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May 09, 2006
Transfering huge cPanel account to new server
The cPanel transfer tool in WHM may fail in transfering large accounts (over 2GB). This is a small article explaining how to transfer a large cPanel account from one server to another. We assume the new server also has cPanel control panel installed and that you have root access on both servers.
1. Login into the old server via Shell as root.
2. Backup the account using the following command
/scripts/pkgacct cPanelUserName
Replace cPanelUserName with actual cPanel username of the account.
3. The script will create cPanelUserName.tar.gz file in the /home directory of the old server.
4. Login into the new server via Shell as root
5. Transfer the cPanelUserName.tar.gz file from old server to the new server using rsync.
rsync -ave ssh old-server-hostname:/home/cPanelUserName.tar.gz /home
Replace old-server-hostname with either the old server Main Ip or the hostname. In the above command we are assuming the tar file to be present under /home directory of the old server.
6. Once the transfer is done, we must unpack and install the file as a new account in the new cPanel server. For this type the following command
/scripts/restorepkg cPanelUserName
Verify that the site is working correctly on the new server.
Posted by manish at May 9, 2006 10:58 AM