December 01, 2004
Winds of change
I was finally able to change the registrar of my domain name and move the site to a new server. I had a long awaited plan to start a blog on my website. However the my previous host didn't allow to me to install any blogging scripts. Now that I have shifted both my registrar and hosting, I would be spending more time updating this website.
I will be changing the template to give it an Indian (aamchi mumbai) look :) My exams are almost over, last paper on 6th december. So I will have about 30 days of holidays before the college reopens. More after I am finished changing the template and customizing the website.
Posted by manish at December 1, 2004 01:13 AM
yay!! A blog script finally!!! MT isn't it??
Keep it up mate and keep posting at least once a week :D
Posted by: shahin at December 2, 2004 10:47 PM
Yes its MT. I liked it coz its very simple to integrate a template into it. My next job is designing one. ;)
Posted by: manish at December 2, 2004 11:21 PM
Posted by: manish at December 7, 2004 07:28 PM