    Rescheduling is not working out as the system is saying we have to try after 26th Jul 6.00 PM. Please advice.

    • Shrikant

      Even my condition is same.In Tatkal everyday it is saying,Unable to process request,Try after some time.
      Normal is showing dates after 19 Sep 14
      What to do ?

    • manish

      Hi Som,
      Greetings! You will have to try rescheduling the appointment under tatkal at the date and time mentioned on the portal.

  • Ashish

    Hi Manish
    I was not knowing that we can upload form only thrice and was not clear on all steps. By mistake I have uploaded three forms and all are ticked under tatkal. I was to go on official tour, but now it is dropped. I want to know that can I submit the same form (With tatkal clicked) for normal appointment. If not can I remove the uploaded forms with new, if yes what is the procedure.
    Please advice.

  • Sripriya

    Hi Manish, I had cancelled appointment once and rescheduled one time. Unfortunately I have to cancel / reshedule for the third time but getting ‘maximum number of reshedule appointment is crossed’. Do I have to resubmit my form after the third appointment is automatically cancelled as I won’t be able to make it on that day. Please confirm so that I can either fill in fresh form or resubmit the form.

    • manish

      Hi Sripriya,
      Yes you will have to pay the fee again to schedule new appointment. You can also visit RPO and explain your situation. If appointment cancelation reason seem genuine enough to RPO they may give you one more appointment without imposing the second application fee.

      • AHMAD

        You can also visit RPO and explain your situation. If appointment cancelation reason seem genuine enough to RPO they may give you one more appointment without imposing the second application fee.


  • Ram

    I have payed the required amount and got an ARN number too and my payment status is successful, but i didn’t get appointment, please let me know how to book an appointment?

  • karuna nidhan

    Hey While trying for appointment after entering Captcha on clicking on Next button i am getting error as”Unable to process the request. Please try after some time.”.

    Request you to kindly help me out with solution which will help me get my appointment.

  • karuna nidhan

    I did that..but after 10-15 minutes it says that appointment for that particular date is over ,try next day..???

  • Kunal Mishra

    sir every time a message appeared that no appointment opened at psk when i choose the schedule appointment
    what can i do now ? plz help ………

  • Aditya Chakraborty

    Hi Manish…I’ve created my account for Tathkal scheme but the big problem arises is the ANNEXURE F…nobody is willing to validate it…but I want my passport within NOV 25..What to do? Please help??

    • manish

      Hi Aditya,
      You will need annexure F for a fresh passport under tatkal. Other option is to apply under normal and get the police verification expedited at local and CB office. Once police report is sent to RPO, you should visit RPO and get your application converted to tatkal by paying the additional fees. You will then receive your passport in 2-3 days.

  • Kiran

    Dear Manish! Thanks for wonderful service.
    I have question about my son’s (11yrs) passport. His passport needs to be renewed. I am already in US and would like to know if he can get the passport renewed under Tatkaal in Chennai PSK. Annexure F and I are important for minor renewal passport too? Chennai RPO can issue Tatkaal appointment?

    Thanks once again.

    • manish

      Dear Kiran. Greetings! Your sons passport can be renewed from chennai PSK if he is a resident of chennai. Your physical presence is not required if your spouse can be present with your son during the application process. Both parents will have to sign a relevant annexure and make sure to submit copy of parents passports with spouse name endorsed. Reissue under tatkal will be done without police verification of these documents are found to be in order. If spouse name on your passport is not endorsed, get that done first before applying for son’s passport.

      • Kiran

        Hi Manish. Thanks for the reply. Yes we have address proofs in Chennai. I would like to ask what additional documents are required for Taktal passport? Incase if we dont get a document, can we walkin to Chennai RPO to get an appointment? Annexure F and I required for this case?

        • manish

          Hi Kiran,
          Best to check document advisor tool on passport website for accurate list of documents for your specific case. Tatkal passport requires a prior appointment at PSK. You can’t walk in to the PSK directly. No need to visit the RPO as passports are no longer issued at RPOs.

  • Mamta Singh

    Sir I confirmed an appointment but by mistake appointment status was filled as tatkaal and I want to get it normal.and on the day I visited the psc there was descpency in my documents too.pls tell me if I will HV to take another appointment and how can I correct the status.

