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November 26, 2006
IE 7 worth upgrading to ?
Recently Microsoft decided to include Internet Explorer 7 in essential Windows XP updates. So I decided to upgrade Internet Explorer on my desktop to latest version. IE 7 looks a lot different from IE 6 in terms of skin, organization of all the buttons, menus etc. With IE 7, Microsoft has introduced the much awaited feature of tabbed browsing.
However the most important thing that I like about IE 7 is that it renders my site correctly. I had raised a issue about CSS rendering of IE 6 in the topic and how it failed to display this website correctly. Looks like Microsoft got the CSS/xHTML parsing fixed :-)
The default search goes to MSN.com, however you can install plugins to search via Google or other popular search engines. Overall I think its worth upgrading from Internet Explorer 6 to Internet Explorer 7.
Posted by manish at November 26, 2006 10:12 PM