  • Gaurav

    HI Manish,

    Its really a nice blog.
    Could you please reply to my following query :

    I am trying to apply for passport of my child(minor) under tatkal scheme.I have submitted application online .I was trying to book appointment,but through your blog i came to know that appointment is not required in tatkal case,but still website is designed in such a way that I have to go through appointment step to make online payment.
    I dont want to go for challan payment as it will take 2-3 days.

    Whenever I am trying to get appoinment ,I am getting error message “No appointments are opened for the selected Passport Seva Kendra (PSK).”.It does not even tell at which date time appointments are available,so that I could have tried at that time.There were three PSKS available in my case.I tried for all three ,but am getting same error message.I am totally stuck.Could you please suggest.

    Thanks in advacne.

  • Gaurav


    I resolved my problem by selecting normal instead of tatkal while booking appointment,that way system showed appointment dates and I could book successfuly.

    So conclusion in this case is even if you are applying for tatkal passport,you need to select normal only while booking appointment,then system will ask you to pay fee as per normal case and rest of the fee will be charged at PSK in cash.


  • naresh

    Hi Manish,
    I am trying to book appointment for re-Issue (to change address and Spouse name), But everyday i am getting the error unable to process. Is there any other way to book an tatkal appointment.


  • Ajit

    Friends ,
    I was very relaxed with a assumption that I can walking Tatkal passport . Now it seems walkin is not allowed.
    So how exactly this tatkal scheme works ?
    I have already created ARN online , but getting appointment at Thane seems difficult . I would like to know can I book appointment at Nashil PSK?

  • rahul wadhawan

    i get the appointment place and everything but when i try to book the appoinment and pay thorugh other debit cards and then fill in the DOB and phone no. and proceed the page say “webpage not available” i have tried many times what to do!

  • Sudhir Panwar

    i applied for passport last year in sept. after i had paid money i fixed appointment but due to sack of documents i couldn’t make appointments after exceeded 2 chance. now i got a letter from passport office those are telling me to reschedule appoinment before expiry date so what can i do???? plz reply asap

    • manish

      Hi Sudhir,
      Since you have paid the application fee, your application is valid for 1 year. You can visit the RPO and schedule an appointment. In case you do not complete the application process within 1 year, your application fee will lapse and you will have to go through the entire process (including fee payment) again.

  • Sudhir Panwar

    sorry manish, i didnt get you. Will i need to go Passport office because on website i cannot schedule appointment because of crossing the limit of. and if i go what time i should go????

    • manish

      Hi Sudhir,
      Yes you will have to visit RPO on a weekday preferably Tuesday to Friday before lunch. Best to check with your local RPO.

  • shilpi

    I m scheduling appointment for the 4th time,it shows error maximum number of attempts exceeded for reschedule/cancel appointment. passport. plz help,i want to schedule appointment for my parents.

  • Shashikumar

    Hi manish,
    I have applied for passport through online and submitted that time oly. And it had generated a form like bank challan. So I have a question can I pay the fee in the passport seva kendra directly or should I pay the fee in bank and take a voucher?
    And one more thing s if I failed to reach the office or go to the passport seva kendra, still how many appointments I can get to go to office?
    Can u pls suggest me for the above questions.?

  • rajan

    HI i have already done with my paasport payment but I got the error message is “Your payment has been done
    successfully. However, appointment could not be booked due to transaction timeout. Please click the ‘Schedule Appointment’ link to book an appointment.” Please some one help me to fix appointment … this is my mail id

  • Aditya

    Hi Manish,

    I filled up the form online and submitted. Now when I am clicking on pay and schedule appointment, it shows a message “An active appointment already exists for the provided user details. Please cancel the earlier booked appointment before scheduling a new appointment.” I have not booked any appointment earlier and I have not paid earlier either, though I had tried applying but with different log in id. I called up the helpline and they seem helpless.

    Plz help me through.

    • manish

      Hi Aditya

      If you have an active appointment, please cancel the same before rescheduling the appointment. If this is not the case, then it may be a system error and only Passport helpline can look into this issue. If you have an old login, try checking the appointment under that login as well.

  • mihir

    Hi manish

    I had a quary
    My wife applied for her passport and she got the same in the month of April…how ever the police verification was not done for her….however she got a police verification on 5th sep….and the police guy said even if you get your passport u can not us if verification not done….we have complete d the same veryvnext day and know we are going out of India…just want know how to check is the passport still valid or not….pls advice its very urgent as I need to buy tickets for the same………pls help….urgently….. Thanks in advance

    • manish

      Hi Mihir,
      The policeman is wrong. Once you get your passport it is valid for travel unless it is revoked by passport office. This is true even if police verification is pending. If you have completed your verification with police then there is no need to worry.

      • mihir

        One more query Manish
        Where is the file no mentioned as I just tried to check on police verfication website… say no details found pls call 1090….

        • manish

          Hi Mihir,
          The file number is mentioned on the receipt that you received from Passport office. Don’t confuse letter O with the number 0 (zero) in the file number.

  • Maria

    Hi Mr. Manish. I have filled in the online form for passport renewal and submitted the form. Unfortunately I realised that there was a typo and I have incorrectly entered the the last digit of my old passport. Now that the form is submitted and I have made the payment, can I go to the PSK and explain and get this corrected? Please advise.

    • mihir


      I don’t have that slip as we received the passport my wife had discard that slip….where can I find that no…is the same mentioned on passport …in that case it say no record found on the police website….

    • manish

      Hi Maria,
      Greetings! You can get changes done in your application at the PSK at the time of your appointment. Just mention the same to the person at the token counter as well as to the person on Counter A where they scan your documents and take biometric data.

  • mihir

    Thanks a lot Manish

    Just got a msg from passport office, your passport verification is done and report is submitted as clear, kindly approach RPO Mumbai..Mumbai police….

    What is RPO

  • Prithish Ray

    Great post Manish! It was very useful for my re-issue application appointment today. Thanks!

    There is a strategy for getting an appointment slot that I’d like to share from my experience. Out of the 100 odd people trying to get a tatkal appointment online some unlucky soul is bound to goof up at some point in the process and free up a slot for a few seconds. This was the window of opportunity I counted upon. I repeatedly tried to book a slot from about 3:35pm till about 3:50pm and with some luck I got in. It’s a tedious process and there is no guarantee of success. But it just might work for someone else as well!

  • sam

    hi manish,
    im a minor (within 5 months i will be a major) and im in need of an urgent passport so a as to give my sat exam but i tried passport website and it showed that im not eligible for tatkal so i applied for a normal passport. so how long will it take to get my passport and ya we changed our address 2 years ago so is there going to be any police verification? can i get it in a month

    • sam

      oh ya im sorry i forgot to mention in above statement can i change my normal passport to tatkall one. will i be permitted to do that at psk

  • Velmurugan

    Hi Mr. Manish,

    Thanks for your inputs. I have tried a week for tatkal. Once i have read your post, with in one day i got my tatkal is helpful for every one who are trying to get tatkal appointment. Thanks a lot.



  • Garima

    Dear manish , thanks for the info .
    just wanted to know can i directly walk into the psk after making payment in normal category?
    do i need to have a specific reason to apply in tatkal quota?

  • garima

    Dear Manish ,
    Hope this walkin in lko PSK would help me and solve lot of my troubles.
    Thanks for the valuable information that you have provided !! 🙂

  • bharath

    i have filled the online application and paid the fee online yesterday night but i decide not received any slot till now..can you plzz explain me problem

  • poonam Bhardwaj

    Hi manish
    I have a very very unique problem. I applied for new passport with a changed name in tatkaal.
    At my appointment almost all was finished but at the last counter when he checked my last passport online to cancel. He found that on my passport number my details but someone’s else picture. I am 24 f nd the picture was appearing of some 60- 70 old m. Of course it was the problem at there back end I.e. when they issued me da passport in 2009 then this mistake was made by mistake by their dept.
    Now my problem is dat I need my new passport urgently. What should I do now. I am stuck. Can u tell me that this is a long process or will take less time……
    Plz help me.

  • Sree

    Hi,I have an appointment ( with in 2 days) for fresh passport under normal quota.I have paid the fee online for the passport under normal category.Is it possible to convert it in to tatkal now ? Or When i go to PSK under normal appointment quota,is it possible to pay additional fee and submit tatkal documents ? Please do let me know.It would be a great help.Thanks in advance.

  • Santosh

    Hi Manish,

    Your post is very helpful.

    I just wanted to know that I had applied for online passport (tatkal) and got an appointment but due to incomplete documents my application got rejected TWICE.

    Should I need to pay fees again for booking an appointment or can book on earlier fees. (It is already more then 10 days my application got rejected).

  • Dinesh

    Hi Manish,

    Your blog is invaluable to people who are baulked by enormity of how such departments run. Even though the new systems is way simpler to how it used to be, there are still gaps that the public would never know. Your blog does become invaluable in such situations.

    I have a doubt myself. Wanted a passport reissued in tatkaal, however, my address is changed from the last time around. I submitted the form online and then read somewhere that Tatkaal cannot be the way forward if you have an address change too.

    But now that I have submitted for tatkaal, do you think there is way out?

    Thank you.


    • manish

      Hi Dinesh
      Greetings! Thanks for your feedback.
      I know of people who have applied for a tatkal reissue of passport with address change. Your police verification will be carried out after you receive your passport. So long as you clear the police verification, there shouldn’t be any problem. Only in very specific cases a tatkal passport may be denied under reissue (last police verification is not clear, criminal record, resident of certain states, not a citizen of India by birth etc). Hope this helps.

  • venkatesh

    HI Manish, I could not attend the passport office on the appointment date 11th march 2014 due to travelling; Now can I take a fresh appointment on the same fee paid or should I make a fresh application and seek appointment again?

    • manish

      Hi Venkatesh,
      Greetings! Appointments can be rescheduled upto 2 times without paying any additional fee. However whether this can be done after the appointment date has lapsed is something I am not sure. Did you cancel the appointment or just let it lapse? If you cancelled, then you should be able to take another appointment without payment provided you haven’t already rescheduled it twice. If you just let it lapse, then you may try logging into the website and book an appointment on existing application, if it doesn’t ask for payment then you got lucky!




    • Husna Husna

      Hii sir yesterday im com and gone but the passport officer are reject my aplication . my native place vellore beside and my permanent address also vellore resently i joined to work in chennai . (3 weeks ago) the passport officer are asked me r u working or unemployed ? So im say yaah im working in chennai so they are asking present address . so i ask my H.R they are not give a any proof so what ill i do

      • Husna Husna

        Hii im husna,im frm vellore . last saterday im com and gone to saaligramam passport office for my documentary verification . the passport office was asked. What r u doing so im said im working in chennai so they r asking present address my permanent address is vellore. How i get the present address . im resently joined the company how can i get the presen address i joined thr 3 weeks ago 1st month salary also im not get so the passport officers was asking present address bank a/c copy so i ask to my h.r he was not helping plzz tell me what will i do

        • manish

          Dear Husna,

          Sorry to hear about your situation. Unfortunately since you mentioned to the passport officer that you are living in Chennai, then you have to mention that in your passport application as well and arrange for documentary proof as well. Rent agreements, bank statement, letter from company HR (only in case of listed PSU companies) are some of the documents that are accepted by Passport office.

  • Raj

    Hi, Mr manish,
    I am in need of passport in bangalore.As I need early and cannot spend more I am yet to
    decide for which should I apply normal or thatkal.suppose,
    I apply on line for Fresh passport.mentioning as online and get appointment at bangalore.Then I feel I should have applied for it possible to go for
    Or If I mention as thatkal in the fees.try try try to get thatkal appointmet
    and get tired of attempting.Then think of getting normal appointent. is it possible.please having applied for normal then changing to thatkal or having applied to thatkal
    and changing to normal is it possible please suggest.I am afraid that if I mention for thatkal
    And don’t get it and want to go for norma I may not get any and may lose money.


    • sai gowtham

      Hi sir im gowtham i have taken passport appointment 15th of this month and went to PSK but they asked my college bonafied certificate and said to reschedule appointment now i got bonafied when will i get reschedule and how many days it will take….thanq

  • Chitrasen Swain

    Dear manish ji,
    Have a good day i am already deposit passport fee by sbi challan today i did not get any appointment date. i don,t know what is the next step for me . so please confirm me what is the appointment date

  • Chitrasen Swain

    Dear manish ji,
    Please conform my appointment date . I am already paid my fee by sbi challan but i did not get appointment date .Please help me

  • NRL

    Dear Manish, I have completed the application and the appointment process today for reissue of my passport. I had applied under ‘normal’ category. I also got a SMS immediately after the appointment that the passport has been sent for printing. Can you please give me a sense of how much time will it take for me to receive the new passport.

    • manish

      Hi NRL,
      There is no fixed timeline under normal category. Passport printing and dispatch can take anywhere between 3 to 90 days or more. Tatkal passports are given preference for printing. Only after all Tatkal passport for the day are printed and if time/resource permits are normal passports printed.


    hey this is rikita. i wanted to know that what happens if i dnt have my documents ready on the appointment day and i opt to cancel the appointment? can my appointment be reschedule after once i cancel it?? please reply as soon as possible as my appointment day is jst tomorrow’


    Sir My Payment Successfully but my appointment referent receipt not get from passport how to get it Please Help me

  • sagar

    sir i have completed first step and they gave me a slot date but i will be out of station on that day due to other important appointment. plz tell me how can i change the slot date???



  • rohit

    hello, I was just booking appointment, still i got an error saying that, “no appointments are opened for the selected passport seva kendra (psk) , Please try scheduling an appointment from DD/MM/YYYY, 12:00 PM onwards”

    If we are not allowed to chose the preferred date and time, then why are they restricitng us from submitting the form. They can directly assign next necessary slot. not sure how it works.

  • jatin

    Dear Sir,
    Thanks for your valuable inforamation.
    i have submit online application in tatkal quota for minor reissue.
    R u sure i walk to psk ahmedabad for tatkal reissue passport without appointment?
    & how to paid fees? & which document to carry ???

    plz. rep. me.


  • Hasim khan

    Hey this is hasim the problem that i am facing is with the tatkal appointmnet…i submited my form on 28th april and got an appointment on 30th april i visited the psk but due to incompleted documnets my form was rejected bt know when i am trying to book an tatkal appointment They are giving me dates on 27th may….when i got my first appointment it was day aftr tomorow after submiting the form….but know when i submitted today i m getting dates which is too far…..suggest me something so that i can get quick appointments the way i got for the first time.. Plz help its really very urgent

  • Aman Kumar

    hello sir, i filled the application form with wrong details and paid the fees. i want to know if i again fill the application form 2nd time with correct details from the same account, then do i need to PAY the FEES AGAIN?



  • shreya

    hi manish
    i hav filled a form for my 4 year old son ,both of us (parents )are have passports now how to get an appointment for him in approximately how many days will i get his passport plsssssssssssss help

  • Ram

    i have take three time appointment for document submission, but due to document i can not attend the passport office. No it is showing
    Maximum number of attempts exceeded for Reschedule/Cancel appointment.

    how to take online appointment for document submission. or any other way.
    Pls advice.

    • manish

      You have two options. Pay the fee again and take the appointment. Visit the Regional Passport Office, plead with an officer, explain your case. If she is convinced you may get one more opportunity to take an appointment.

  • pankaj

    hi @manish very useful article i have one doubt if i apply today and pay online and i want appointment after 3 month is it possible coz iam from kanpur and i am not in kanpur ill b there after 3 month for 15 days so if i apply now and appointment will be after 3 month is it possibli


    first i scheduled and paper work was incomplete so after attending the appointment they rescheduled the date as per my convenience but the paper work is still incomplete so will they reschedule it again or i should apply for new application REPLY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE

  • Rajesh Jangid

    Thank you Manish Ji. This was really helpful. I was stuck in taking appointment and couldn’t do it. At last I got this page I read all and possibly solved my issues.

  • Vidhi

    “All released appointments are being booked. In case of any booking failure, appointment(s) may get available for booking. Please try again.”

    i HAVE BEEN GETTING THIS error every-time I try to PAY and schedule an appointment. Its been a couple of days. please advice what should i do. On the schedule appointment page after entering the captcha this is the message that keeps coming up.

    Also I need to know whether i have to upload the supporting documents at the time of submission or do i need to carry the same at the day of the appointment.


    • manish

      Hi Vidhi
      Sorry to hear about the situation. There is no trick here and you have to keep trying until an appointment slot opens up. My advice, try checking at different times each day. You need to carry all the original documents along with a self attested copy with you. There is an option to upload the documents but I am not sure if PSK even looks at them.

  • Hitesh

    Hi manish…
    After browsing so many times.. I finally came to good blog.. My querry is i v applied for tatkal 27/08/2014 .. i v gone to passport office.. But burth certificate required.. Is my application form valid for 1 year? Still 1 month left

    • manish

      Hi Hitesh,
      Your application is valid for 1 year from the time of payment. So if one month is still left I would highly recommend that you take an appointment and submit the documents so that the application moves forward.

  • Chirag Pethani

    i already appointment at surat psk but i have to cancel it.its show me a error maximum effor existed like this.
    on another account in which i select ahemdabad psk and i also paid fee but in this account show this error “An active appointment already exists for the provided user details. Please cancel the earlier booked appointment before scheduling a new appointment.”

    so question is this how can i cancel appointment at surat psk? and how can i got appointment at ahemadabad psk?

  • Anshul

    For people applying in Tatkaal category, they need to pay in normal category and get an appointment. They head to the PSK and pay the balance 2000 as cash there. There is no other way. This is tried and tested. You can also find same thing in instructions leading to the payments page in normal category.

  • kiran

    i got rejected b’coz i was not having my birth certificate that man told me that when you will get your birth certificate then only take appoint…………
    i even ask him that i have to pay once again so he said no
    but i don’t understand how to apply for another appointment.

  • Jatin Chadha

    Hello manish, I have a problem regarding the appointment. In the site it states that we have 2 attempts for rescheduling or cancelling. Now By luck I have used both of them and is out of attempts and don’t have an appointment yet. So now how can I book my appointment. Plz help.

  • rozy

    Hello !!!! Problem is occur when i make payment it shows failed or pending,,,, and also can’t click the calender button in d end of filling two * option Dob.? Could u plz tell me how can i make payment successfully?

  • Arun

    I recently applied for a passport renewal. Reason was change in address. Everything went smooth and the passport has already been sent to me. However there is a mistake. The issue date of the old passport is 2/9/2008, but it is entered as 2/8/2008 in the new passport. My mistake as i entered it wrongly during filling the form.
    I called the Passport helpline – 1800-258-1800. They said its a minor change and i need to go to the RPO. They didn’t give me any contact number. I had applied at Herald house, ITO PSK. Now i cannot enter Herald house without an appointment, and there’s no appointment scheduling available online for rectifications. So what to do?

  • saisrinivas

    i completed my money transaction but then the website is made in maintanence such that i didn’t get the availability of slot but my money has been transferred. what will be the next procedure whether i need to apply freshly or my money will be refund to my account.can you give me your comments..

  • Bhavna Sood

    I’m trying to get appointment in Delhi for the renewal of passport of my father, who is 82 year old. I have completed all the online procedure but unable to get an appointment. Can I now change the application to Tatkal so that he can walkin and complete the process?

  • Sonam

    Dear Manish

    I need my passport on urgent basis in Tatkaal.
    I applied in Tatkaal 3 times earlier and due to annexture f i was unable to submit my documents in Tatkaal unfortunately i converted it to normal, now i have all my documents in place.
    Please could you help me n let me know how can i change normal to tatkaal back , while changing it on portal i am getting an error as it was my 4 th time
    Please help

    • DHIREN

      hi manish i paid for appointment but i dint book the time,now i am trying and track my payment but cant do it dont know what to do now

  • Amit

    I have completed all the online procedure but unable to get an appointment. How can I get the appointment? please help me..

  • bharath54444

    sir,i applied for my passport i went to the seva kendra once but due to the problem with my birth certificate they asked me to come again with required documents so i rescheduled my appointment but i missed them i.e; i didnt go.. now my chances for taking appointment online is done now how should i take an appointment please help me please…

  • Priyanka

    Thanks Manish jii, i was really wondering how to get appointment…but suddenly i read your blog…it is really wonderful and very helpful. thanks a lot once again …great blog:)

  • Ankur Gupta

    Hi Manish,
    I belong to Bulandshahr District Uttar Pradesh. But currently I am Living in Pune due to my Job. According to my permanent address my PSK center is Ghaziabad. So please tell me can I take my passport appointment in Pune?

    Simply,I want to ask that Can anyone take appointment at any PSK center in India?

  • vivek

    hi manish, i want to know ,,appointment date for document verifcation is available on “SATURDAY” also… because i have hectic schedule ,,, and one more ..can i apply for passport from other state office? is it mandatory to go own native state?

  • shiv

    sir i applid for passport and they give appointment at 12;30 and that time same day my exam, can i verification is earliar than given time? can you help me please… thank sir

  • varun

    You have been helping people since 3 years. Wow !! Thanks

    I want to book an appointment for a specific date in this month. Is is possible to do after making the payment online and clicking the SUBMIT FORM button ?


    I should keep a watch on ‘Appointment availability’ page which shows the status of available dates at a particular PSK. At present it shows a date which is coming after 6 days. Does it mean I should click the ‘SUBMIT FORM’ button 6 days prior to the date I am seeking ?



  • kartheek gajula

    I applied passport. police verification is cleared. After completed verification police officer asking bonified certificate . offier is saying U didn’t give certificate Other vise I can stop urs passport. Passport was printed. but not dispatched. What’s do Now. im not student. i didnt have bonified certificate
    thanks u

  • Sanjoy Kumar Sinha

    I’m trying to get appointment in Agartala for the fresh issue of passport of my brother. I have completed all the online procedure but unable to get an appointment. how Can I get appoinment. apponment booking started from 3.30 pm whenever I am trying to book appontment at 3.30 pm it shows Currently no appointments are available for the selected Passport Seva Kendra (PSK). Please try scheduling an appointment from 15/04/2016 03:30 PM onwards. Total number of appointments booked today: 45. Please help & suggest.

  • priya7767

    Hi Manish
    Have filled out the form for reissue of passport and will submit it today. I however am not free till the 13th of May, as I am travelling? Can I choose a date for the appointment?

  • satish k bablani

    While the main PASSPORT site gives the statement that senior citizens are entitiled for the walk in at the PSK , I was denied this facility at Shalimar Bagh Delhi PSK saying that it has been withdrawn from Delhi whereas other centers are allowing this facility.

    No mention of this withdrawal is there in Delhi RPO section of the site. Request that site be suitably amended to indicate this or else it is causing harassment to the senior citizens go read the site rules and proceed to visit the PSK.

    The staff at the PSK says they are not able to help as it is no more allowed . This is a very bitter expereince for me . Does anybody has similar experience and what is the solution .

  • Bibhuti Sen

    Hi Manish, I applied and submitted the application form on line for re-issuing my passport (validity till 1.1.2017) with a change in my present address and selected Tatkal options. But now I want to re-issue the same in normal ( cancel Tatkal option). Want your suggestion for the same.

  • yogesh

    I am facing the problem about making payment…..system still showing your payment is pending…..
    Help me…how can I resolve this problem

  • Ashish Mohan

    Hi Manish

    At the outset, I thank you for your great service to all of us who do not understand the complete procedure correctly..

    I have a small query where in my PVR has been sent from local Police Station to SP Office, District Mumbai. And now Mumbai Police website shows the status that outward date is 18th August. However, details like below are blank…

    Is File Received By SB-II From Passport Office:
    Status From Internal Branches: PSR
    Is File Send Back To Regional Passport Office:

    Can you please help me understand the status basis these comments on Mumbai Police site..


  • Iliyas Ahmed Mulla

    Dear Manishji, I need to apply for fresh/re-issue of passports for my entire family(4 applications). How do I make sure that I get appointment for all of them on the same day/in same slot? This is for 2 adults and 2 minors

  • digbijoy

    Sir I am Fed up of I am trying to Book Appointment since 1 month they are showing Appointment is Book for next 2 month. I am Afraid that i cannot Book appointment in any time and i am leaving city in few months. Sir do u know any other way to talk with officials ;/

  • Sam

    Hii manish sir,
    I made online payment with for passport with my Bank of baroda debit card but transaction got failed and payment showing failed and amount got deducted from my bank account. So now what to do ? Is there any hope that i will get refund of my amount?

  • Nikunj

    After completion of the process i couldn’t download the appointment letter because of browser problem. Now what should i do to get appointment letter?

  • ravivarmaraj sykam

    IN PASSPORT SLOAT The link has been expired, Kindly register again with new UserId

    i have entered 6 ids SRINAVEENASATABDHIA2ZSOLUTIONS10 – 15

    how can i get these details please send solution to me sir

  • Shubham Srivastava

    HI ,

    I am proposed to apply for a new passport, I am just moved to Noida and my permanent address is Gorakhpur so where I have to apply in Gorakhpur or Noida if I apply in Gorakhpur PSK then how will police verification done because I am in Noida and I have not any local address proof of here.Please help me how to and where to apply.



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